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Towards understanding fermion masses and mixings by:0 (Source: Crossref)
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    The Standard Model does not constrain the form of the Yukawa matrices and thus the origin of fermion mass hierarchies and mixing pattern remains puzzling. On the other hand, there are intriguing relations between the quark masses and their weak mixing angles, such as the well-known relationship tanθC=md/ms for the Cabibbo angle, which may point towards specific textures of Yukawa matrices hypothesized by Harald Fritzsch at the end of the 70s. Though the original ansatz of Fritzsch is excluded by the experimental data, one can consider its minimal modification which consists in introducing an asymmetry between the 23 and 32 entries in the down-quark Yukawa matrix. We show that this structure is perfectly compatible with the present precision data on quark masses and CKM mixing matrix, and theoretically it can be obtained in the context of SU(5) model with inter-family SU(3)H symmetry. We also discuss some alternative approaches which could give a natural description of the fermion mass spectrum and weak mixing pattern.

    1. Introduction

    The replication of fermion families is one of the main puzzles of particle physics. Three fermion families are in identical representations of the Standard Model (SM) gauge symmetry SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1). The left-handed (LH) quarks qLi=(uL,dL)i and leptons Li=(νL,eL)i transform as weak doublets while right-handed (RH) ones uRi,dRi,eRi are weak singlets, i=1,2,3 being the family index. The SM contains the unique order parameter – vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the Higgs doublet ϕ, ϕ0=vw=174GeV, which spontaneously breaks the electroweak symmetry SU(2)×U(1). It determines the mass scale of the weak bosons W±,Z as well as fermion masses which emerge via the Yukawa couplings

    where Ye,u,d are the Yukawa coupling matrices, and ˜ϕ=iτ2ϕ*. Here we use, instead of the RH fermion fields, their complex conjugates as ucL=C¯uRT (anti-fields) and omit in the following the subscript L for q, uc, dc etc., all being the LH Weyl spinors.a The Yukawa couplings (1), after substituting the Higgs VEV vw, induce the fermion mass matrices Mf=Yfvw (f=u,d,e) which are generically non-diagonal. They can be brought to the diagonal form (i.e. to the mass eigenstate basis) via bi-unitary transformations :
    so that the quark masses mu,mc,mt and md,ms,mb are the eigenvalues of the mass matrices Mu and Md, as the charged lepton masses me,mμ,mτ are the eigenvalues of Me (we shall not discuss the neutrino masses in this paper).

    In the SM context, the matrices Uu,d which rotate the RH fermions have no physical meaning while the “left” ones Vu,d give rise to the mixing in the quark charged currents coupled to weak W± bosons. This mixing is described by the unitary Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) VCKM1,2 :

    By rotating away the irrelevant phases, the unitary matrix VCKM can be conveniently parameterized in terms of four parameters, three mixing angles and a CP-violating phase.2 In the standard parameterization adopted by Particle Data Group (PDG),3 the angles are chosen as θ12, θ23, θ13, and the CKM matrix reads
    where sij=sinθij, cij=cosθij and θij are chosen so that sij,cij0. As a measure of CP violation, the rephasing-invariant quantity Jm,nϵikmϵjln=Im[VijVklV*ilV*kj] (the Jarlskog invariant)4 in the standard parameterization reads :

    The SM has a remarkable feature: the natural flavor conservation in neutral currents, namely in the fermion couplings with the Higgs and Z bosons.5,6,7 However, it contains no theoretical input that could explain the fermion mass spectrum and the weak mixing pattern. In a sense, the SM is technically natural since it can tolerate any pattern of the Yukawa matrices Yu,d,e but it can tell nothing on the origin of the strong hierarchies between their eigenvalues as well as of the nearly aligned structures of the matrices Yu and Yd. This remains true also in the context of supersymmetric and/or grand unification theories (GUTs). So, the origin of the fermion mass and mixing pattern remains a mystery.

    Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. The running masses of quarks and leptons, normalized at the electroweak scale μ=vw.

    The quark and lepton mass spectrum, schematically shown on Fig. 1, exhibits a strong inter-family hierarchy. The mass hierarchy between the third and first families is mb/md103 for the down quarks, and yet stronger for the up quarks, mt/mu105. Expressed in terms of the small parameters md/ms=ϵd, ms/mb=ϵs etc., these hierarchies approximately look as :

    In a whole, these hierarchies do not exhibit any notable regularities, but only feature some order of magnitude connections. Namely, by comparing the up and down quarks, we see that ϵsϵd while ϵu,ϵcϵ2d. In other words, the up quark masses scale approximately as squares of down quark masses. Comparing with leptons, we see that ϵμϵd while ϵeϵc.

    As for the CKM matrix, the quark mixing angles are small (unlike the case of neutrino mixing). Within the experimental uncertainties,3 they exhibit the following pattern

    in terms of the small parameter λ1/20 (which is incidentally related as λ2ϵd with the mass ratio ϵd=md/ms in Eq. (6)), and the order one numerical factor a0.8. Then for the Jarlskog invariant one has J2a2λ7sinδ3.5×105sinδ which means that the smallness of observed CP-violation is originated from the small mixing angles rather than from a small CP-phase δ, and in fact sinδ1.

