Gravitational wave astronomy and the expansion history of the universe
The timeline of the expansion rate ultimately defines the interplay between high-energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology. The guiding theme of this topical review is provided by the scrutiny of the early history of the space–time curvature through the diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation that are sensitive to all the stages of the evolution of the plasma. Due to their broad spectrum (extending from the aHz region to the THz domain) they bridge the macroworld described by general relativity and the microworld of the fundamental constituents of matter. It is argued that during the next score year the analysis of the relic gravitons may infirm or confirm the current paradigm where a radiation plasma is assumed to dominate the whole post-inflationary epoch. The role of high frequency and ultra-high frequency signals between the MHz and the THz is emphasized in the perspective of quantum sensing. The multiparticle final state of the relic gravitons and its macroscopic quantumness is also discussed with particular attention to the interplay between the entanglement entropy and the maximal frequency of the spectrum.
1 | Introduction | 3 |
1.1.Ten years of gravitational wave astronomy | 3 | |
1.2.Gravitational waves in curved backgrounds | 3 | |
1.3.The expansion history | 4 | |
1.4.The relic gravitons and the expansion history | 6 | |
1.5.The layout of this paper | 7 | |
2 | The Timeline of the Expansion Rate: Facts and Tacit Assumptions | 8 |
2.1.What do we know about the early expansion history? | 9 | |
2.1.1.Particle horizon and causally disconnected regions | 9 | |
2.1.2.Event horizon | 10 | |
2.1.3.Total number of e-folds? | 11 | |
2.2.The early expansion rate | 13 | |
2.2.1.Conventional inflationary stages | 13 | |
2.2.2.The early expansion rate | 15 | |
2.2.3.Adiabatic and nonadiabatic solutions | 16 | |
2.2.4.The scale-dependence of the expansion rate | 17 | |
2.3.What do we know about the late expansion history? | 20 | |
2.3.1.A radiation-dominated universe? | 20 | |
2.3.2.An extra phase preceding big bang nucleosynthesis | 23 | |
2.3.3.Multiple stages preceding big bang nucleosynthesis | 26 | |
3 | The Relic Gravitons and the Expansion History | 29 |
3.1.Random backgrounds and quantum correlations | 30 | |
3.1.1.The energy density of random backgrounds | 31 | |
3.1.2.Homogeneity in space | 32 | |
3.1.3.Homogeneity in time (stationarity) | 33 | |
3.2.Random backgrounds and quantum mechanics | 34 | |
3.2.1.Quantum mechanics and nonstationary processes | 35 | |
3.2.2.The averaged multiplicity | 37 | |
3.2.3.Upper bound on the maximal frequency of the spectrum | 38 | |
3.3.The expansion history and the spectral energy density | 41 | |
3.3.1.The maximal frequencies | 41 | |
3.3.2.The intermediate frequencies | 42 | |
3.3.3.The slopes of the spectra | 43 | |
3.3.4.Spectral energy density, exit and reentry | 45 | |
3.3.5.Approximate forms of the averaged multiplicities and unitarity | 47 | |
4 | The Expansion History and the Low-frequency Gravitons | 49 |
4.1.General considerations | 49 | |
4.1.1.Enhancements and suppressions of the inflationary observables | 49 | |
4.1.2.The number of e-folds and the potential | 50 | |
4.1.3.Illustrative examples and physical considerations | 51 | |
4.2.The tensor to scalar ratio | 52 | |
4.2.1.The tensor to scalar ratio before reentry | 52 | |
4.2.2.The tensor to scalar ratio after reentry | 53 | |
4.2.3.Oscillating potentials | 54 | |
4.3.Consistency relations and inflationary observables | 56 | |
4.3.1.Scaling of the spectral indices with the number of e-folds | 56 | |
4.3.2.An illustrative example | 57 | |
5 | The Expansion History and the Intermediate Frequencies | 59 |
5.1.The theoretical frequencies | 60 | |
5.1.1.Neutrino free-streaming | 60 | |
5.1.2.Big bang nucleosynthesis bound | 60 | |
5.1.3.The electroweak frequency | 61 | |
5.2.Pulsar timing arrays and the expansion history | 63 | |
5.2.1.Basic terminology and current evidences | 63 | |
5.2.2.The comoving horizon after inflation | 65 | |
5.2.3.The comoving horizon during inflation | 69 | |
5.3.Space-borne interferometers and the expansion history | 76 | |
5.3.1.The conventional wisdom | 76 | |
5.3.2.Chirp amplitudes and frequency dependence | 77 | |
5.3.3.Humps in the spectra from the modified expansion rate | 78 | |
5.3.4.Complementary considerations | 80 | |
6 | The Expansion History and the High-Frequency Gravitons | 81 |
6.1.Spikes in the GHz domain | 81 | |
6.1.1.General considerations | 81 | |
6.1.2.Invisible gravitons in the aHz region | 84 | |
6.1.3.Bounds on the expansion rate | 86 | |
6.2.Spikes in the kHz domain | 88 | |
6.2.1.Maxima in the audio band | 88 | |
6.2.2.Again on the maximal frequency | 90 | |
6.3.Interplay between low-frequency and high-frequency constraints | 91 | |
6.3.1.General bounds on the inflationary potential | 91 | |
6.3.2.Quantum sensing and the relic gravitons | 92 | |
6.3.3.The quantumness of relic gravitons | 94 | |
6.3.4.The entanglement entropy | 96 | |
7 | Concluding Remarks | 100 |
Appendix A. Complements on the Curvature Inhomogeneities | 103 | |
A.1.General considerations | 103 | |
A.2.The scalar power spectra | 105 | |
A.3.The tensor to scalar ratio | 106 | |
Appendix B. The Action and the Energy Density of the Relic Gravitons | 107 | |
B.1.Generalities | 107 | |
B.2.Second-order action in the Einstein frame | 110 | |
B.3.Second-order action in the Jordan frame | 111 | |
B.4.More general form of the effective action | 113 | |
References | 114 |
1. Introduction
1.1. Ten years of gravitational wave astronomy
Gravitational waves have been predicted by Einstein in 19161 as a direct consequence of general relativity.2 Later on this problem has been revisited by Einstein and Rosen with somehow contradicting conclusions3 suggesting that gravitational waves could be unphysical. While the legacy of Ref. 3 brought eventually some late skepticism on the true physical nature of gravitational radiation (see, for instance, Ref. 4) the gauge-invariant nature of gravitational waves has been well established in the 1970s.5 In spite of the pioneering attempts of Weber6,7 and of the subsequent resonant detectors of gravitational radiation in the early 1970s, the first direct evidence of gravitational radiation dates back to the early 1980s when the orbital decay of a binary neutron star system has been originally observed.8 Roughly speaking almost one century after the first speculations, the gravitational waves have been detected by the wide-band interferometers.9,10,11 The signals observed so far mainly come from astrophysical processes occurring at late time in the life of the Universe and they are the result of accelerated mass distributions with nonvanishing quadrupole moment. One of the most exciting directions is however related to the possible existence of diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation produced thanks to the early variation of the space–time curvature. This collection of random waves encodes a snapshot of the early expansion history of the Universe prior to the formation of light nuclei. The purpose of this topical review is to summarize what can be said on the early expansion history of the Universe from the analyses of the stochastic backgrounds of relic gravitational waves.
1.2. Gravitational waves in curved backgrounds
In the 1960s and 1970s it was believed that the tensor modes of the geometry could not be excited in curved background geometries. Although the chain of arguments leading to such a conjecture would be per se interesting, this misleading perspective implied that both electromagnetic and gravitational waves could be considered invariant for a Weyl rescaling of the four-dimensional background geometry; from a practical viewpoint Weyl invariance implies that both electromagnetic and gravitational waves should obey the same equations in a Minkowski background and in curved geometries eventually obtained by Weyl rescaling from a flat space–time.12,13 This viewpoint persisted until the mid 1970s when it was challenged by a series of papers14,15 suggesting that gravitational waves can be indeed excited in curved backgrounds and, more specifically, in Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) cosmologies.16,17
Almost 50 years after these pioneering analyses the relic signals represent today a well-defined (and probably unique) candidate source for typical frequencies exceeding the kHz region where wide-band detectors are currently operating. Following the formulation of the inflationary scenarios18,19,20,21 it became gradually clear that the conventional lore would predict a minute spectral energy density in the MHz region.22,23,24 This is ultimately the reason why the most stringent tests of the conventional lore could come, in the near future, from the largest scales25 where the limits on the tensor to scalar ratio rT are in fact direct probes of the spectral energy density in the aHz region. Throughout the discussions of this paper the standard prefixes of the international system of units are systematically employed; so for instance 1kHz=103Hz, 1aHz=10−18Hz and similarly for all the other relevant frequency domains mentioned hereunder.
1.3. The expansion history
During the last 30 years cosmology astrophysics and particle physics experienced a progressive unification toward two complementary paradigms accounting for the observations at small and large distance scales. The Standard Model of particle interactions describes the strong and electroweak physics or, as we could say for short, the microworld; although there are various hints on its possible incompleteness (typically related to the existence of dark matter), so far the Standard Model has not been falsified. The so-called concordance paradigm (based on general relativity) is customarily employed to analyze the macroworld of cosmological and astrophysical observations involving, in particular, the data associated with the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), the large-scale structure data and the supernova observations. The concordance paradigm is sometimes dubbed ΛCDM where Λ accounts for the dark energy component and CDM stands for the cold dark matter. It is fair to say that, at the moment, the Standard Model of particle interactions and the ΛCDM scenario seem mutually consistent but conceptually incomplete.
In the concordance paradigm the source of large-scale inhomogeneities is represented by the adiabatic and Gaussian fluctuations produced during a stage of conventional inflationary expansion. The subsequent evolutionary history of the plasma assumes a long period of expansion dominated by radiation until the epoch of matter–radiation equality and this timeline is broadly compatible with the idea that all the particle species were in thermal equilibrium above typical temperatures of the order of 200GeV but there is no direct evidence either in favor of this hypothesis or against it. In the past the radiation dominance of the primeval plasma before big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) has been taken as a general truism also because it was practically impossible to check directly the early timeline of the expansion rate by simply looking at electromagnetic effects. This was the viewpoint conveyed in the pioneering analyses of the hot big bang hypothesis formulated by Gamow et al.26,27,28 and subsequently confirmed with the discovery of the CMB29 by Penzias and Wilson also thanks to the neat theoretical interpretation formulated by Peebles.30,31 As we know the plasma became transparent to radiation around the time of photon decoupling. After that moment the slightly perturbed geodesics of the photons could be used to reconstruct the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB32 but the electromagnetic signals coming from the earlier expansion history were quickly reabsorbed by the plasma and are today completely inaccessible to any direct detection.
The sensitivities of operating detectors33,34,35,36 are notoriously insufficient to measure the diffuse backgrounds of relic gravitons but in the future new detectors might cover different frequencies37 even beyond the so-called audio band ranging between few Hz and 10kHz. The gravitational waves produced thanks to the variation of the space–time curvature should then become an object of future empirical investigations even at high frequencies while at intermediate frequencies (in the nHz range) the backgrounds of relic gravitons could be observed by the pulsar timing arrays (PTAs)38,39,40,41 that are now primarily focused on the diffuse astrophysical signals. We actually know that every variation of the expansion rate produces shots of gravitons with given averaged multiplicities and specific statistical properties. If these spectra will ever be detected the timeline of the expansion rate might be directly tested without the need of postulating a particular post-inflationary paradigm before the curvature scale of BBN whose striking success is the last certain signature of radiation dominance for typical temperatures smaller than 𝒪(10)MeV. When considering these possibilities at face value there are at least two conceptually different issues that must be addressed.
• | The first problem concerns the early expansion history of the current Hubble patch and its physical properties: Is the conventional timeline of the ΛCDM scenario really compelling or just plausible? | ||||
• | The second class of questions involves the way relic gravitons could be used as a diagnostic of the early expansion history: How sensitive is the spectral energy density of the relic gravitons on the early expansion rates deviating from the ΛCDM timeline? |
To address the first group of subjects we should first acknowledge that the causal structure of FRW models provides already a number of relevant constraints on the expansion history. However, even admitting that, at early times, the particle horizon should disappear or diverge (as it happens in the case of conventional inflationary scenarios) to be replaced by an event horizon, the subsequent evolution of the space–time curvature remains undetermined. To appreciate this relevant point we should actually observe that the total number of e-folds does depend on the post-inflationary rate of expansion. For instance when we say that 60 e-folds of accelerated expansion are necessary to suppress the spatial curvature we are actually referring to a post-inflationary evolution dominated by radiation. The same tacit assumption is systematically employed to confront the temperature and the polarization anisotropies of the CMB with the conventional inflationary scenarios.42,43,44
1.4. The relic gravitons and the expansion history
One of the purposes of this paper is to argue that the spectra of relic gravitons provide the only direct probe of the post-inflationary evolution prior to the formation of light nuclei. This is why a detailed analysis of such a signal is mandatory even in the absence of sensitive detectors that might be available only in the far future. Various secondary effects may produce different backgrounds of gravitational radiation during a fixed post-inflationary evolution like the one endorsed in the context of the ΛCDM scenario. These effects, however, always assume a specific knowledge that is still missing. Conversely the relic gravitons do represent the only conceivable direct diagnostic of the post-inflationary expansion history and this is the general perspective developed here. Since the spectrum of the relic gravitons extends from the aHz region up to the THz domain we can partition this broad frequency domain into three complementary ranges where different stages of the early expansion rate are correspondingly probed:
• | the low-frequency region (between few aHz and the fHz) is directly sensitive to the expansion rate during inflation; in this region the upper limits on the tensor to scalar ratio deduced from the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB are in fact bounds on the early expansion rate; the CMB can be in fact considered as the largest electromagnetic detector of long-wavelength gravitational waves; | ||||
• | at intermediate frequencies various potential constraints are associated with the PTAs (typically operating in the nHz domain); from the viewpoint of the expansion history this region may set constraints both on the post-inflationary evolution and on the modifications introduced during the inflationary stage; | ||||
• | finally in the high-frequency domain the constraints from the operating wide-band detectors between few Hz and 10kHz (as well as from other electromagnetic detectors operating in the MHz or GHz region) will be essential for the analysis of potential peaks in the spectrum of relic gravitons. |
The first speculations suggesting that the relic gravitons could be used as a direct probe of the post-inflationary expansion history goes back to the late 1990s and this will be the general inspiration of this paper. In particular in Ref. 45 it has been suggested that different post-inflationary stages modify the slopes of the spectral energy density of the relic gravitons for frequencies larger than the mHz. It was found, quite surprisingly, that when the expansion rate is slower than radiation the spectral energy density exhibits a high-frequency spike.46,47 The original observation of Ref. 45 was that the post-inflationary evolution may be modified and this would be especially true if we have to accommodate a late-time dominance of the dark energy. In this case a post-inflationary evolution dominated by radiation would be less likely than a long stiff stage expanding slower than radiation.45 One of the first frameworks where these observations have been applied are the quintessential inflationary models.48 In this context the late-time dominance of dark energy occurs via a quintessence field that ultimately coincides with the inflaton. Later on different scenarios based on different premised have been proposed49 with the aim of accommodating an intermediate stage expanding at a rate different from radiation. For the purpose of this paper, however, we do not want to commit ourselves to a specific scenario or to a specific class of models. Indeed, as suggested in Ref. 45, the spectra of the relic gravitons chiefly depend on the evolution of the space–time curvature and not on the particular features involving the different sources.
1.5. The layout of this paper
The interplay between the timeline of the expansion rate and the spectra of the relic gravitons promises a direct connection between cosmology, quantum field theory and the effective description of gravitational interactions. On a more practical ground, in this topical investigation astrophysics and gravitational wave astronomy are seen as a tool for high-energy physics. In the past the common wisdom suggested instead that high-energy physics was probably the sole tool to infer properties of the primeval plasma prior to BBN. This conventional viewpoint did rest on the assumption that the post-inflationary expansion rate had to be fixed and almost perpetually dominated by radiation down to the scale of matter–radiation equality. In our context the timeline of the post-inflationary expansion rate is only a working hypothesis subjected to the direct tests associated with the diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation. Given the wealth of the connections between the various aspects of the problem it is impossible to analyze in detail all the relevant themes and this is why various collateral topics are swiftly mentioned but the interested readers may usefully consult a recently published book that dwells on the physics of the relic gravitons49 where most of the considerations omitted here are systematically addressed. The layout of this paper is, in short, the following. Before elaborating on the unknowns, Sec. 2 is focused on what it is understood about the early expansion history with the goal of distinguishing the facts from the tacit assumptions. Section 3 deals more directly with the interplay between the relic gravitons and the expansion history and since the various ranges of the spectra are directly sensitive to the evolutionary stages of the background geometry, it seems useful to examine separately the interplay between the relic gravitons and the expansion histories in the low (see Sec. 4), intermediate (see Sec. 5) and high frequency (see Sec. 6). In Sec. 4, we point out that the inflationary observables are either suppressed or enhanced depending upon the post-inflationary evolution that affects the total number of e-folds. In Sec. 5, we present a discussion on the mutual interplay between the modified expansion histories and the PTAs; toward the end of Sec. 5 we also argue that a the post-inflationary evolution may also produce signals between few μHz and the Hz where usually different sources are claimed to be relevant for the (futuristic) space-borne detectors. Finally in Sec. 6, we specifically address the direct bounds on the post-inflationary expansion rate coming from the high frequency and ultra-high frequency regions where absolute bounds on the maximal frequency of the spectra can be derived. Some ideas related to the use of quantum sensing for the detection of the relic gravitons will also be analyzed. The obtained limits on the maximal frequency are deeply rooted in the quantumness of the produced gravitons whose multiparticle final sates are macroscopic but always nonclassical. As the unitary evolution preserves their coherence, the quantumness of the gravitons can be associated with an entanglement entropy that is related with the loss of the complete information on the underlying quantum field. In the appendices we elaborated on some of the technical aspects that are often recalled in the main discussions. In particular, Appendix A illustrates a number of relevant complements on the evolution of curvature inhomogeneities that are specifically needed in the discussion while Appendix B treats the forms of the action of the relic gravitons in different frames.
2. The Timeline of the Expansion Rate: Facts and Tacit Assumptions
In the last 50 years the interplay between high-energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology has been guided by the tacit assumption that prior to matter–radiation equality the primeval plasma was always dominated by radiation50,51 and this general truism is also reflected in various cartoons that are customarily employed to represent the timeline of the expansion rate where different moments of the life of the Universe are illustrated with the supposed matter content of the plasma. This viewpoint has been also propounded by Weinberg in one of the first popular accounts of the subject.52 After the formulation of the inflationary paradigm in its different variants (see e.g. Refs. 18, 19, 20, 21) the hypothesis of a post-inflationary radiation dominance remained practically unmodified and even today it is customary to assume that after an explosive stage of reheating the Universe should become, almost suddenly, dominated by radiation (see, for instance, Refs. 53, 54, 55). Among the various conclusions that emanate from the assumption of an evolution dominated by radiation, the most notable one is probably that the plasma as a whole is described by a single temperature for most of its history. An equally relevant statement is that the inflationary expansion must (or should) last for at least 60 e-folds.53,54,55 Since this tacit assumption of radiation dominance is not directly tested (at least for temperatures larger than few MeV) more general possibilities will be discussed.
2.1. What do we know about the early expansion history?
2.1.1. Particle horizon and causally disconnected regions
A relevant constraint on the early expansion history comes from the causal structure of FRW models whose line element in its canonical form is given by
2.1.2. Event horizon
The previous discussion clarifies why the existence of the particle horizon leads necessarily to causally disconnected volumes; this occurrence clashes, among other things, with the high degree of homogeneity and isotropy of the Universe as it follows, for instance, from the analysis of the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB. How come that regions emitting a highly homogeneous and isotropic CMB were causally disconnected in the past? To solve the causality problems of the conventional big bang scenario the idea is then to complement the standard decelerated stage of Eq. (2.6) with an epoch where the scale factor accelerates
2.1.3. Total number of e-folds?
If the accelerated stage of expansion is sufficiently long, all the scales that were inside H−1 at the onset of inflation are today comparable (or larger) than the Hubble radius. It is essential to appreciate that the quantitative meaning of the locution sufficiently long depends also on the post-inflationary evolution and not only on the inflationary dynamics itself. The duration of the accelerated stage of expansion is customarily parametrized in terms of the ratio between the scale factors at the end (i.e. af) and at the beginning (i.e. ai) of inflationc :
The number of e-folds required for the consistency of a given inflationary scenario does not only depend on the inflationary dynamics as it might seem to follow from Eqs. (2.13) and (2.14). In other words, while the physical features of the decelerated and of the accelerated expansions are per se relevant, what we want to stress here is that the indetermination of the post-inflationary evolution affects the specific value of the total number of e-folds. To clarify this point we consider the ratio between the intrinsic (spatial) and the extrinsic (Hubble) curvatures and recall that it is notoriously given by

