The mass ratios parametrization
The observed hierarchy in the fermion masses, which imply a set of small mass ratios, is not naturally small regarding ’t Hooft’s criteria. In this work, in a model independent approach, we introduce a set of conditions by which fermion mass ratios become natural. Interestingly, these conditions demand that fermion mixing should be described by the four independent mass ratios of each fermion sector. Application of this set of conditions to the standard theory enables one to understand the mains aspects in quark and lepton mixing. This feature can be taken as a strong evidence for the existence in Nature of a flavor symmetry. Also, for this analysis to work in the lepton sector, neutrino masses should have normal ordering with the lightest neutrino mass satisfying the lower bound, mν1≥(5.0±0.1)MeV, making the approach testable.
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