    2. Fritzsch Hypothesis

    It is tempting to think that the fermion flavour structure is connected to some underlying theory which determines the pattern of the Yukawa matrices with a predictive power, and in particular that the well-known formula for the Cabibbo angle Vus=md/ms is not accidental. Such relations between the fermion masses and mixing angles can be obtained by considering Yukawa matrix textures with reduced number of free parameters, and in particular, by assuming that certain elements in the fermion mass matrices are vanishing by some symmetry reasons. This zero-texture approach was originally thought to calculate the Cabibbo angle in the two-family framework,8,9,10 in fact before the discovery of b and t quarks. In the frame of six quarks, this picture was extended by Harald Fritzsch11,12 who suggested the following texture for the mass matrices :

    where the non-zero elements are generically complex, with the symmetricity condition |Mu,dij|=|Mu,dji| which is motivated in the context of left–right symmetric models.b

    By rotating the phases of upper quarks: uckeiαkuck and ukeiαkuk, and similarly for down quarks, the complex phases in matrices (8) can be removed and the non-zero entries can be rendered real. Namely, the matrices (8) can be parameterized as Mu,d=Fu,d˜Mu,dF*u,d, where Fu=diag(eiα1,eiα2,eiα2), etc. are the phase transformation matrices, and

    are real symmetric matrices which can be further diagonalized by orthogonal transformations, OTu,d˜Mu,dOu,d=Mdiagu,d. The three real parameters Ad, Bd, Cd can be expressed in terms of the three eigenvalues of ˜Yd, i.e. in terms of the down quark masses md,ms,mb. Namely, one gets approximately, up to small corrections, Cdmb/vw, Bdmsmb/vw and Admdms/vw, and similarly for up quarks and charged leptons (provided that the mass matrix of the latter has a structure similar to (9)). Therefore, we have :
    Hence, the fermion mass hierarchies (6) follow from somewhat milder hierarchies between the input parameters which are the non-zero entries in matrices (9). Notice also the following relation between the down quark and leptons :
    Later on we shall explore its origin in the GUT context.

    The three rotation angles in the orthogonal matrix Od can be expressed in terms of the mass ratios md/ms and ms/mb. Analogously, the three angles in Ou can be expressed in terms of the upper quark mass ratios mu/mc and mc/mt. The CKM matrix (3) is obtained as VCKM=OTuF*uFdOd, where the diagonal matrix F=F*uFd can be parameterized by two phase parameters, F=diag(eiα,eiβ,1). Then, the four physical elements of the CKM matrix, that is the three mixing angles θ12,θ23,θ13 and the CP-phase δ, can be expressed in terms of the four mass ratios, md/ms, ms/mb, mu/mc and mc/mt, and of two unknown phases β and γ=βα. Namely, in the leading approximation one has :

    Besides reproducing the formula for the Cabibbo angle, this texture exhibits a remarkable feature in the light of the interfamily hierarchies mdmsmb and mumcmt. Namely, in the limit Au,d0 the light quarks become massless, mu,d0, but at the same time the first family decouples in the CKM mixing, s12,s130. Next, in the limit Bu,d0 which renders massless the second family, mc,s0, also its mixing with third family disappears, s230.

    Generalizing these properties, Fritzsch suggested that in any kind of realistic flavor models the quark mixing pattern should be intimately related to the interfamily hierarchy. The mixing angles θij should depend on quark mass ratios md/ms, mu/mc, etc. so that the smallness of the former stems from the smallness of the latter. He hypothesized the following analytic properties19:

    • Decoupling hypothesis: in the limit of massless first family vanish, mu,md0, its mixings with the heavier families disappear, i.e. θ12,θ130. At the next step, for the massless second family, ms,mc0, also the 2–3 mixing should disappear, i.e. θ230.

    • Scaling hypothesis: in the limit when up and down quark masses become proportional, mu:mc:mt=md:ms:mb, all mixing angles must vanish: θ12,θ23,θ130.

    While the Fritzsch anstaz (9) has the first property (decoupling hypothesis), in general it does not meet the second one (scaling hypothesis), since the Yukawa matrices Yu and Yd do not necessarily become aligned in the limit Au:Bu:Cu=Ad:Bd:Cd. In fact, in this case we have mu:mc:mt=md:ms:mb but the mixing angles do not generally vanish because of arbitrary phases β and γ.

    However, the original Fritzsch texture for quarks was excluded when the knowledge of quark masses and the CKM parameters became accurate enough.20 Given the present experimental and lattice results on quark masses and CKM elements, there is no parameter space in which the precision data can be reproduced. More concretely, the small enough value of |Vcb| and large enough value of |Vub/Vcb| cannot be achieved for any values of the phase parameters β and γ in (12). A possibility to obtain viable textures is to extend the original Fritzsch texture by replacing one of the zero entries with a non-zero one, e.g. by introducing a non-zero 13 element21 or a non-zero 22 element, as e.g. in Refs. 22 and 23 (for a review of different schemes, see Ref. 24). However, the introduction of new parameters reduces the predictive power, and, in addition, these modifications generically do not satisfy the decoupling feature.

    On the other hand, instead of decreasing the number of zero entries, one can think to break the symmetricity condition. Namely, an asymmetry in the 23 blocks, |Mu,d23||Mu,d32| can be introduced in the mass matrices.25,26,27,28 In other words, one can consider the Yukawa textures of the form

    where the matrices F,F contain only phases and ˜Yf are the real matrices, with xu,d,e being deformation parameters. It is worth noting that such a modification preserves the main properties of the original Fritzsch texture. In particular, it satisfies the decoupling property, and in addition the hierarchy relations (10) still remain valid.

    As it was shown in a recent analysis of Ref. 29, such a texture is perfectly compatible with the observed pattern of the CKM matrix. Namely, all defects of the original texture can be corrected at once provided that the upper quark matrix exactly has a ‘symmetric’ Fritzsch texture, that is xu=1, and only the down quark matrix is deformed by a factor xd=3 or so. In fact, such a modification leads to the correct values of the CKM mixing angles as well as CP-violating phase, as the functions of the fermion mass ratios and of the two phase factors.29

    In next section we describe how the Fritzsch texture can be obtained within the context of the inter-family gauge group SU(3)H, and how it can be minimally deformed in the 2–3 blocks by using a scalar field in adjoint (octet) representation of SU(3)H. In Sec. 4 we analyse predictions of Fritzsch textures in light of the present high precision determinations of quark masses and CKM matrix elements, and show that this flavour structure predicts the mixing angles and the CP-violating phase in perfect agreement with the experimental results.