Fig. 1. On the vertical axis the profile of H−1 is illustrated in Planck units as a function of the logarithm of the scale factor. In this cartoon (where, for the sake of simplicity, the slow-roll corrections have been neglected) the full thick line describes the standard inflationary evolution followed by a radiation-dominated stage. The dashed and dot-dashed curves correspond instead to a post-inflationary expansion rate that is either faster or slower than radiation, at least for some time before radiation dominance. In Subsec. 2.2, the early expansion rate is estimated from the large-scale curvature inhomogeneities whereas in Subsec. 2.3 we are going to present a series of quantitative estimates of N, Nslower and Nfaster.
2.2. The early expansion rate
2.2.1. Conventional inflationary stages
The expansion history during the inflationary stage follows from the equations connecting the Hubble rate to the corresponding sources. The single-field inflationary models can be notoriously analyzed in terms of the following scalar–tensor action (see, for instance, Ref. 55)
• | if we presume, by fiat, that the post-inflationary evolution is fixed and known then the only sensible question and the sole concern should be somehow to reconstruct the functional dependence of the potential; | ||||
• | conversely if post-inflationary evolution is unknown (or only partially known) it is less meaningful to aim at a reconstruction of the inflaton potential from the large-scale data since the number of e-folds ultimately depends on the post-inflationary evolution. |
For different reasons both approaches are appealing but the former corresponds to the conventional lore while the latter perspective is pursued in this discussion: the ultimate goal would be to test the post-inflationary expansion rate rather than arbitrarily postulating a specific timeline. The post-inflationary evolution is not going to be fixed and this choice has a specific impact on the remaining part of the discussion. For this reason the properties of the expansion rate during inflation are technically more essential than the form of the potential although the obtained results can be related (at any step) to the more conventional approach. In the single-field case (and for the background geometry of Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2)) the evolution equations follow from Eq. (2.16) and they can be written as
2.2.2. The early expansion rate
Although the post-inflationary expansion rate modifies the number of e-folds (and consequently all the inflationary observables), the early expansion rate can be estimated, at least approximately, without a detailed knowledge of the post-inflationary evolution. This happens since the early expansion rate ultimately follows from the analysis of the spectrum of curvature inhomogeneities associated with the CMB scales that left the Hubble radius during the first stages of inflation and reentered before matter radiation equality. Since the curvature inhomogeneities are conserved when they evolve for scales larger than the Hubble radius, the early expansion rate does not depend upon the total number of e-folds and the rationale for this statement is illustrated in Fig. 2 where the common logarithm of aH is reported as a function of the common logarithm of the scale factor. While during inflation aH∝a, in a radiation-dominated stage aH∝a−1; the two ellipses of Fig. 2 parametrize the unknowns of the intermediate evolution but a detailed knowledge of that regime is not strictly necessary to set initial conditions for the temperature and for the polarization anisotropies. The CMB observations involve in fact a bunch of wavenumbers k=𝒪(kp) where kp=0.002Mpc−1 is the conventional pivot scale that is used to normalize the large-scale power spectra. These typical scales are pictorially indicated in the lower part of Fig. 2 where the two filled squares denote the moment where k=𝒪(kp) gets of the order of aH. While the first crossing time occurs during inflation, the second one takes place prior to matter–radiation equality (see the right part of the cartoon). The scales k=𝒪(kp) become again of the order of aH when the Universe is already dominated by a radiation plasma (i.e. before matter–radiation equality) and their evolution is not affected by the unknowns of the post-inflationary evolution that may however modify the spectra at smaller scales; in this case the reentry of the fluctuations might not take place when the plasma is dominated by radiation.

