Non-Wilsonian ultraviolet completion via transseries
We study some of the implications for the perturbative renormalization program when augmented with the Borel–Ecalle resummation. We show the emergence of a new kind of nonperturbative fixed point for the scalar ϕ4 model, representing an ultraviolet self-completion by transseries. We argue that this completion is purely non-Wilsonian and it depends on one arbitrary constant stemming from the transseries solution of the renormalization group equation. On the other hand, if no fixed points are demanded through the adjustment of this arbitrary constant, we end up with an effective theory in which the scalar mass is quadratically-sensitive to the cutoff, even working in dimensional regularization. Complete decoupling of the scalar mass to this energy scale can be used to determine a physical prescription for the Borel–Laplace resummation of the renormalons in nonasymptotically free models. We also comment on possible orthogonal scenarios available in the literature that might play a role when no fixed points exist.
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