    3. Fritzsch-Like Textures from Horizontal Symmetry SU(3)H

    The key for understanding the replication of families, fermion mass hierarchy and mixing pattern may lie in symmetry principles. For example, one can assign to the fermion species different charges of an abelian global flavor symmetry U(1).30 There are also models making use of an anomalous gauge symmetry U(1)A to explain the fermion mass hierarchy while also tackling other naturalness issues.31,32,33,34,35 However, it is difficult to obtain the highly predictive quark mass matrices with the texture zeros within this approach.

    One can point to a more complete picture by introducing a non-abelian horizontal gauge symmetry SU(3)H between three families.14,15,16,17,36 This symmetry should have a chiral character, with the LH and RH components of quarks (and leptons) transforming in different representations of the family symmetry. In particular, they can be arranged respectively as the triplet and anti-triplet representations of SU(3)H which in our notations means that LH fermions q, as well as anti-fermions uc,dc,ec are SU(3)H triplets :

    with i=1,2,3 being the family SU(3)H index. Clearly, in this case the fermion direct Yukawa couplings to the Higgs doublet is forbidden by SU(3)H, which means that their masses cannot be induced without the breakdown of the horizontal symmetry. On the contrary, a vector-like SU(3)H, with q,3 and uc,dc,ecˉ3, would allow the Yukawa couplings inducing a degenerate fermion mass spectrum degenerate between three families, without breaking SU(3)H.

    In addition, the vector-like SU(3)H would not allow the grand unified extensions of the SM as SU(5)37 or SO(10)38, while the chiral arrangement (14) is compatible with the GUT structures (see, e.g. Ref. 44 for a review on fermion patterns in GUTs). In particular, in SU(5) each family is represented by the LH spinors in ˉ5 and 10 representations. Thus, in the context of SU(5)×SU(3)H all fermion species in Eq. (14) are embedded in the following representations15,16,17:c

    As for SO(10) GUT, all fermions of one family can be packed into 16-dimensional spinor representation of SO(10), Ψ=(ˉF,T,νc), along with the “right-handed neutrino” νcL=C¯νRT. Hence, in the context of SO(10)×SU(3)H all three families compose the unique multiplet Ψi=(ˉF,T,νc)i(16,3).d With this set of fermions, SU(3)H would have triangle anomalies. For their cancellation one can introduce additional chiral fermions which are SM singlets but nontrivially transform under SU(3)H,14,15,16 and they can be used for the neutrino mass generation.40,41,42 The easiest way to cancel the anomalies, suggested in Ref. 25, is to share the SU(3)H symmetry with a parallel mirror sector of particles having exactly the same physics as ordinary particles (for a review, see e.g. Refs. 43, 44 and 45). In this case SU(3)H anomalies will be cancelled between ordinary fermion species and their mirror counterparts of the opposite chiralities.

    The chiral character of the fermion representations (14) forbids their direct Yukawa couplings with the Higgs doublets ϕ, so that the fermion masses cannot be induced without breaking SU(3)H. As far as the fermion bilinears uciqj, dciqj and ec transform in representations 3×3=6+ˉ3, the fermion masses can be induced only via the higher order operators

    involving some amount n of horizontal scalars χn (coined as flavons) in symmetric (anti-sextets χ{ij}ˉ6) or antisymmetric (triplets χ[ij]=ϵijkχk3) representations of SU(3)H which are gauge singlets of the SM. Here M is some effective scale and the Wilson coefficients C(f)n (f=u,d,e) are generically complex. After inserting the flavon VEVs, operators (16) give rise to the SM Yukawa couplings (1) as Yijf=nC(f)nχijn/M. In a sense, these operators “project” the VEV pattern of the flavon fields χ onto the structure of the Yukawa matrices. In the UV-complete pictures such operators can be induced in a seesaw-like manner, via integrating out some extra heavy scalars16,17 or extra heavy fermions in vector-like representations14,15 living at the mass scale M.

    Interestingly, operators (16) being invariant under the local SU(3)H symmetry by construction, in fact have a larger global symmetry U(3)H=SU(3)H×U(1)H. Namely, they are invariant also under an accidental global chiral U(1)H symmetry, implying the overall phase transformation of fermions (uci,dci,qi)eiω(uci,dci,qi) and flavon scalars χne2iωχn. Hence, all families can become massive only if U(3)H symmetry is fully broken.

    This feature allows to relate the fermion mass hierarchy and mixing pattern with the breaking steps of U(3)H symmetry, with a natural realization of the decoupling hypothesis. When U(3)H breaks down to U(2)H, the fermions of third fermion family get masses while the first two families remain massless and all mixing angles are vanishing. At the next step, when U(2)H breaks down to U(1)H, the second family acquires masses and the CKM mixing angle θ23 can be non-zero, but the first family remains massless (mu,md=0) and unmixed with the heavier fermions (θ12,θ13=0). Only at the last step, when U(1)H is broken, also the first family can acquire masses and its mixing with heavier families can emerge. In this way, the inter-family mass hierarchy can be related to the hierarchy of flavon VEVs inducing the horizontal symmetry breaking U(3)HU(2)HU(1)Hnothing.

    In the last step of this breaking chain, the chiral global U(1)H symmetry can be associated with the Peccei–Quinn symmetry provided that U(1)H is also respected by the Lagrangian of the flavon fields.15,36 This can be achieved by forbidding the trilinear terms between the χ-scalars by means of a discrete symmetry. Thus, in this framework, the Peccei–Quinn symmetry can be considered as an accidental symmetry emerging from the local symmetry SU(3)H. In this case the axion will have non-diagonal couplings between the fermions of different families.14,15,36 Phenomenological and cosmological implications of gauge family symmetry with such flavor-changing axion were discussed in Refs. 4651.