Fig. 2. The common logarithm of aH is illustrated as a function of the common logarithm of the scale factor. The two ellipses account for the indetermination of the post-inflationary evolution that can have different durations depending on the differences in the timeline of the expansion rate. In the lower part of the cartoon the CMB scales k=𝒪(kp) approximately cross aH (see the two filled squares).
2.2.3. Adiabatic and nonadiabatic solutions
The argument of Fig. 2 holds only under the hypothesis that curvature inhomogeneities are conserved in the limit k<aH, i.e. for typical wavelengths larger than the Hubble radius. This is exactly what happens when the evolution of the curvature inhomogeneities on comoving orthogonal hypersurfaces (conventionally denoted by ℛ) is analyzed in the limit k<aH (or kτ<1). A complementary possibility is to employ ζ which measures the curvature inhomogeneities on the hypersurfaces where the density contrast is constant (see, for instance, Ref. 54 and references therein). Although ℛ and ζ are different variables, the Hamiltonian constraint associated with the relativistic fluctuations of the geometry stipulates that
2.2.4. The scale-dependence of the expansion rate
In the absence of nonadiabatic contributions the evolution of the curvature inhomogeneities obeys a source-free evolution equation that can be written in a decoupled form (see Appendix A and discussion therein); since the inflationary bound on the expansion rate follows from the large-scale evolution of , it is practical to recall the equation obeyed by the corresponding Fourier amplitudes :
2.3. What do we know about the late expansion history?
As already discussed after Eq. (2.13), the duration of inflation does depend on the post-inflationary evolution and this means that different expansion histories affect the number of e-folds required to bring all the physical scales of the model in causal contact. Different possibilities are examined hereunder with the purpose of quantifying the theoretical indetermination on the total number of e-folds.
2.3.1. A radiation-dominated universe?
One of the standard (unproven) assumptions both of the hot big bang model and of the conventional post-inflationary evolution is that the plasma must always be dominated by radiation even before the scale of BBN where the deviations from radiation dominance are severely constrained (see Sec. 4 and discussion therein). The gist of this argument is that, in the early hot and dense plasma, it is appropriate to assume an equation of state corresponding to a gas of relativistic particles; this choice is compatible with all the current data but it is neither compelling nor unique. A radiation-dominated stage of expansion extending between and the equality time is one of the assumptions customarily adopted for the timeline of the expansion rate in the context CDM paradigm. In terms of the cartoon of Fig. 2 we would then have that during inflation while in the radiation stage . This means, in practice, that the energy density of the background scales approximately as between the end of inflation and the equality time. The critical number of e-folds required to fit inside the current Hubble patch the redshifted value of (i.e. the approximate size of the event horizon at the onset of inflation) follows from the condition :
• | the inflationary expansion rate is estimated from the amplitude of the scalar power spectrum and, more specifically, from Eq. (2.37); | ||||
• | it is assumed that, in practice, there is no energy loss between the inflationary phase and the post-inflationary evolution (i.e. ); | ||||
• | in the standard situation where and the value of is given by ; the contribution of to Eq. (2.45) is numerically not essential for the determination of . |
The approximation is customarily enforced by CMB experiments when setting bounds, for instance, on the total number of e-folds42,43,44 and although energy is lost during reheating, in the case of single-field inflationary models this approximation is rather plausible since the combined action of the reheating and of the preheating dynamics leads to a process that is almost sudden.53,54,55 In this sense, if denotes the expansion rate during the last few e-folds of inflationary expansion, it is true that ; however, even for a difference of few orders of magnitude the quantitative arguments illustrated here will not be crucially affected. We recall that, conventionally, the reheating is the period where the entropy observed in the present Universe is produced and it typically takes place when all the large-scale inhomogeneities of observational interest are outside the horizon. The different approaches to the reheating dynamics are not expected to affect the large-scale power spectra.63
The number of inflationary e-folds introduced in Eqs. (2.13)–(2.15) depends on the post-inflationary evolution but it also scale-dependent. This happens because the actual observations always probe a typical scale so that this dependence also enters the number of e-folds and the expansion rate. In what follows and are associated, respectively, with the number of e-folds and with the expansion rate at the crossing of the CMB scales . Even though and H are conceptually different, since the curvature scale decreases very slowly during the inflationary stage. Most of the previous estimates can then be repeated in the case of . As in the case of , also is estimated in the present section for a post-inflationary thermal history dominated by a radiation background and this is why the overline is included; the values of are implicitly determined from
2.3.2. An extra phase preceding big bang nucleosynthesis
In the previous subsection, we considered a timeline dominated by radiation between the end of inflation and the equality epoch. We are now going to suppose that, prior to radiation dominance, the expansion rate is modified for a sufficiently long period where the expansion rate can be either faster or slower than radiation. Probably the simplest example along this perspective consists in adding a further stage of expansion between the end of inflation and the onset of the radiation-dominated phase. The ellipses of Fig. 2 are now replaced by the cartoon of Fig. 3 and the following comments are in order:
• | as before during inflation we have that while in a radiation stage we would get : the simplest timeline is then the one illustrated with the full thick line; | ||||
• | prior to the onset of the radiation stage and after inflation we have instead that where now parametrizes the expansion rate in the intermediate regime; | ||||
• | if the expansion rate is faster than radiation; conversely when the expansion rate is slower than radiation (see, in this respect, the dashed timelines of Fig. 3). |

Fig. 3. The conventional radiation-dominated epoch (taking place for ) is preceded by an intermediate phase parametrized by the value of . If we recover the case of a single post-inflationary radiation epoch. When the expansion rate is slower than radiation; conversely if the expansion rate is faster than radiation.
According to Fig. 3, the condition imposed by Eq. (2.39) becomes different and its modification depends on . Indeed, if the estimate of Eq. (2.39) is repeated, the value of gets shifted45,46,47 (see also Refs. 64 and 65)
• | when the background expands faster than radiation (i.e. ) the value of gets smaller than in the case of radiation dominance (i.e. ); | ||||
• | conversely when the expansion rate is slower than radiation (i.e. ) we have that . |
The orders of magnitude involved in Eq. (2.50) are estimated by considering that the typical expansion scale of BBN is approximately whereas the inflationary expansion rate follows from Eq. (2.37) (i.e. ). This means that the relation between and is approximately given by
Let us now suppose, for instance, that . If the sources for the evolution of the geometry are parametrized in terms of perfect fluids with barotropic equation of state so that correspondsj to . In this case, from Eqs. (2.50) and (2.51), . In case the post-inflationary expansion rate between H and is instead slower than radiation so that we would have . Again, assuming the background is driven by perfect barotropic fluids, and it corresponds to a plasma where the sound speed and the speed of light coincide. Therefore for Eqs. (2.50) and (2.51) imply that . In summary the critical number of e-folds required to fit the redshifted event horizon inside the current value of the Hubble radius does depend on the post-inflationary expansion rate; thanks to the results of Eqs. (2.50) and (2.51) we can then estimate the theoretical error associated with the unknown post-inflationary expansion rate as
All in all, if the total number of e-folds is in the case of a radiation-dominated Universe, Eq. (2.52) suggests that the potential indetermination due to a modified expansion rate rangesk between 45 and 75. The same indetermination affecting also enters the value of . Indeed even in the presence of an intermediate stage preceding the conventional radiation-dominated epoch Eqs. (2.47) and (2.48) remain fully valid. The value of is relevant for various phenomenological aspects of the problem since it affects the inflationary observables that are specifically discussed later onl in Sec. 4. We finally recall that Eq. (2.36) has been correctly deduced in the case of radiation dominance (i.e. in the language of this subsection) and the same indetermination affecting the number of e-folds may also modify the value of the pivot scale in units of the inflationary expansion rate. In the presence of the -phase illustrated in Fig. 3 we have that Eq. (2.36) gets modified as
2.3.3. Multiple stages preceding big bang nucleosynthesis
A natural extension of the results obtained in Eqs. (2.50)–(2.52) involves the presence of multiple post-inflationary stages parametrized by different values of the expansion rate conventionally denoted by with . It is actually plausible to generalize the previous considerations by replacing the single stage with n intermediate phases of expansion preceding the epoch of radiation dominance, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The cartoon of Fig. 3 is then substituted by the timeline of Fig. 4 where the initial stage of the post-inflationary evolution begins after the end of inflation (i.e. ) while the nth stage conventionally coincides with the standard radiation-dominated evolution i.e. and . As already explained before, we should always require implying that the BBN takes place when radiation is already dominant. During the ith stage of the sequence and the expression of given in Eq. (2.50) can be generalized to the timeline of Fig. 4 :

Fig. 4. As in the previous cartoons of this section, on the vertical axis the common logarithm of is reported as a function of the common logarithm of the scale factor. The region at the left corresponds, as usual, to the inflationary evolution while for the background is decelerated. It is also understood throughout the discussion that the post-inflationary epoch is bounded by the curvature scale of BBN so that . In this plot, we adopt the convention that and implying that the end of the sequence of intermediate stages coincides with the onset of the radiation-dominated evolution.

Fig. 5. As in the previous figure the common logarithm of the comoving expansion rate is illustrated as a function of the common logarithm of the scale factor. Prior to the onset of the standard inflationary stage of expansion the evolution is however modified.
In the previous cartoons of this section, we illustrated the effective rate of expansion in Planck units even though, in various cases, it is also useful to reason in terms of the inverse of . For this reason in Fig. 6 we now plot . Sometimes in the literature is referred to as the horizon or simply the Hubble radius. According to this terminology the different wavelengths of the gravitational waves and of the scalar modes of the geometry cross the Hubble radius at different times. The first crossing typically occurs during inflation (see the left part of Fig. 6); after the first crossing the wavelength gets larger than the Hubble radius. This moment is then referred to as the exit of the given wavelength. The second crossing (see the right part of Fig. 6) occurs in the decelerated stage of expansion and it is conventionally referred to as the reentry of the given wavelength since after this typical time the wavelength gets again smaller than the Hubble radius. The filled squares in Fig. 6 define the exit of a given (comoving) wavelength while the dots in the right portion of the plot denote reentry of the selected scale. According to Fig. 6, the wavelengths smaller than reenter before radiation dominance while the wavelengths reenter between the onset of radiation dominance and the epoch of matter–radiation equality. For the wavelength corresponds to comoving frequencies close to the maximal (i.e. ). The scales were still larger than the comoving horizon prior to matter–radiation equality and exited about e-folds before the end of inflation; the corresponding wavenumbers range therefore between and .

