On Q6 flavor symmetry and the breaking of μ↔τ symmetry
In the simplest version of a Q6 flavored supersymmetric model, we analyze the leptonic masses and mixings in the framework of a soft breaking of the μ↔τ symmetry. This breaking is controlled by the inequality meτ≠meμ in the effective neutrino mass. As a consequence of this breaking, the reactor and atmospheric angles are deviate from 0∘ and 45∘, respectively. Such deviations can be enhanced or suppressed by the CP parities in the Majorana phases, so an analytic study is carried out to remark their importance to constrain the free parameters that accommodate the mixing angles. The normal hierarchy is completely discarded in this model, the inverted hierarchy is less favored than the degenerate one where the reactor and atmospheric angles are in good agreement with the experimental data. Additionally, the model predicts defined regions for the effective neutrino mass decay, the neutrino mass scale and the sum of the neutrino masses in the inverted and degenerate mass spectra. Thus, this model may be testable by future experiments that focus on neutrinoless double beta decay.
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