    In scenarios with the horizontal SU(3)H symmetry the Fritzsch textures can be naturally obtained by a suitable choice of the representations and VEV configurations of χ-flavons. As the simplest set, one can take two triplets χ1, χ2, and one anti-sextet χ3, with their VEVs in the following form15 :

    i.e. the VEV of χ3 is given by a symmetric rank-1 matrix which for a convenience can be directed towards the 3rd axis in the SU(3)H space. As for the VEVs of χ1 and χ2, they are respectively parallel and orthogonal to χ3 (so that χ3 can be oriented towards 3rd axis without losing generality; the detailed analysis of the flavon scalar potential is given in Ref. 16). Thus, the total matrix of flavon VEVs has the Fritzsch texture :
    After SU(3)H breaking, the theory reduces to the SM containing one standard Higgs doublet ϕ, and the ‘projective’ operators (16) transfer the Fritzsch-like pattern of the VEV matrix (18) to the Yukawa matrices Yf=nC(f)nχn/M (f=u,d,e), modulo different constants C(u)n, C(d)n and C(e)n in the expansion (16).e ( signs between off-diagonal terms are irrelevant since they can be eliminated by quark phase transformations). Namely, after rotating away the complex phases, the Yukawa matrices acquire the ‘symmetric’ Fritzsch forms ̃Yf as in (9). The inter-family mass hierarchies can be related to a hierarchy in the horizontal symmetry breaking chain U(3)HU(2)HU(1)Hnothing, that is V3V2V1. In particular, the hierarchies (10) between the Yukawa entries can be originated from the hierarchy of the flavon VEVs which can be estimated as

    In the context of SU(5)×SU(3)H theory,15,16,17 with the quarks and leptons in representations (15), one can consider SU(5)-invariant effective operators

    where H is the scalar 5-plet which contains the SM Higgs doublet ϕ. In fact, after SU(5) breaking down to the SM, the last two terms in (16) emerge from the decomposition of the last term in (20). Then, if all flavons χn are SU(5) singlets, the Yukawa constants of down quarks and charged leptons would be identical, Ye=YTd. Though bτ unification is a successful prediction of SU(5), for the first two families this would imply the wrong relations mb:ms:md=mτ:mμ:me, in obvious contradiction with the observed pattern given in Eq. (6). In addition, in the first term of (20) the antisymmetric flavons cannot contribute by symmetry. Hence, one has Au,Bu=0 and so u and c quarks remain massless. However, this shortcoming can be avoided by assuming that some (at least one) of the flavon triplets transforms as 24-plet of SU(5).15 f This can avoid the wrong relation Ye=YTd between the down quark and lepton Yukawas, and also induce the non-zero Au and Bu in Yu.

    Let us turn back to the general case of the SM, with the quark and lepton species in SU(3)H representations (14). In the UV-complete pictures the operators (16) can be induced via renormalizable interactions after integrating out some extra heavy fields, scalars,16,17 or verctor-like fermions14,15 (see also Ref. 36). The latter possibility is more economical and natural, and we shall exploit it in our further considerations.g Namely, one can introduce the following vector-like set of chiral LH fermions of the up- and down-quark type in weak doublet and singlet representations

    Then the matrices of Yukawa couplings Yu,d in Eq. (1) are induced after integrating out these fermion species with large mass terms. Analogously, the charged lepton Yukawa couplings can be induced by using the vector like lepton states, weak singlets Ei3, Eciˉ3 and weak doublets Liˉ3, Lci3. In particular, for the upper quarks this seesaw-like mechanism is illustrated by two diagrams in Fig. 2 while the analogous diagrams will work for the down quarks and leptons. For the heavy vector-like species having SU(3)H invariant masses, this mechanism will induce operators (16) which ‘project’ the Fritzsch-texture (18) of the flavon VEVs on the quark and lepton Yukawa matrices.

    Fig. 2.

    Fig. 2. Seesaw diagrams inducing the Yukawa couplings of upper quarks via exchange of vector-like quarks U,Uc and Q,Qc. Analogous diagrams with ucdc, U,UcD,Dc and ϕ˜ϕ will work for down quarks.

    However, by using the diagrams of Fig. 2, one can also achieve a realistic deformation of the Fritzsch ansatz in the following way. Let us assume that the masses of vector-like fermions (21) are induced by spontaneous symmetry breaking, from the VEVs of some scalars. Their mass terms transform as ˉ3×3=1+8 and so one can introduce the Yukawa couplings of D,Dc fermions

    and analogous couplings of U,Uc and Qc,Q species. with the scalars in singlet and octet representations of SU(3)H, S1 and Φ8. In fact, one can introduce an adjoint scalar Φ of SU(3)H in analogy to the adjoint scalar of SU(5), the 24-plet Σ, which possibility was discussed in Refs. 25 and 27. We also assume that the cross-interaction term of Φ with χ-flavons in the scalar potential aligns the VEV of Φ towards the largest VEV V3 in Eq. (18), i.e. it is proportional to λ8 generator of SU(3)H: Φ=Vdiag(1,1,2), and it breaks SU(3)H symmetry down to SU(2)H×U(1)H. Then masses of heavy species are contributed by singlet and octet VEVs and their mass matrices have diagonal forms, namely MD=gDS+fDΦ=MDdiag(XD,XD,1), and analogously for U and Q species, where generically XU,D,Q1 are complex numbers. In this way, one obtains the Yukawa matrices with the minimally deformed Fitzsch textures Eq. (13), where the ‘asymmetries’ xu,d are introduced between 23 and 32 elements of ˜Yu,d, without changing the amount of zero elements.