Fig. 6. We illustrate the inverse of the comoving expansion rate (i.e. the comoving Hubble radius) in the case of the timeline already introduced in Fig. 4. The terminology followed here is the one commonly employed in the literature. When a given wavelength crosses the comoving Hubble radius for the first time we say that it exits the horizon (see the filled squares). When the wavelengths crosses the comoving Hubble radius for the second time we say that it reenters the horizon. This is why in the text we indicated these moments as and , respectively. We stress however that, in this context, the terminology “horizon” is actually a misnomer since the evolution of the Hubble radius is just a way to illustrate the dynamics of large-scale inhomogeneities and has nothing to do with the causal structure of the underlying space–time.
3. The Relic Gravitons and the Expansion History
During the last 50 years a recurrent viewpoint has been that, ultimately, high-energy physics is a tool for cosmology and astrophysics. This argument rests on the observation that the plasma became transparent to electromagnetic radiation only rather late (i.e. after the last scattering of photons). Therefore there cannot be direct signals coming, for instance, from an expanding stage with a typical temperature of the order of few TeV. However, since these energy scales are reachable by colliders, particle physics is the only tool that we might have to scrutinize the early Universe. This perspective (implicitly assuming the dominance of radiation and the existence of a prolonged stage of local thermal equilibrium) should be probably revamped in the light of the direct detection of gravitational radiation. Indeed we do know that every variation of the space–time curvature produces shots of relic gravitons with given multiplicities and specific spectra.49 Since the sensitivities of gravitational wave detectors greatly improved in the last 30 years, it is plausible to assume that the direct observations might hit the thresholds of the cosmological signals during the next score year or so. Under this hypothesis the timeline of the expansion rate illustrated in the previous section may be one day testable in practice as it is already scrutinized in principle. Along this revamped perspective gravitational wave astronomy could become a tool for high-energy physics by conveying a more specific knowledge of energy scales that might not be accessible to colliders in the future.
The relic gravitational waves produced by the early variation of the space–time curvature14,15,16,17 lead to a late-time background of diffuse radiation. In the simplest situation the relic gravitons are produced in pairs of opposite three-momenta from the inflationary vacuum and this is why they appear as a collection of standing (random) waves which are the tensor analog of the so-called Sakharov oscillations71; this phenomenon has been also independently discussed in the classic paper of Peebles and Yu72 (see also Ref. 73). The late-time properties of the signal not only rest on the features of the inflationary vacuum but also on the post-inflationary evolution. It is well established that in the concordance paradigm the spectral energy density at late times is quasi-flat22,23,24 and it gets larger at smaller frequencies of the order of the aHz.25 This happens because, in the concordance scenario, the spectral energy density scales as between few aHz and 100aHz in the region where the current CMB observations are now setting stringent limits on the contribution of the relic gravitons to the temperature and polarization anisotropies.42,43,44 Along this perspective the low-frequency constraints translate into direct bounds on the tensor to scalar ratio and seem to suggest that at higher frequencies (i.e. in the audio band and beyond) the spectral energy density in critical units should be or even smaller. This result has been realized, at a different level of accuracy, in various papers starting from Refs. 22, 23, 24 (see also Refs. 74 and 75). The minuteness of the spectral energy density follows from the presumption that radiation dominates (almost) right after the end of inflation and it is otherwise invalid. As we argued in Sec. 2, the post-inflationary evolution prior to BBN is not probed by any direct observation and may deviate from the radiation-dominated timeline; if this is the case, the high-frequency spectrum of the relic gravitons can be much larger.45,46,47 In what follows, we are going to discuss first the statistical properties of the gravitons produced by the variation of the space–time curvature; in the second part of the section the discussion is focused on the slopes of the spectral energy density of the relic gravitons and on their connection with the expansion rate of the Universe.
3.1. Random backgrounds and quantum correlations
The random backgrounds associated with the relic gravitons are homogeneous but not stationary and this property is ultimately related with their quantum mechanical origin. Conversely the homogeneity of the background does not directly follow from the properties of the quantum mechanical correlations. In what follows, we shall try to clarify the analogies and the differences between these two aspects of the problem by swiftly summarizing the main conclusions of a recent analysis76 that follows previous attempts along similar directions.77
3.1.1. The energy density of random backgrounds
We start by considering a tensor random field and its Fourier transformn :
3.1.2. Homogeneity in space
The results of Eqs. (3.9) and (3.10) follow by considering the basic features of traceless and solenoidal tensor random fields supplemented by the notion of stochastic average introduced in Eqs. (3.4) and (3.5). A relevant result following from the previous considerations is that the two-point function of the tensor modes is homogeneous in space. By this we mean that the two-point function only depends on the distance between two spatial locations. If we compute the correlation functions of and of its derivative at equal times (but for two different spatial locations) we obtain
3.1.3. Homogeneity in time (stationarity)
It would now seem that the same kind of invariance should also hold when the spatial location is fixed but the time coordinates are shifted. In this case the two-point function of the tensor fluctuations would also be stationary, i.e. invariant under time translations. The stationarity is actually more restrictive than homogeneity if the random background is defined by Eqs. (3.1) and (3.4), (3.5). Indeed, as we are going to see, the stationarity ultimately restricts the time-dependence of the power spectra and . If we then avoid the complication of the spatial dependence and directly discuss a single tensor polarization , instead of an ensemble or random fields we deal an ensemble of real random functions . We then introduce the autocorrelation function defined in the context of the generalized harmonic analysis and associated with the finiteness of the integral80,81
3.2. Random backgrounds and quantum mechanics
For a quantum description of the relic gravitons the first step is to recall the second-order action for the tensor inhomogeneities deduced in Appendix B (see, in particular, Eq. (B.15)). The canonical momentum deduced from Eq. (B.15) is in fact given by and the resulting classical Hamiltonian is
3.2.1. Quantum mechanics and nonstationary processes
To analyze the stationarity of the process we need to introduce the autocorrelation functions depending on two different times and :
3.2.2. The averaged multiplicity
In a quantum mechanical perspective the amplification of the field amplitudes corresponds to the creation of gravitons either from the vacuum or from some other initial state. Since the production of particles of various spin in cosmological backgrounds is a unitary process12,13 (see also Refs. 89, 90,91) which is closely analog to the ones arising in the context of the quantum theory of parametric amplification,92,93,94,95,96,97,98 the relation between the creation and the annihilation operators in the asymptotic states is given by
3.2.3. Upper bound on the maximal frequency of the spectrum
Since we are here normalizing the scale factor as , the physical and the comoving frequencies coincide at the present time and from Eq. (3.44) the spectral energy density in critical units becomes
3.3. The expansion history and the spectral energy density
3.3.1. The maximal frequencies
While the bound on deduced in Eq. (3.51) follows from quantum mechanical considerations, in a classical perspective the maximal frequency is computed from the smallest wavelength that crosses the Hubble radius of 4 and immediately reenters; this is why Eq. (3.52) depends upon and also upon the timeline of the post-inflationary expansion rate discussed in Sec. 2. Let us therefore start from the simplest situation where the post-inflationary evolution is dominated by radiation. In terms of the cartoons of Figs. 4 and 6 this means that all the . Since in this case we already denoted the number of e-folds with an overline (e.g. , and do on) we are now going to indicate the maximal frequency deduced in this case by :
• | in a model-dependent perspective the maximal frequency of the relic gravitons obeying the bound (3.51) is sensitive to the timeline of the post-inflationary expansion rate; | ||||
• | in the case of a radiation-dominated evolution extending throughout the post-inflationary stage the maximal frequency is of the order of 300MHz; | ||||
• | if the post-inflationary expansion rate is smaller than radiation for some time MHz; | ||||
• | if the expansion rate is instead faster than radiation MHz; | ||||
• | in general terms, recalling the considerations of Sec. 2, we have that . |
Although the maximal frequency alone cannot be used to determine observationally the timeline of the expansion rate, Eqs. (3.53)–(3.55) suggest nonetheless that of the spectrum is sensitive to all the aspects of the post-inflationary evolution.u
3.3.2. The intermediate frequencies
From Figs. 4 and 6, we have that the bunch of frequencies corresponds to the wavelengths that left the horizon at the end of inflation and reentered immediately after. Depending on the timeline of the post-inflationary evolution there are other typical frequencies that can be explicitly computed. Moreover, since depends on , also all the other frequencies are sensitive to the specific value of the tensor-to-scalar-ratio. Rather than starting from the general considerations it is better to consider a specific example. Let us then suppose that, before the onset of radiation dominance, the post-inflationary epoch consists of thee separate phases. This means, according to Figs. 4 and 6, that the final spectrum is going to be characterized by the three typical frequencies , and . As already stressed after Eq. (2.55) we actually recall that we can always assume that and so that the nth stage of expansion corresponds (by construction) to the radiation phase. In the case the expression of follows from Eq. (3.55) and it is
3.3.3. The slopes of the spectra
In the previous subsection, we derived the typical frequencies of the spectrum in the case of a generic sequence of post-inflationary stages with expansion rates that can be either faster or slower than radiation. Within the same framework we could now discuss the slopes of within the various frequency domains. The calculation of the spectral energy density can be sometimes carried on in analytic terms but more often with appropriate numerical techniques. Here, we shall not review all these aspects but just remark that, for a sound estimate of the spectral slopes, it is sufficient to employ an approximate description that is based on the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) solution of the mode functions (see, for instance, Ref. 37 and discussion therein). If the power spectra and of Eq. (3.35) are inserted into Eq. (3.9) can be directly expressed in terms of the mode functions
3.3.4. Spectral energy density, exit and reentry
According to Eq. (3.69) the slopes of in a given range of wavenumbers chiefly depend on the dynamics of the expansion rate at and . For illustrative purposes we can consider that all the wavelengths of spectrum exited the Hubble radius during a conventional inflationary stage; this is the viewpoint of Figs. 4 and 6. The exit may also occur as in Fig. 5 but this possibility is going to be separately examined in Sec. 5. Since the exit of all wavelengths of the spectrum occurs during inflation,
3.3.5. Approximate forms of the averaged multiplicities and unitarity
In the past there have been various attempts to justify the loss of quantum coherence of the relic gravitons by claiming that when particles are copiously produced the averaged multiplicities are very large (see e.g. Ref. 133 and references therein). The averaged multiplicity accounting for the pairs of gravitons with opposite three-momenta for each tensor polarization follows then from Eqs. (3.41) and (3.42)
4. The Expansion History and the Low-Frequency Gravitons
4.1. General considerations
4.1.1. Enhancements and suppressions of the inflationary observables
The low-frequency range of the relic gravitons falls in the aHz domain and it corresponds to the CMB wavelengths that left the Hubble radius e-folds before the end of inflation. As already mentioned in section 2, these wavelengths are where and is the pivot scale at which the spectra of the scalar and tensor modes of the geometry are normalized within the present conventions; note in fact that aHz. The timeline of the post-inflationary evolution directly affects the values of the tensor to scalar ratio and of the other inflationary observablesz through their dependence upon which can be substantially different from . For instance a stage expanding faster than radiation has been suggested in the past with the purpose of enhancing the values of (see, for instance, Refs. 134, 135, 136). Indeed, if the expansion rate is faster than radiation gets eventually smaller than the value it would have when the post-inflationary evolution is dominated by radiation (see Eq. (2.57) and discussion therein). But since the inflationary observables and the tensor to scalar ratio are all suppressed by different powers of , they might all experience a certain level of enhancement as long as the post-inflationary expansion rate is faster than radiationaa and this is why this possibility has been employed to account for the BICEP2 excess.137 Different mechanisms have been suggested for the same purpose like the violation of the consistency relations caused, for instance, by the quantum initial conditions in the case of a short inflationary stage.138,139 A post-inflationary stage expanding faster than radiation efficiently enhances the value of especially in the case of single-field scenarios with monomial potentials. We now know that the BICEP2 measurements were seriously affected by foreground contaminations so that, at the moment, the current bounds suggests 42,43,44; this also means that the observational evidence would suggest that is comparatively more suppressed than in the case . In this respect an even earlier suggestion45,46,47 (discussed well before the controversial BICEP2 observations137) implies that the values of the inflationary observables can be further reduced (rather than enhanced) thanks to a stage expanding more slowly than radiation107,108 (see also Refs. 64, 65); this is ultimately the punchline of the considerations of Sec. 2 (see in particular Eq. (2.57) and discussions therein). As pointed out in Ref. 70 a reduction of (such as the one suggested by current determinations42,43,44) implies that the spectral energy density of relic gravitons is enhanced for frequencies larger than the kHz. This conclusion is particularly interesting since two widely separated frequency domains (i.e. the aHz and the MHz regions) may eventually cooperate in the actual determination of the post-inflationary expansion history, as originally pointed out in Refs. 107 and 108.
4.1.2. The number of e-folds and the potential
When the pivot scales cross the comoving Hubble radius the values of the inflationary observables can be directly expressed as a function of for . For this purpose the values of the slow-roll parameters (and their dependence on ) must be evaluated not simply for the conventional post-inflationary evolution dominated by radiation but in the case of different expansion rates. The total number of e-folds elapsed since the crossing of the CMB wavelengths follows from Eq. (2.14) and it is given by
4.1.3. Illustrative examples and physical considerations
In the case of plateau-like potentials may be written as the ratio of two functions approximately scaling with the same power for ; for instance we can have
4.2. The tensor to scalar ratio
The amplitudes of the tensor and scalar power spectrum are related via which is, in general terms, both scale-dependent and time-dependent :
4.2.1. The tensor to scalar ratio before reentry
The initial conditions of the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB are set prior to matter–radiation equality (i.e. ) when the relevant wavelengths are larger than the Hubble radius. This means that Eq. (4.13) should be evaluated for and ; as before and denote, respectively, the moments at which a given wavelength either exits or reenters the Hubble radius (see Fig. 6 and discussions therein). In this approximation Eqs. (4.11) and (4.12) can be independently solved :
4.2.2. The tensor to scalar ratio after reentry
The expression of the scalar and tensor mode functions after reentry can be directly obtained from the previous results of Eqs. (3.62), (3.63) and from the subsequent discussion. In particular, within the same approximation leading to Eqs. (3.67), (3.68), the evolution of the tensor mode functions is approximately given by
4.2.3. Oscillating potentials
If the background expands as simple power law is constant; similarly, if the reentry of the given wavelength takes place when the inflaton potential is still dominant (and oscillating) remains approximately constant. To analyze this situation we can first write in terms of the inflaton potential , i.e.
4.3. Consistency relations and inflationary observables
In this final subsection, we are going to analyze the dependence of the observables upon the post-inflationary timeline encoded in the value of . We first introduce the standard form of the slow-roll parameters
4.3.1. Scaling of the spectral indices with the number of e-folds
When the consistency relations are enforced the tensor to scalar ratio cannot be equally small for all the classes of inflationary potentials and while the monomials are clearly excluded, the plateau-like and the hill-top potentials may lead to that are comparatively smaller. In the case of Eq. (4.6) the explicit expressions of the slow-roll parameters follow from and are given by
4.3.2. An illustrative example
While the examples along these lines can be multiplied, for the present purposes, different functional forms of the potential do not radically modify the scaling of and of . From Eq. (4.42), and becomes

