Lorentz invariant CPT breaking in the Dirac equation
If one modifies the Dirac equation in momentum space to [γμpμ−m−Δm(𝜃(p0)−𝜃(−p0))𝜃(p2μ)]ψ(p)=0, the symmetry of positive and negative energy eigenvalues is lifted by m±Δm for a small Δm. The mass degeneracy of the particle and antiparticle is thus lifted in a Lorentz invariant manner since the combinations 𝜃(±p0)𝜃(p2μ) with step functions are manifestly Lorentz invariant. We explain an explicit construction of this CPT breaking term in coordinate space, which is Lorentz invariant but nonlocal at the distance scale of the Planck length. The application of this Lorentz invariant CPT breaking mechanism to the possible mass splitting of the neutrino and antineutrino in the Standard Model is briefly discussed.
Based on a talk given by one of the authors (KF) at Memorial Meeting for Abdus Salam’s 90th Birthday, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, January 25-28, 2016.
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