    In the case of SU(5)×SU(3)H,15 with ordinary quarks and leptons arranged as in Eq. (15), the vector-like fermions can be introduced in the representations

    which include all vector-like quarks (21) together with lepton states L,Lc and Ec,E.

    In principle, all Yukawa couplings Yu,d,e can be induced by diagrams similar to that of Fig. 2 involving 𝒯,¯𝒯 states, while Yd,e can be contributed also by exchange of ,ˉ states.15 Using these tools, in Ref. 29 the model was built which gives the Yukawa matrices (13) in a particularly constrained form. Namely, the (de-phased) up quark Yukawa is predicted to have a ‘symmetric’ Fritzsch texture, xu=1 :

    while for the down quarks and leptons one has deformed patterns with xd,e1 :
    We shall not describe the model of Ref. 29 in details here, but only briefly mention its key ingredients:


    flavon fields χ1 and χ3 are taken as SU(5) singlets, i.e. χ1(1,3) and χ3(1,ˉ6), while χ2 is taken in a mixed representation χ2(24,3), with the horizontal directions of VEVs as in Eq. (17) and hierarchy (19) between their values. This ‘mixed’ choice of χ2 induces non-zero Bu in Eq. (24). It also introduces SU(5) breaking Clebsch factors in 23 blocks of Eq. (25), so that BdBe, thus avoiding the wrong scaling relation mb:ms:md=mτ:mμ:me between down quark and lepton masses. But SU(5) invariance for the other two entries is kept, i.e. Cd=Ce and Ad=Ae, which in turn implies the successful relation (11).


    heavy 10-plets 𝒯,¯𝒯 get the dominant mass from the Yukawa coupling with a field S which is singlet of SU(5)×SU(3)H, with a subdominant contribution of the SU(5) adjoint Higgs Σ. This explains the smallness of Au/Cu with respect to Ad/Cd (see Eq. (10); in fact, without the latter contribution of Σ, we would have Au=0;


    masses of heavy 5-plets ,ˉ are strongly contributed by the Yukawa couplings with the SU(3)H adjoint scalar Φ which induces the deformation factors xd,e1.

    In the next section we mainly concentrate on the implications of textures (24) and (25) for the quark sector, following the analysis performed in Ref. 29, but having in mind that in the context of grand unification analogous considerations can be extended to leptons.

    4. Deformed Fritzsch Textures: CKM Matrix vs. Quark Mass Ratios

    Let us consider the Yukawa matrices Yu,d having the form (13). They can be brought to the diagonal forms

    via biunitary transformations (2) with the unitary matrices Vu=FuOu and Vd=FdOd, where Fu,d are the diagonal matrices containing phases, and Ou,d are the real orthogonal matrices. In other terms, by phase transformations Fu,dYu,dFu,d with Fu,d=diag(eiαu,d,eiβu,d,eiγu,d) (and similarly Fu,d), the Yukawa matrices Yu,d are brought to the real forms Ỹu,d which can be further diagonalized by bi-orthogonal transformations Ou,dỸu,dOu,d=Yu,ddiag.

    Thus, for the CKM matrix of quark mixing we obtain

    where the matrix F=FuFd without loss of generality can be parameterized by the two phases β̃ and δ̃ while the orthogonal matrices Ou,d can be parametrized as
    with cijd=cosθijd and sijd=sinθijd. Analogously, for up-quarks we have Ou=Ou23Ou13Ou12, as well as for the rotations of right-handed states Ou,d.

    Hence, Ỹd contains four parameters, Ad,Bd,Cd and xd, which determine the three Yukawa eigenvalues yd,s,b and the three rotation angles in Od. Analogously, the four parameters in Ỹu determine the Yukawa eigenvalues yu,c,t and the three angles in Ou. Therefore, we have 10 real parameters Au,d,Bu,d,Cu,d,xu,d and two phases β̃,δ̃ which have to match 10 observables, the 6 Yukawa eigenvalues and 4 independent parameters of the CKM matrix (see Eq. (4)).

    The Yukawa eigenvalues and rotation matrices O and O can be found by considering the “symmetric” squares respectively of the Yukawa matrices ỸfTỸf and ỸfỸfT, f=u,d. In doing so, we obtain the following relations

    where we omit the indices f=u,d and imply Y1,2,3=yu,c,t for the Yukawa eigenvalues of upper quarks and Y1,2,3=yd,s,b for down quarks.

    Having in mind the relations (6), we can use them in the synthetic form yt:yc:yu1:ϵu:ϵu2 and yb:ys:yd1:ϵd:ϵd2, noting that phenomenologically ϵuϵd2. Then, in leading approximation (up to relative corrections of order ϵY2/Y3Y1/Y2) we have26,29 :

    so that Cf:Bf:Af1:ϵf1/2:ϵf3/2. Since the ratios Cd:Bd:AdV3:V2:V1 in fact reflect the hierarchy in the horizontal symmetry breaking (19) (and also taking into account that off-diagonal elements in Yu have additional suppression in the context of SU(5)×SU(3)H model29), this means that the inter-family mass hierarchy can actually be induced by a milder hierarchy between the flavon VEVs. The matrix entries Af, Bf and Cf depend on the deformation xf only at higher orders in ϵf. As regards the rotation matrices, the angles in Eq. (28), up to small corrections of order ϵd, are given by
    The expressions for sd23, sd12 and sd13 are the same with the replacement xdxd1, Analogously, the up quark rotation angles in Ou can be expressed in terms of Yukawa ratios yu/yc and yc/yt. Then, at leading order, for the elements of the CKM matrix we obtain :
    It can be noticed that for fixed values of the asymmetries xd, xu, Vus depends on the phase δ̃ while Vcb only on the phase β̃. It is also worth noting that for xd=1, the contribution of s13d in |Vub| is negligible and the Fritzsch texture implies the prediction |Vub/Vcb|yu/yc. Similar considerations can be inferred for the other off-diagonal elements, with the prediction |Vtd/Vts|yd/ys for xd=1. As regards the complex part of VCKM, we can consider the rephasing-invariant quantity J=Im(Vus*Vcb*VubVcs), the Jarlskog invariant. In our scenario we have

    In the following we are going to test the viability of asymmetric Fritzsch textures given present precision of experimental data on moduli and phases of the mixing elements. The values of the CKM matrix parameters and their uncertainties are given in Table 1.