Fig. 7. We illustrate Eqs. (4.43)–(4.45) in the case . In the plot at the left we consider the plane while in the right plot we discuss the plane . In both plots there are two overlapping regions: the wider area corresponds to the condition while the narrower region illustrates the bounds on (see Eq. (4.34) and discussion thereafter). In the two plots we illustrated different values of .

Fig. 8. As in Fig. 7, we consider the example of Eqs. (4.43)–(4.45) but in the case . The same qualitative features already discussed in the case of Fig. 7 can be observed.
In summary we have that the low-frequency region is sensitive to the post-inflationary expansion rate through the number of e-folds which can be either larger or smaller than . If the timeline of the expansion rate is faster than radiation gets smaller and therefore all the inflationary observables are comparatively less suppressed than in the radiation-dominated case. Thanks to the current measurements42,43,44 we are however in the opposite situation and must comparatively larger than . In this case the inflationary observables are more suppressed than in the standard radiation-dominated case. Probably the most economical way of achieving this goal is to consider inflationary scenarios where the post-inflationary expansion rate is slower than radiation. In this case, following the considerations of Sec. 4, a high-frequency background of relic gravitons must be expected between the MHz and the THz.
5. The Expansion History and the Intermediate Frequencies
In the intermediate region of the spectrum (extending, approximately, between few pHz and the Hz) two important scales are related, respectively, to the BBN epoch (i.e. ) and to the electroweak time (i.e. ). While is three orders of magnitude smaller than the observational region of the pulsar timing arrays (PTA in what follows), is comparable with the window where space-borne interferometers might eventually operate a score year from now. During the last four years the PTA reported a series of evidences of gravitational radiation in the nHz range; it is then interesting to understand if these claimed signals are truly primordial or are just coming from diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation formed after matter–radiation equality. In any case the PTA set already an indirect constraint on the expansion history of the Universe. Within a similar perspective, the lack of detection between few Hz and the Hz (i.e. ) sets an essential limit on the post-inflationary expansion rate.
5.1. The theoretical frequencies
5.1.1. Neutrino free-streaming
Given the expansion rate at the BBN time (when the temperature of the plasma was approximately MeV), the general expression of is
5.1.2. Big bang nucleosynthesis bound
The frequency range associated with is related to a set of direct limits on the expansion rate of the plasma at the BBN epoch when the expansion rate was . Any excess in the energy density of the massless species at the BBN time increases the value of . The additional massless species may be either bosonic or fermionic; however they are theoretical traditionally parametrized in terms of the effective number of neutrino species as . The standard BBN results are in agreement with the observed abundances for .165,166,167,168 The most constraining bound for the intermediate and high-frequency branches of the relic graviton spectrum is represented by BBN as argued long ago by Schwartzman.102 The increase in the expansion rate affects, in particular, the synthesis of and to avoid its overproduction the expansion and rate the number of relativistic species must be bounded from above. All in all, if the additional species are relic gravitons102,103,104,105,106 the integral of the spectral energy density over the whole spectrum must satisfy the following bound :
5.1.3. The electroweak frequency
The Standard Model of particle interactions (based on the gauge group) appears to be successful at least up to energy scales and its basic correctness ultimately suggests that the electroweak phase transition cannot produce a detectable background of gravitational radiation for typical frequencies smaller than the Hz. To explain this viewpoint we start by remarking that the dynamics of the electroweak phase transition has been studied since the early 1970s and while it is plausible that spontaneously broken symmetries are restored at high-temperatures, the order of the electroweak phase transition determines the physical features of the purported gravitational signal. The symmetry breaking phase transitions may cause departures from local thermal equilibrium (and from homogeneity) but, according to the current experimental evidence, the electroweak phase transition does not lead to large anisotropic stresses that could eventually produce a diffuse background of gravitational radiation. A large anisotropic stress can only be produced if the electroweak phase transition is of first order and proceeds through the formation of bubbles of the new phase. It was clear already from the first (perturbative) estimates that the electroweak phase transition cannot be strongly first order169,170,171; however a definite conclusion on this issue was delayed because of the hope that, by using nonperturbative techniques,172 the essence of the perturbative result could be somehow disproved. The phase diagram of the electroweak theory at high-temperature has been first analyzed by reducing the theory from four to three dimensions and by subsequently simulating on the lattice the lower-dimensional theory with compactified time coordinate.173,174,175 These analyses have been later corroborated by genuine four-dimensional lattice simulations discussing the -Higgs system.176,177 The main results relevant for the present discussion can be summarized, in short, as follows. For approximate values of the Higgs mass smaller than the W-boson mass the phase diagram of the electroweak theory contains a line of first-order phase transitions but for GeV the phase transition if of higher order and when (as it is the case from an experimental viewpoint) the phase transition disappears since we can pass from the symmetric to the broken phase in continuous manner. In this cross-over regime there large deviations from homogeneity do not arise and diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation are absent.
Although the electroweak phase transition is of higher order, strongly first-order phase transitions may anyway lead to bursts of gravitational radiation and, for this reason, the production of gravitational waves has been investigated in a number of hypothetical first-order phase transitions. Provided the phase transition proceeds thanks to the collision of bubbles of the new phase, the lower frequency scale of the burst is (at most) comparable with the Hubble radius at the corresponding epoch. Denoting by the frequency of the purported burst, we should always require that where is the typical frequency corresponding to the electroweak horizon. This condition follows directly from the observation that gravitational waves should be formed inside the Hubble radius when the expansion rate of the Universe was approximately . Assuming the electroweak plasma is dominated by radiation between and the electroweak frequency is given by
5.2. Pulsar timing arrays and the expansion history
In the last few years a set of direct observations potentially related with the diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation have been reported for a typical benchmark frequency nHz. This range of frequencies is between 3 and 4 orders of magnitude larger than and it is currently probed by the Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs in what follows). As recently pointed out178 the signals possibly observed by the PTA may be the result of the pristine variation of the space–time curvature. The specific features of the current observations seem to suggest, however, that in the nHz domain may only depend on the evolution of the comoving horizon at late, intermediate and early times. This is also, in a nutshell, the systematic perspective swiftly outlined hereunder.
5.2.1. Basic terminology and current evidences
A PTA is just a series of millisecond pulsars that are monitored with a specific cadence that ultimately depends on the choices of the given experiment. We refer here, in particular, (i) to the NANOgrav collaboration,38,39 (ii) to the Parkes PTA (PPTA)40,41 and (iii) to the European PTA (EPTA).179,180 The PTA data have been also combined in the consortium named International PTA (IPTA).181 The data of the PTA collaborations have been released39,41,180 together with the first determinations of the Chinese PTA (CPTA).182 As suggested long ago the millisecond pulsars can be employed as effective detectors of random gravitational waves for a typical domain that corresponds to the inverse of the observation time during which the pulsar timing has been monitored.183,184,185 The signal coming from diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation, unlike other noises, should be correlated across the baselines. The effect depends on the angle between a pair of Earth-pulsars baselines and it is often dubbed by saying that the correlation signature of an isotropic and random gravitational wave background follows the so-called Hellings–Downs curve.185 If the gravitational waves are not characterized by stochastically distributed Fourier amplitudes the corresponding signal does not necessarily follow the Hellings–Downs correlation. In the past various upper limits on the spectral energy density of the relic gravitons in the nHz range have been obtained186,187,188,189 and during the last five years the PTA reported an evidence that could be attributed to isotropic backgrounds of gravitational radiation. The observational collaborations customarily assign the chirp amplitude at a reference frequency that corresponds to :
• | The pivotal class of models analyzed in Refs. 38, 39, 40, 41, 179–182 always assume (i.e. ); recall, in this respect, that the relation between and is simply given by . | ||||
• | In the former data releases the ranged between and depending on the values of .38,40,179,181 | ||||
• | The latest data releases of the Parkes and the NANOgrav collaborations41,39,180 seem to suggest different origins of the diffuse background of gravitational radiation. | ||||
• | In particular, after considering 30 ms pulsars spanning 18 years of observations, the PPTA collaboration estimates with a spectral index 41; for a spectral the pivotal model the collaboration suggests instead which is compatible with the determinations of the previous data releases40; the PPTA collaboration does not clearly claim the detection of the Hellings–Downs correlation41 and carefully considers possible issues related to time-dependence of the common noise. | ||||
• | The conclusions of the PPTA seem significantly more conservative than the one of the NANOgrav collaboration examining 67ms pulsars in the last 15 years. | ||||
• | The NANOgrav experiment claims the detection of the Hellings–Downs correlation39 but the inferred values of the spectral parameters are slightly different from the ones of PPTA since and .39 |
5.2.2. The comoving horizon after inflation
The measurements of the PTA set a number of relevant constraints on the spectrum of the relic gravitons and on the expansion rate of the Universe. If the observed excess in the nHz range is just a consequence of the primeval variation of the space–time curvature the spectral energy density of the relic gravitons in the nHz domain only depends on the evolution of the comoving horizon at late, intermediate and early times.178 Two complementary aspects of the problem will now be addressed. In the first part of the discussion, we are going to see if a post-inflationary modification of the expansion rate can account for the nHz excess. In the second part of the analysis, we consider instead the possibility of explaining the observed PTA excess through the evolution of the effective horizon at early times.
A first general observation is that, in the concordance paradigm, the PTA results do not set any further constraint besides the ones of the aHz region already discussed in Sec. 4. This happens because the spectral energy density of Eqs. (5.15) and (5.14) always exceeds the the one of the concordance paradigm in the nHz region. Indeed, if the expansion rate is dominated by radiation after inflation, for typical frequencies larger than . Furthermore, in the concordance paradigm, is a monotonically decreasing function of the comoving frequency between the aHz and the MHz domain. This means that in the nHz range the signal of the relic gravitons produced within the conventional lore is always 10 orders of magnitude smaller than the one suggested by Eqs. (5.15) and (5.14). If the expansion history is modified in comparison with the concordance paradigm the relevant time-scale of the problem must coincide with , i.e. the moment at which the wavelength associated with crossed the comoving Hubble radius after the end of inflation (see Fig. 6). The actual value of represents in fact a fraction of the time-scale associated with BBN :
To substantiate the previous statement we now consider a generic post-inflationary expanding stage (i.e. a single -phase in the language of Sec. 2). When the wavelengths cross the comoving Hubble radius during the -phase we have
• | in the low-frequency regime the slope is simply given by ; this is true when the consistency relations are enforced as we are assuming throughout; | ||||
• | if the wavelength corresponding to reenters the Hubble radius when the high-frequency slope follows from Eqs. (3.75)–(3.77) and it is . |
To compare with the potential excesses suggested by the PTA we may recall Eq. (5.13) and then consider the theoretical estimate of the spectral energy density in critical units65
The result of Eq. (5.22) must then be compared in the plane with the ranges of and determined by the PTA collaborations. The two filled rectangles in Fig. 9 correspond to the observational ranges of and ; in the same plot the relation between and has been illustrated as it follows from Eq. (5.22) for two neighboring values of . The three diagonal lines of Fig. 9 imply that the values of required to obtain of the order of or should be much larger than the ones determined observationally and represented by the two shaded regions. Since the full and dashed lines of Fig. 9 do not overlap with the two rectangles in the lower part of the cartoon, we can conclude that the excess observed by the PTA collaborations cannot be explained by the modified post-inflationary evolution suggested of Fig. 9. For the specific case Eq. (5.21) becomes

