The electroweak phase transition can be made first order by extending the Standard Model (SM) Higgs sector with extra scalars. Here, we focus on the strong first-order electroweak phase transition (SFOEWPT) in the Type-II two Higgs doublet models (2HDMs). Through a parameter space scan, we find that SFOEWPT suggests upper limits on the masses of the heavy Higgs mA∕H∕H±mA∕H∕H±, which is less than 1TeV. High-temperature expansion and Higgs vacuum uplifting are used for analytical understanding of our results. We find that sizeable loop corrections require mA≈mH±>mHmA≈mH±>mH to meet the SFOEWPT condition in the Type-II 2HDM. We also study the possibility of probing SFOEWPT at the one-loop level from Higgs and ZZ-pole precision measurements at future Higgs and ZZ factories.
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