    Table 1. Independent determinations of the CKM elements, and result of the global fit of four CKM parameters with the constraints implied by the unitarity of VCKM, as reported by PDG.3

    ObservableValueObservableValueParameterGlobal fit value3

    The input values in our analysis are the ratios of the Yukawa eigenvalues. More specifically, we want to reproduce the CKM elements as functions of the Yukawa couplings assuming that the Yu,d acquire the Fritzsch form at some high energy scales of new physics. Thus, we need to consider the evolution of Yukawa matrices according to the renormalization group (RG) equations. For that purpose, first of all we bring the running masses of all quarks to the scale μ=mtvw, using the QCD renormalization factors (see, e.g. in Eq. 55), and determine their ratios (i.e. the Yukawa constant ratios) at this scale. In doing so we obtain :

    In particular, here we used the PDG data on top quark mass and the precision results of the lattice QCD computations for the ratios mb/mc=4.579(9), mb/ms=53.94(12), mc/ms=11.768(34), mu/md=0.477(19) and ms/mud=27.31(10), where mud=(mu+md)/2.3 In particular, from the two latter results we obtain the mass ratios of light quarks, ms/md=ms/mud(mu/md+1)/2 — see Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3. Light quark mass ratios. Black solid lines show the average of the lattice determinations of mu/md; blue lines represent the average of the lattice determinations of the ratio ms/mud, mud=(mu+md)/2; red lines are obtained from the relation Q2=(ms2mud2)/(md2mu2), using lattice determinations of quark mass ratios. We also indicate the phenomenological result Q=22.1(7)56 (dashed magenta) and ‘old’ limit ms/md=17–22 (dashed grey). The black star represents the central value (mu/md,ms/md)=(0.477,20.17).

    The obtained pattern of the quark mass ratios (34) can be compared to that of the lepton masses known with much greater precision: me/mμ=206.768521 and mμ/mτ=16.8171. Then we observe that the following combinations of the down quark and lepton masses coincide with extremely good precision :

    In the context of the Fritzsch-like textures (25) this relation implies Ad/Cd=Ae/Ce which in turn stems from the SU(5) symmetry in the context of SU(5)×SU(3)H model in Ref. [29].

    Now we are going to test the viability of textures (13) when xu=1 but xd1, i.e. when Ỹu has a ‘symmetric’ form (24) while Ỹd is deformed as in (25). In this case we have 9 real parameters Ad,u, Bd,u, Cd,u, β̃, δ̃ and xd, which have to match 10 observables, the 6 Yukawa eigenvalues and the 4 independent parameters of the CKM matrix.

    In our numerical analysis the ratios of quark running masses at μ=mt will be fixed as in Eq. (6). However, we consider that the ‘starting’ scale (i.e. the mass scale of heavy fermions (21)) at which the Yukawa matrices acquire the Fritzsch form (13) can be much larger, say from 103GeV to 1016GeV.h For energy scales μmt, the quark mass ratios are no more given by Eq. (6) since their RG evolution will be influenced by additional contributions from the top Yukawa constant 1. However, we anticipate that these effects are small and the obtained results are practically independent of the choice of the ‘starting’ scale μ.29

    The complete analysis was done in Ref. 29. In Fig. 4 we show its results for a choice xd=3.3 which demonstrates that all CKM parameters can be obtained within their 1σ uncertainties for a proper choice of phases δ̃ and β̃.

    Fig. 4.

    Fig. 4. Predicted parameters vs. their experimental values (horizontal bands). ‘Thick’ bands of prediction curves comprise dependence on starting scale μ=(1031016)GeV.

    For having an insight of how it works, we can use the approximate relations (32) and (31) (though in Ref. 29 the complete analysis was done without any approximation). As it is apparent from Eqs. (32), the element |Vus|=s12 (the Cabibbo angle) is fixed by the phase δ̃ and has no dependence on β̃ in leading approximation. In other words, for the ratios yd/ys and yu/uc fixed as in Eq. (6), δ̃±2π/3 is fixed by the value of s12 as shown in Fig. 4(a). Conversely, |Vcb|=s23 depends only on β̃, and thus, for the given xd, the latter phase is fixed as β̃±π/3 by the value of |Vcb| — see Fig. 4(b). Thus, in fact we have two possible signs for both δ̃ and β̃, but as one can see from other plots on Fig. 4, the correct values of |Vub/Vcb| and J can be obtained only for both phases being on negative side, which in Fig. 4 are indicated by the green and yellow vertical bands respectively for δ̃ and β̃. In fact the effect of the asymmetry parameter xd>1 is that the rotation angle s23d decreases while s13d increases. This causes the prediction of |Vcb| to shift towards lower values and in addition, large s13d originates a dependence of |Vub| on both δ̃ and β̃, and for the ‘negative’ choices of these parameters the value of |Vub/Vcb| intercepts the experimental determination. We also show in Fig. 5 how well the expectations on Vtd and Vts correspond to these phase parameters.

    Fig. 5.