Fig. 9. The three straight lines illustrate Eq. (5.22) for (full line), for (dotted line) and for (dashed line). The two filled rectangles define the regions probed by the PPTA and by NANOgrav in the plane . The two diagonal lines do not overlap with the shaded areas appearing in the lower portion of the plot and this means that the amplitudes and the slopes of the theoretical signal cannot be simultaneously matched with the corresponding observational determinations. Common logarithms are employed on the horizontal axis.
5.2.3. The comoving horizon during inflation
The previous analysis demonstrated that the PTA excess cannot be explained by a post-inflationary modification of the expansion rate. However, if the effective comoving horizon is modified during inflation (as suggested in 5) it is possible to explain the PTA excess in terms of a relic signal.178 To implement an effective modification of the comoving horizon without obliterating the inflationary expansion we actually consider an effect suggested almost 10 years ago: a dynamical refractive index associated with the propagation of the tensor modes of the geometry in curved backgrounds naturally leads to an increasing spectral energy density at intermediate frequencies.190 The tensor modes of the geometry may indeed acquire an effective index of refraction when they travel in curved space–times191,192 and the blue spectral slopes (compatible with the PTA excesses) arise from the variation of the refractive index even if the background geometry evolves according to a conventional stage of expansion possibly supplemented by a standard decelerated epoch190 (see also Refs. 193, 194, 195). When the refractive index of the relic gravitons is dynamical ( in what follows) the conditions associated with the crossing of a given wavelength are different; the action of the tensor modes of the geometry in the case of a dynamical refractive index194,195 is given by
Equation (5.38) evaluated for reproduces Eq. (5.35) computed at the same reference frequency and the equivalence of the two expressions ultimately follows from Eq. (5.37). Furthermore, in Eqs. (5.35) and (5.32) can be traded for where is the amplitude of curvature inhomogeneities at the pivot scale . It is finally worth recalling that, for a standard thermal history, while in Eqs. (5.36)–(5.39). In Eqs. (5.37) and (5.39), measures the range of variation of the refractive index during inflation and, for this reason, . As we shall see in a moment, the relatively short inflationary stages (where ) seem to be preferred for a potential explanations of the PTA excesses. Equations (5.33), (5.35) and (5.38) are now compared with the parametrizations of the PTA signal given in Eqs. (5.13) and (5.14). Since, by definition, the intermediate spectral index is given as Eq. (5.32) implies a relation that determines as a function of (or ) and :
Frequency range if [Hz] | Bound | |
0 | (Ref. 35) | |
(Ref. 35) | ||
3 | (Ref. 35) | |
0 | (Ref. 36) | |
(Ref. 36) | ||
3 | (Ref. 36) |
and the three specific cases constrained in Refs. 35 and 36 are reminded in Table 1. As the value of increases the bound becomes more restrictive for a fixed reference frequency and the three previous results are summarized by the following interpolating formula :

Fig. 10. We illustrate the common logarithm of the spectral energy density in critical units as a function of the common logarithm of the comoving frequency. In both plots but the values of and do not coincide and they are indicated above each of the two cartoons. The arrows indicate the PTA signal for the spectral indices corresponding to the ones selected in each of the plots. The high-frequency region labeled by LVK refers to the LIGO–Virgo–Kagra bound that applies in the audio band. The increasing branch and the flat plateau corresponds, respectively, to the analytic estimate of Eqs. (5.33) and (5.35).

Fig. 11. As in Fig. 10, we illustrate the common logarithm of the spectral energy density as a function of the common logarithm of the comoving frequency. In the two plots the value of is the same but the values of are slightly dissimilar. In the plot at the left while the three spectra correspond slightly different values of . In the plot at the right and the three curves illustrate the variation of . Since the effect of neutrino free-streaming has been included, in both plots denotes the neutrino fraction.
The previous discussion does not exclude the possibility of two concurrent modifications of the comoving horizon operating before and after the end of inflation. This viewpoint is explored in Fig. 11 where we consider the possibility that the refractive index stops its evolution well before the end of inflation (i.e. ); The spectral energy density in critical units will therefore have three different slopes for . In both plots of Fig. 11, at intermediate frequencies has the same intermediate slopes appearing in Fig. 10 (see also Eqs. (5.32) and (5.40)). However, after the quasi-flat plateau, the spectral energy density exhibits a further increasing branch before the maximal frequency. The corresponding wavelengths left the comoving Hubble radius during inflation and reentered in the post-inflationary stage before radiation dominance. In Fig. 11 the high-frequency spectral slope is since during the post-inflationary stage the evolution is described by a stiff fluid with implying that . The main difference between the plots of Figs. 10 and 11 comes from the high-frequency shape where the bounds coming from BBN must be taken into account (see Eq. (5.3) and discussion therein). The theoretical perspective explored in this discussion strongly suggests that the problem is not yet to fit (more or less reliably) the existing data in terms of a series of preferred scenarios but to understand preliminarily whether or not the observed excesses in the nHz range are compatible with a modified evolution of the comoving horizon since this is the only way the spectrum of relic gravitons at intermediate frequencies can be affected. The most conventional option stipulates that the timeline of the comoving horizon is not modified during inflation so that the nHz excess is caused by the drastic change of the post-inflationary expansion rate prior to BBN. This possibility can be safely ruled out. A second alternative implies a modified evolution of the tensor modes during a conventional inflationary stage as it happens, for instance, when the gravitons inherit an effective refractive index from the interactions with the geometry. This explanation seems viable in the light of the current observations. We may finally consider the possibility of an epoch of increasing curvature prior to the conventional decelerated stage of expansion and argue that this option is only reconcilable with the observed excesses provided the wavelengths crossing the comoving horizon at early times do not reenter in an epoch dominated by radiation. This option may also be viable with some caveats and has been explored in Ref. 178.
5.3. Space-borne interferometers and the expansion history
The direct measurements in the range may primarily clarify the nature of the post-inflationary expansion rate. Indeed, after inflation, the expanding stage could include a sequence of stages expanding either faster or slower than radiation; in this situation a hump in is generically expected below the a fraction of the Hz where the relic gravitons may exceed (even by eight orders of magnitude) the signals obtained under the hypothesis of radiation dominance throughout the whole expansion history prior to the formation of light nuclei.
5.3.1. The conventional wisdom
An old and conventional viewpoint stipulates that between a fraction of the mHz and few Hz the spectral energy density of the inflationary gravitons can be disregarded even assuming the most optimistic sensitivities of the space-borne detectors. On the contrary, always within the standard lore, in the region between the Hz and few Hz the signals coming from the electroweak physics (or from some other phase transition) should represent the dominant contribution of cosmological origin. This perspective is not completely consistent for (at least) two independent reasons.
• | The first one (already mentioned earlier on in this section) is that the electroweak phase transition does not proceed through the formation of bubbles of the new phase and does not imply large deviations from homogeneity as required for the formation of a diffuse secondary background of gravitational radiation. This statement hods given the measured values of the Higgs and W masses. | ||||
• | The usual counterargument is that we might expect strongly first-order phase transitions from new physics which did not show up so far from collider searches. This assumption is however ad hoc since there are no tangible signals of a new electroweak physics from colliders; it is therefore not clear why the purported new physics should always lead to a burst of gravitational radiation in a range compatible with . |
We are now going to discuss how a modified expansion history may lead to a hump in the frequency domain compatible with . This is why any limit on the spectral energy density of the relic gravitons between few Hz and the Hz indirectly constrains the timeline of the post-inflationary expansion rate.
5.3.2. Chirp amplitudes and frequency dependence
The direct bounds on the relic gravitons from the audio band ultimately depend upon the spectrum of the signal. For a nearly scale-invariant spectrum, between 10Hz and 80Hz33,34,35,36 (see also Ref. 37 for a recent review including earlier bounds). To compare the ground-based detectors and the space-borne interferometers it is useful to express the spectral energy density in terms of the chirp amplitude 37 when the typical frequencies fall in the audio band :
The fiducial frequency interval of space-borne interferometers ranges from a fraction of the mHz to the Hz and, within this interval, the minimal detectable spectral energy density (denoted hereunder by ) defines the potential sensitivity of the hypothetical instrument. The LISA interferometers might hopefully probe the following region of the parameter space :
5.3.3. Humps in the spectra from the modified expansion rate
The expansion rates can be bounded by requiring that for frequencies of the order of the corresponding spectral energy density exceeds ; all the other constraints on the diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation must also be satisfied. With this strategy it is possible to constrain the unconventional post-inflationary expansion histories by simultaneously obtaining a large signal for frequencies . The spectral energy density of the relic gravitons might exhibit various successive local maxima but the simplest case consists in a single hump for frequencies comparable with . The can be expressed in this case as