    Fig. 5. Predictions of Vts and Vtd. We also show the wrong predictions of the symmetric Fritzsch texture (orange region).

    Concluding this discussion, we have shown that minimally deformed Fritzsch texture with xu=1 and xd3, successfully predicts all observables of the CKM matrix. The choice of xu=1 can be justified in the context of grand unified picture SU(5)×SU(3)H, but xd remains a free parameter.29 It is tempting to think that xd=3 could also be originated from some more constrained scheme which is perhaps based on a larger GUT. Notice also that the results imply δ̃+β̃π which relation can be originated in the case of spontaneous CP-violation.

    5. Discussion: Variations on the Theme

    The hierarchy between the fermion masses and their weak mixing pattern remains a mystery. One can hope that some new physics beyond the SM can shed a light on these problems. However, a complete theory which could be coined as quantum flavordynamics does not exist yet, and one can discuss some pieces of the puzzle. The approach of zero-textures put forward by Fritzsch11,12 is oriented towards the predictivity which in particular can relate the CKM mixing angles to the fermion mass ratios. Such predictive textures can be obtained within the models with the inter-family ‘horizontal’ symmetries as we described in this paper, but they do not address the origin of mass hierarchies: in fact, the hierarchies between the input parameters as (10) can be related to the hierarchy of the horizontal symmetry breaking as (19), but the latter is in fact introduced at hands. The predictive power of the textures can be enhanced by a clever use of the grand unification theories as SU(5) or SO(10) unifying the fermions of one family. This can provide some successful relations between the quark and lepton masses, such as Eq. (11), but yet the explanation of the inter-family mass hierarchies remains beyond their reach.

    The fermion mass spectrum schematically given in Fig. 1 indeed looks very special. The only fermion with the mass of the order of electroweak scale vw=174GeV is top quark, implying the Yukawa constant yt1. The other Yukawa constants of the 3rd family are two orders of magnitude less, yb,yτ102 which indeed looks puzzling. Certainly, the coincidence of running constants yb(μ)yτ(μ) at the GUT scale μ1016 GeV, so-called bτ unification, is a clear success of SU(5), especially in its supersymmetric version, but the origin of yb,τyt still remains open. The question becomes more insistent in SO(10) theory where t,b and τ are unified in one multiplet, implying the Yukawa unification yτ=yb=yt at the GUT scale, and the only way to obtain the ‘vertical’ splitting in the 3rd family masses, mb,τ102mt, is to introduce the large tanβ at hands. The question is exacerbated by the fact that in the 2nd family the vertical splitting is much less, ms,μ101mc, Paradoxically, under the assumption of large tanβ, this would imply the Yukawa constant yc an order of magnitude smaller than ys,μ that of strange quark, namely ysyμ10yc. This in turn implies yc102yb,τ, in obvious contrast with the mass values of c-quark (2nd family) and b-quark (3rd family) which in fact are of the same order, mcmb,τ (see Fig. 1). Moreover, at the normalization scale μ taken as GUT scale, the masses of the first family become quasi-degenerate: md/mu2 while me/mu1/2, an additional difficulty for large tanβ scenario.

    The overall pattern of fermion mass spectrum can be more naturally understood in the inverse hierarchy approach14 which implies that the fermion mass hierarchies are inversely proportional to the hierarchy of the inter-family symmetry breaking (19). In fact, Fig. 1 shows the following scaling laws for inverse masses :

    and similarly for leptons, with the near degeneracy mdmume points that the Yukawa unification at the GUT scale may take place in the first rather in third family, i.e. yd=yu=ye instead of yb=yt=yτ. This in turn suggests the following pattern for the inverse Yukawa matrices65,66:i
    where ϵf=ϵu,ϵd,ϵe are small parameters and P1,2,3 are symmetric rank-1 matrices with generically complex O(1) elements. Without losing generality, one can take P1=(1,0,0)T(1,0,0), P2=(a,b,0)T(a,b,0) and P3=(x,y,z)T(x,y,z). Therefore, the inverse Yukawa matrices have onion-like structures :
    Such a structure of the Yukawa matrices in frames of SO(10) symmetry was discussed in Refs. 65 and 66. Three fermion families in representations 16i, acquire masses via their seesaw-like mixing with extra vector-like fermions 16i+16¯i while the latter get masses via couplings 16i[χ1ij+(45/M)χ2ij+(45/M)2χ3ij]16¯j. In the above 45 is a scalar in adjoint representation of SO(10) having the VEV MG1016GeV (the GUT scale), M>MG is some large (string?) scale, and χ1,2,3ij are flavon fields in symmetric (sextet) representations of SU(3)H, having the rank-1 VEV configurations in family space (as χ3 in Eq. (17)) disoriented by large angles.66 In this way, after integrating out the heavy fermions, one obtains the quark and lepton Yukawa matrices of the form (37), with rank-1 projectors originated from the flavon VEVs: Pn=χn/M, and with small expansion parameters ϵfMG/M. The VEV 45 produces different Clebsch factors for different fermion species so that generically ϵu, ϵd and ϵe in Eq. (37) have different values. However, SO(10) symmetry implies remarkable relation between the expansion parameters :
    Eigenvalues of (38) reproduce the scaling pattern (36) implying that ϵuϵd1. However, the term a2ϵd in Yd cannot be neglected. Namely, for its eigenvalues we have ydy/|1+a2ϵd|, ysy|1+a2ϵd|/|b2ϵd|, yby/|zϵd|2 and similarly for leptons. However, Eq. (39) implies that ydysyeyμ and ybyτ, and thus relation (35). As for up quarks, a2ϵu is negligible, and we have yuy, ycy/|b2ϵd|, yty/|zϵu|2. In addition, the CKM mixing is dominated by the diagonalization of Yd. Then, taking into account that ϵeϵd, we get :
    Thus, the last relation for the Cabibbo angle implies that |a2ϵd|1 which allows to achieve mass splitting in first family, mu/md1/2 and mu/me2, by properly choosing the phase of a2ϵd. As for other mixing angles, they are naturally s23ϵd and s13ϵd2 in a fine correspondence with Eq. (7).

    In a completely different approach, the fermion mass pattern can be explained by exceptionally clever choice of the underlying GUT, even without introducing any type of flavor symmetry. Namely, supersymmetric grand unification based on SU(6)70 solves the fundamental problems of grand hierarchy and doublet–triplet splitting in elegant way, since the Higgs doublets emerge as pseudo-Goldstone modes of the accidental global symmetry SU(6)×SU(6) in the Higgs superpotential.70,71,72 The mass parameters at low energies (soft supersymmetry breaking masses as well as supersymmetric μ-term) are all originated from the SUSY breaking terms. The pseudo-Goldstone nature of the Higgs has important consequences: it can have the renormalizable coupling in the superpotential, with the Yukawa constant yt1, only to one of the three up-type quarks that can be identified as the top quark.73,74 For the rest of fermion species, the Yukawa couplings can emerge only from the higher order operators and thus are suppressed. Interestingly, the structure of these operators also leads to ycyb,τyt, with a perfect match to small values of tanβ. As for the mass hierarchy between the 1st and 2nd families, it cannot be explained without help of flavor symmetries, but some discrete symmetries can be sufficient.74

    Postscriptum from Zurab Berezhiani

    I was a Ph.D. student when I encountered the works of Harald Fritzsch11,12 which deeply influenced my further career. I started to think on the role of inter-family symmetry SU(3)H for understanding the fermion masses and mixings. The first time I met Harald personally was in 1990 in the last days of my one month visit to the Max-Planck Institute in Munich. During our conversations I discussed with him my papers14,15 in which I succeeded to realize the Fritzsch mass textures in a theoretically appealing way by relating them to the pattern of SU(3)H symmetry breaking. As a consequence, Harald invited me for a Humboldt fellowship to Ludwig-Maximilian University where I spent more than one year, and we never lost contacts after: he regularly invited me for seminars in Munich and for conferences that he organized worldwide, and many times he visited me in L’Aquila. Benedetta and I had discussions with Harald on the viable modifications of Fritzsch zero-texture during his last visit which work was completed later as Ref. 29.

    Harald often asked me about Georgia and he was eager to visit Tbilisi. After COVID era, we decided to organize a conference in Tbilisi on “Recent Advances in Fundamental Physics”, planned for the fall 2022. But in August 2022 I received a sad news from Bigitte that Harald passed away.

    I feel privileged to have had close scientific and personal ties with Harald Fritzsch. I remember him as a renowned physicist who authored many breakthrough works in different areas of particle physics but also as a man with a pleasant and exceptionally humble personality.


    The work of Z.B. was partially supported by the research grant No. 2022E2J4RK “PANTHEON: Perspectives in Astroparticle and Neutrino THEory with Old and New messengers” under the program PRIN 2022 funded by the Italian Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR) and by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

    The work of B.B. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under grant 396021762 – TRR 257.


    Zurab Berezhiani

    Benedetta Belfatto


    a With these notations, the description can be conveniently extended for a supersymmetric version of the SM, in which case the terms (1) correspond to the Yukawa superpotential, with ϕ=ϕu and ϕ̃=ϕd being two Higgs doublets taken as left-chiral superfields.

    b In the original works,11,12 the ‘zeros’ in these matrices were obtained at the price of introducing several Higgs bi-doublets differently transforming under some discrete flavor symmetry. At present, this underlying theoretical construction looks rather obsolete. Namely, the need for several Higgs bi-doublets spoils the natural flavor conservation5,6,7 and unavoidably leads to severe flavor-changing effects.13 In a more natural way, the Fritzsch texture for the Yukawa matrices Yu,d,e (rather than for the mass matrices) was obtained in Refs. 14 and 15 in the context of models with horizontal SU(3)H gauge symmetry between the three fermion families.16,17,18

    c SU(5)×SU(3)H can be embedded into SU(8) group18 but this possibility introduces in the particle spectrum some extra fermions in exotic representations.

    d More generically, in the SM context the maximal chiral symmetry which can be achieved in the limit of vanishing Yukawa couplings (1) is U(3)5 independently transforming the different species q,uc,dc,,ec. In the context of SU(5), the maximal flavor symmetry is reduced to U(3)2=U(3)F̄×U(3)T independently transforming fermionic 5̄- and 10-plets, while the SO(10) structure allows a unique flavor symmetry U(3)H from which we gauge a non-abelian SU(3)H part, with chiral species arranged as in Eq. (14).

    e Thus, in this construction the flavor is naturally conserved in neutral currents, in difference from the Fritzsch’s original model11,12 involved several Higgs doublets.

    f More generally, the effective coefficients Cn in Eq. (20) can be functions of a scalar 24-plet Σ which breaks SU(5) down to the SM SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).39

    g In particular, in the context of supersymmetric theories with SU(3)H family symmetry this mechanism can lead to interesting relations between the fermion Yukawa couplings and the soft SUSY breaking terms which naturally realize the minimal flavor violation scenarios.25,52,53,54

    h The latter choice is natural in the context of grand unified model SU(5)×SU(3)H, whereas the former is interesting since the quark mixing with the vector-like quarks (21) in the TeV mass range can be at the origin of the recently observed Cabibbo angle anomalies57 and can also induce various flavor-changing phenomena accessible in the SM precision tests58,59,60,61,62,63 (see also Ref. 64 for a review).

    i For quarks (f=u,d) such a pattern was first obtained in Refs. 67,68,69 in the context of left–right symmetric models.

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