Fig. 12. The common logarithm of is illustrated as a function of the common logarithm of the frequency expressed in Hz. In the left plot the dashed and the dot-dashed curves illustrate two models that are only marginally compatible with the BBN constraint and with the LVK limit; the parameters of the curve at the bottom (full line) are instead drawn from the allowed region of the parameter space. While in all the examples of the left plot (and decreases for ), in the right plot and the limits from the audio band are the most relevant ones.
As expected the value of is always larger than . The parameters of the dot-dashed and of the dashed curves of the left plot in Fig. 12 have been selected in order to get an artificially large signal that is in fact excluded both by the BBN constraint and by the limit of ground-based detectors. The results of the right plot in Fig. 12 correspond instead to a slightly different choice of the parameters, namely, and . For illustration we have chosen implying that between and the spectral energy density is quasi-flat. This is the most constraining case from the viewpoint of the limits coming from wide-band detectors.33,34,35,36,37
5.3.4. Complementary considerations
So far we saw that different frameworks motivate the presence of post-inflationary stages expanding at rate either faster or slower than radiation and this is why the model independent perspective of Ref. 45 (see also Refs. 107 and 108) is, in our opinion, the most useful. We remind here that stiff post-inflationary phase is dynamically realized in different situations and the first speculations along this direction probably date back to the ideas Zeldovich,149 Sakharov71 and Grishchuk.15 After the formulation of conventional inflationary models Ford150 noted that gravitational particle production at the end of inflation could account for the entropy of the present Universe and observed that the backreaction effects of the created quanta constrain the length of a stiff post-inflationary phase by making the expansion dominated by radiation. These effects typically lead, in our notations, to a pivotal frequency of the order of the mHz. It has been later argued by Spokoiny151 that various classes of scalar field potentials exhibit a transition from inflation to a stiff phase dominated by the kinetic energy of the inflaton. In more recent times it became increasingly plausible to have a single scalar field acting as inflaton in the early Universe and as quintessence field in the late Universe.152,153 A generic signature of a post-inflationary phase stiffer than radiation is the production of relic gravitons with increasing spectral energy density.45 In quintessential inflationary models the inflaton and the quintessence field are identified in a single scalar degree of freedom48 and various concrete forms of the inflaton-quintessence potential have been proposed and scrutinized through the years. The transition between an inflationary phase and a kinetic phase can be realized both with power-law potentials and with exponential potentials. See also Refs. 154, 155, 156 for further applications. We pointed out so far that the expected signal coming from the phase transitions is probably rather small; however, as suggested in the past, a strong hypermagnetic background may be present in the symmetric phase of the electroweak theory157,158,159 because of the symmetries of the plasma at finite density and finite conductivity. The overall magnitude of the spectra of gravitational radiation induced by a hypermagnetic background have been estimated, for the first time, in Refs. 157, 158 and turn out to be generally different from the ones associated with a modified post-inflationary evolution.159
6. The Expansion History and the High-Frequency Gravitons
The high-frequency region of the spectrum ranges between few Hz and the THz since, as already discussed in section 3, their maximal frequency cannot exceed the domain. Only for practical reasons, in this broad region we distinguish the ultra-high frequency domain (between the MHz and the THz) and the high-frequency band ranging from the Hz to the MHz. To analyze the bounds on the post-inflationary expansion rate it is simpler to address first the THz domain and then focus on the MHz region that also includes the operating window of ground-based interferometers.
6.1. Spikes in the GHz domain
If the post-inflationary evolution consists of a single stage, the results of Eqs. (3.51) and (3.77), (3.78) suggest that the maximal signal should always be concentrated between the GHz and the THz. This happens when the expansion rate is slower than radiation (i.e. , see Sec. 2 and notations therein). If the expansion rate is instead faster than radiation (i.e. ) the high-frequency slope is negative (i.e. ) so that the spectral energy density is ultimately decreasing and potentially even smaller than the signal of the concordance paradigm (i.e. ) in the same range of frequencies.
6.1.1. General considerations
The high-frequency branch of the spectrum bears the mark of the post-inflationary expansion rate and from the frequency profile of the spectral energy density we can directly infer the post-inflationary expansion rate, the maximal frequency and the other pivotal frequencies of the spectrum (including the approximate curvature scale of radiation dominance). In the left plot of Fig. 13, we report the spectral energy density in critical units as a function of the frequency for a selection of examples (common logarithms are employed on both axes); note that, for the reported spectra, the post-inflationary expansion rate is slower than radiation. In the right plot of the same figure the parameter space is illustrated in the plane where estimates the overall duration of the post-inflationary stage of expansion. The shaded region in the right plot of Fig. 13 denotes instead the allowed portion of the parameter space; in particular, the darker sector above the dashed curve accounts for the bounds coming from BBN which are ultimately the most constraining. The region with lighter shading below the dashed curve corresponds to the current limits coming from wide-band interferometers. Finally the dashed curve itself is deduced through a semianalytic approximation discussed hereunder. The specific features of illustrated Fig. 13 allow for a quantitative reconstruction of the expansion rate if and when the sensitivities of the dedicated detectors (both in the audio band and in the GHz region) will be able to resolve the class of signals suggested here. Along this perspective the main features of Fig. 13 motivate, in short, the following observations.

Fig. 13. In the left plot the common logarithm of is illustrated as a function of the common logarithm of the frequency in the case (i.e. ). In the plot at the right the general bounds on the expansion rate are derived in the plane . The late-time parameters on top of the plots correspond to the last Planck release supplemented by the more constraining bounds on obtained later on.42,43,44
• | In the aHz region the spectral energy density decreases as while we can appreciate the suppression due to the neutrino free streaming close to .160,161,162,163,164 Other sources of suppression taken into account in Fig. 13 and in the remaining plots include the late-time dominance of dark energy and the evolution of relativistic species. The spectra of Fig. 13 have been deduced by using for the fiducial parameters the last Planck data release in the case of three massless neutrinos where , as indicated on top of each plots; this is the choice of the minimal CDM scenario. If the radiation would dominate the whole post-inflationary evolution the quasi-flat plateau (decreasing because of the slow-roll corrections) would last up to frequencies MHz. | ||||
• | When the expansion rate is faster than radiation (i.e. in the notations of Fig. 13) the spectral energy density further decreases between and : this timeline implies that (in particular in the audio band). No further constraints (besides the low-frequency limits that translate into the upper bound on 42,43,44) appear when . | ||||
• | When the post-inflationary expansion rate is slower than radiation (i.e. in Fig. 13) the spectral energy density grows for and eventually reaches a maximum that roughly corresponds to the onset of the exponential suppression taking place for . |
To trace the origin of the high-frequency spike we remark that can be written, with compact notations, as
Although exhibits a mild frequency dependence (mainly coming from neutrino free-streaming), for simplified analytic estimates this dependence can be approximately ignored. Along this perspective we may estimate for . In case a spectral energy density compatible with the one of Fig. 13 we may deduce various pieces of information on the early expansion rate and on the various transitions that occurred throughout the evolution of the plasma.
6.1.2. Invisible gravitons in the aHz region
The results of Fig. 13 do not rely on the specific value of and when the high-frequency spike gets modified but does not disappear while the large-scale limits applicable to in the aHz region also affect the small-scale constraint as suggested for the first time in Refs. 107 and 108 (see also the discussion of Sec. 4). In Fig. 14, we illustrate a sharp reduction of and a consequent suppression in the aHz region. When is reduced also the high-frequency signal gets suppressed although this effect is easily counterbalanced by a smaller value of . To clarify this point we first observe that the values of (illustrated both in Figs. 13 and 14) ultimately depend upon the assumed values of : this happens since is sensitive to the inflationary expansion rate so that eventually scales as and it increases when gets progressively reduced. But depends on also because itself scales as (see Eqs. (3.54) and (3.55) and discussion therein). These different effects can be combined with the purpose of deducing the scaling of with ; up to a numerical factor that depends on the result is

Fig. 14. In the left plot is illustrated as a function of the comoving frequency for three choices of ; common logarithms are employed on both axes. In the plot at the right the shaded area denotes the region compatible with the BBN limit while darker shading follows by requiring that the resulting signal is ultimately detectable in the audio band; this is achieved by requiring, for instance, where is the frequency at which the sensitivity of wide-band detectors to diffuse backgrounds of gravitational radiation is maximal. In the complementary area of the shaded region the BBN is satisfied while . The dashed curve in the left plot is barely compatible with the BBN bound although, overall, a reduction in does not necessarily entail a corresponding reduction of the maximum in the GHz region.

Fig. 15. In the plane , ) we illustrate the allowed region of the parameter space where the BBN limit is enforced and the resulting signal is, in principle, detectable in the future by the wide-band detectors (see Eq. (73) and discussion therein). The two plots correspond to different values of and are the ideal prosecution of Fig. 14 (see, in particular, the right plot).
where denotes the Ligo–Virgo–Kagra frequency which can be estimated in terms of . The most sensitive region for the detection of relic gravitons in the audio band is, grossly speaking, below kHz since, in this band, the overlap reduction function has its first zero.37 Equation (73) requires, in practice, that the bounds coming from wide-band interferometers are satisfied while, in the same frequency range, is larger than . We cannot foresee when the corresponding sensitivity will be reached by wide-band detectors but the requirement of Eq. (73) follows from some of the optimistic claims suggested by the observational collaborations.gg36
6.1.3. Bounds on the expansion rate
In terms of Eqs. (6.3) and (6.4) the BBN constraint assumes a particularly simple analytical form and since the largest contribution to the integral comes from the bunch of frequencies , Eqs. (6.3) and (6.4) can be used to set a limit on the integral of Eq. (3.47); if we require, for instance, we obtain the following constraint in the plane :
The limits obtained from Eqs. (6.3), (6.4) and (6.7) can be checked by direct numerical evaluation of the integral appearing in Eq. (3.47). In the right plot of Fig. 13 the shaded region illustrates the BBN constraint directly computed from Eq. (3.47) and, in the same plot, the dashed curve describes the analytic bound coming from Eq. (6.7) for . The two determinations compare quite well and corroborate the approximation schemes of Eqs. (6.3) and (6.4). We point out that in the right plot of Fig. 13 the darker region corresponds to the BBN whereas the area defined by the lighter shading accounts for the LVK bounds of Table 1. The limits illustrated in Figs. 13, 14 and 15 are two-dimensional slices of a three-dimensional parameter space where the values of are consistently reduced. The allowed region in three dimensions is represented by volume in the space (, , ). To deduce the three-dimensional bounds we first observe, once more, that in spite of the complicated expansion timeline, the frequency is always related to as . If we now require

Fig. 16. We illustrate the three-dimensional parameter space both in terms of and in terms of . The limits illustrated in some of the previous plots are in fact two-dimensional slices of the three-dimensional parameter space illustrated in this figure.
6.2. Spikes in the kHz domain
When a single post-inflationary stage precedes the radiation epoch, consists of three separate branches. If the timeline of the expansion rate contains different stages of expansion the spectral energy density may include multiple frequency domains and a maximum also develops below the MHz. In the simplest situation there are two intermediate stages preceding the radiation-dominated phase. Besides the standard aHz region and part of the intermediate branch (for ), the slopes in the two supplementary ranges (i.e. and ) depend on the values of the expansion rates (i.e. and ) well before the electroweak epoch.
6.2.1. Maxima in the audio band
In Fig. 17, we illustrated few examples and the selected parameters also account for possible reductions of . With a unified notation the spectral slopes (denoted in Fig. 17 by and ) are

Fig. 17. We illustrate the peaks of the spectral energy density in the audio band. The values of are similar to the ones of the previous plots although the spike of now falls in the audio band. The various parameters have been chosen by requiring that (i.e. the frequency of the spike) is such that . This is one of the most constraining cases since the direct bounds of wide-band detectors fall into the audio band. Note that the maximum corresponds to frequencies and not to . Typical frequencies are barely visible in rightmost region of the plot (see, in particular, the final part of the dot-dashed curve).
The profiles of given in Fig. 17 follow from the shape of the comoving horizon where, prior to radiation dominance, the post-inflationary evolution consists of two successive stages where the background first expands faster than radiation (i.e. ) and then slows down (i.e. ). We have from Eq. (6.14) that the spectral energy density decreases for (i.e. ) while it increases at lower frequencies (i.e. for ). If 42,43,44 Eq. (6.14) reduces to
6.2.2. Again on the maximal frequency
The maximal frequency of the relic gravitons depends on but a modified post-inflationary evolution may artificially increase the value of by few orders of magnitude and potentially contradict the quantum bound of Eq. (3.51). The expansion histories leading to must then be rejected since the violations of the quantum bound also entail a violation of the limits set by BBN in the vicinity of . To be more specific we now assume that between the end of inflation and the dominance of radiation there are n different stages of expansion that are arbitrarily different from radiation; this is, again, the general case illustrated in Figs. 4 and 6. We know from Eq. (3.52) that the value of the maximal frequency becomes, in this case :
6.3. Interplay between low-frequency and high-frequency constraints
The previous considerations suggest an interplay between the low-frequency constraints and the high-frequency bound. We are going to examine first the bounds on the inflationary potential coming from the high-frequency region and their connection with the low-frequency limits of Sec. 4. In the second part of this discussion, we swiftly describe some notable quantum mechanical aspects of the relic gravitons at high frequencies.
6.3.1. General bounds on the inflationary potential
Let us suppose, as suggested in Sec. 4, that the inflationary potential interpolates between two complementary regimes: it is inflationary for while it oscillates as in the limit . Few examples of this class of potentials have been illustrated in section 4 (see, in particular, Eqs. (4.6), (4.7), (4.8) and (4.9)). In this situation there is no absolute bound on the value of q but the parameter space of the model is effectively three-dimensional: controls the low-frequency normalization, determines the reheating scale and q fixes the high-frequency spectral index of according to

Fig. 18. We illustrate the bounds on q by using the results of Eqs. (6.21) and (6.22) together with the BBN bound. We are here assuming an inflationary potential characterized by a flat plateau for and by an oscillating stage for where .
6.3.2. Quantum sensing and the relic gravitons
We already established that the quantum bound is more constraining than the classical limit of Eq. (6.20) and this is true in general terms since Eq. (3.51) does not depend on the specific timeline of the post-inflationary evolution but just on the observation that at the maximal frequency only one graviton pair is produced. It makes then sense to normalize the chirp amplitude directly in the THz domainhh; with this logic the bound on of Eq. (3.51) can be converted into a limit on . If the spectral energy is normalized in the THz domain with a putative high-frequency slope , the minimal chirp amplitude required for the direct detection of cosmic gravitons must comply with the following limit :
The limits following from Eq. (3.51) are also relevant for the analysis of the statistical properties of the relic gravitons and, in particular, of their degrees of first- and second-order coherence. These observables follow by generalizing the appropriate Glauber correlators216,217 to the expectation values of tensor fields (see Ref. 218 and discussions therein); besides the physical aspects (discussed over a decade ago219) the main technical difference between the gravitons and the photons involves the polarization structure of the correlation functions. Mutatis mutandis the physical idea is however similar: if cosmic gravitons are detected by independent interferometers the correlated outputs are employed to estimate the degrees of second-order coherence. The analysis of the interplay between the Hanbury Brown–Twiss (HBT) interferometry and the high-frequency gravitons has been recently discussed in literature (see also Refs. 218 and 219); for the present purposes we avoid the polarization dependence and introduce the single-particle (inclusive) density220,221
6.3.3. The quantumness of relic gravitons
The relic gravitons are characterized by autocorrelation functions that are not invariant under a shift of the time coordinate (see Sec. 3 and discussion therein); this is why Eqs. (3.27)–(3.28) do not only depend upon but also upon . This property is rooted into the quantum mechanical origin or the corresponding particles: the initial travelling waves associated with the quantum fluctuations turn eventually into a collection of standing waves because of the evolution of the underlying background geometry. The formation of standing waves (also called Sakharov oscillations) simply means that relic gravitons are produced in entangled states of opposite (comoving) three-momenta according to the unitary process summarized by Eqs. (3.41) and (3.42). Although the field is initially in a pure state its entropy may increase if some information is lost and, for this reason, quantum measurements are somehow intrinsically associated with a loss of information. When observations are performed (for instance by means of HBT interferometry218,219) the sign of the three-momentum cannot be determined; in other words only one of the members of pair is observed while the other one is in practice unobservable. The operators associated with the opposite momenta of a graviton pair effectively act on separated subspaces of the total Hilbert space of the problem. We can then focus on a single pair of gravitons so that the associated operators will be and (i.e. the signal and the idler mode in a quantum optical context92,93). In this two-mode approximation the final state of the particle production process schematically corresponds to
6.3.4. The entanglement entropy
Equations (6.32) and (6.34) ultimately suggest that from the total density matrix a reduced density matrix can be obtained by tracing over the idler mode. To simplify the phases we can introduce
7. Concluding Remarks
Since the Universe became transparent to the propagation of electromagnetic disturbances only after matter–radiation equality, the photons coming from the primeval stages of the evolution of the plasma cannot be detected so that earlier tests on the expansion history are actually related to the remarkable successes of BBN taking place when the expansion rate was of the order of . This figure should be compared with the approximate value of the inflationary expansion rate (i.e. ) inferred from the amplitudes of the curvature inhomogeneities that affect the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. Between these two scales the expansion rate spanned 38 orders of magnitude where the evolution of the plasma could have been rather different from radiation.
During the last 50 years the interplay between high-energy physics and cosmology has been guided by the assumption that radiation should be the dominant component of the plasma well before the onset of BBN and immediately after the end of inflation. This conventional wisdom is consistent both with an early stage of inflationary expansion and with the concordance scenario at late times but it is not unique. The physical foundations of this paradigm are not corroborated by direct observations and they could be either partially or totally refuted in the years to come. Since during inflation the particle horizon diverges (while the event horizon is finite) all the wavelengths that are currently shorter than the Hubble radius were in causal contact during inflation provided the overall duration of inflation was sufficiently long. The length of the inflationary stage is customarily assessed in terms of the number of e-folds which should be if the post-inflationary expansion rate is dominated by radiation. This estimate can be either reduced (down to ) or increased (up to ) depending on the post-inflationary expansion rate that may become either faster or slower than radiation, respectively.
Any presumption about the timeline of the expansion rate should necessarily acknowledge that every variation of the space–time curvature produces shots of gravitons with specific averaged multiplicities. After the actual detection of gravitational radiation there are no direct physical limitations forbidding the empirical scrutiny of the spectra of the relic gravitons (either in the audio band or in higher frequency domains) within the following score year. Since different timelines ultimately correspond to specific profiles of (for frequencies ranging between the aHz and the THz), the expansion rate can be systematically inferred from the slopes of the observed spectra and from their pivotal frequencies. The results outlined here specifically address the interplay between the expansion history of the plasma and the spectral energy density of the relic gravitons in the concrete situations inspired by the current phenomenological lore at low, intermediate and high frequencies.
• | The inflationary observables in the aHz region depend on the timeline of the post-inflationary evolution. In single-filed inflationary scenarios this means, in particular, that the tensor to scalar ratio and the scalar spectral index are more or less suppressed if the timeline of the expansion rate is either slower or faster than radiation respectively. At higher frequencies the PTAs (operating in the nHz range) are now setting interesting bounds on the post-inflationary expansion rate. The apparent excesses appearing in the last data releases of two PTAs could actually come from an increasing spectrum of relic gravitons at intermediate frequencies. | ||||
• | Between the and the Hz various space-borne detectors might be operational in the far future although the signals expected in the mHz region are dominated by astrophysical sources (e.g. galactic white dwarves, solar-mass black holes, supermassive black holes coming from galaxy mergers). The only cosmological sources customarily considered in this framework are associated with the phase transitions at the TeV scale although perturbative and nonperturbative estimates consistently suggest that the standard electroweak theory leads to a cross-over regime where drastic deviations from homogeneity (and the consequent bursts of gravitational radiation) should not be expected. The inflationary signal (often regarded as irrelevant between few Hz and the Hz) could be in fact much larger that the purported signal coming from a realistic dynamics at the electroweak scale. Moreover, since the slopes of obtained in the case of a putative strongly first-order phase transition are much steeper than the ones associated with a modified expansion history, the most severe phenomenological bounds on the relic gravitons between the and the Hz arise (by continuity in frequency) from the audio band and from the operating ground-based detectors. | ||||
• | The window of wide-band detectors notoriously ranges between few Hz and 10kHz. The current limits imply that the sensitivity of correlated interferometers for the detection of a flat spectral energy density of relic gravitons is approximately for typical frequencies in the audio band. Sharp deviations from scale-invariance lead to similar orders of magnitude and while these figures may improve in the years to come, the frequency domain of ground-based interferometers will remain the same. For this reason it is important to promote new instruments operating in higher frequency domains where the potential signals coming from the past history of the plasma are dominant. More than twenty years ago it was suggested that microwave cavities (operating between the MHz and the GHz regions) could be used for the detection of relic gravitons associated with post-inflationary phases stiffer than radiation. While forty years ago the typical sensitivities of these instruments were they improved later on and reached in the early 2000s. Similar prototypes aimed at the detection of dark matter could be used as high-frequency detectors of gravitational waves. The target sensitivities of these instruments are often set by requiring in the MHz (or even GHz regions) the same sensitivities reached (today) by the interferometers in the audio band. This means that the features of the instruments are not guided by the signals of the available sources in the corresponding frequency domain. To detect directly relic gravitons with high-frequency instruments operating between the MHz and the GHz the minimal detectable chirp amplitude should be (or smaller). However, if the pivotal frequencies of the instruments are reduced from the THz to the GHz (or even MHz) band the minimal required chirp amplitude may increase. With these specifications, the detectors in the MHz and GHz domains may be able to probe directly the relic gravitons and their quantumness. |
Both at the classical and quantum level, the largest frequency of the relic gravitons never exceeds the THz band and above the maximal frequency the averaged multiplicity is exponentially suppressed so that ultimately corresponds to the production of a single graviton pair. Since the relic gravitons are inherently quantum mechanical, their quantumness can be measured in terms of an entanglement entropy that is caused by the loss of the complete information on the underlying quantum field. The reduction of the density matrix in different bases leads to the same von Neumann entropy whose integral over all the modes of the spectrum is dominated again by the maximal frequency. Whenever the THz bound is applied, it turns out that the total integrated entropy of the relic gravitons is comparable with the entropy of the CMB but not larger. A potential detection of relic gravitons both at low and high frequencies may therefore represent a direct evidence of macroscopic quantum states associated with the gravitational field. For this reason the detectors operating in the MHz and GHz regions are quantum sensitive to the second-order interference effects. As in the case of optical photons, the interferometric techniques pioneered by Hanbury Brown and Twiss in the 1950s could be applied to high-frequency gravitons with the purpose of distinguishing the statistical properties of thermal and nonthermal gravitons.
I wish to acknowledge relevant discussions with the late Ph. Bernard, G. Cocconi and E. Picasso on high-frequency gravitons and microwave cavities. It is a pleasure to thank A. Gentil-Beccot, P. Birtwistle, A. Kohls, L. Pieper, S. Rohr and J. Vigen of the CERN Scientific Information Service for their kind help along the different stages of this investigation. Some of the discussions presented here have been developed on the occasion of few seminars and of a set of lectures; I thank the questions and the remarks of students and colleagues.
a Indeed, if we reach the Planck time, the blueshifted value of the Hubble radius is of the order of . But since at the Planck time the particle horizon is cm, the ratio between and is approximately and the number of disconnected volumes is .
b Although this point is often ignored we like to point out that the limit is not well defined; strictly speaking an ever expanding inflationary evolution is not past geodesically complete.49 The limit can be better defined by introducing a geodesically complete extension of the de Sitter space–time. This problem has been discussed in the past but will not be specifically addressed here.
c Throughout this paper, denotes the natural (Naperian) logarithm, indicates instead the common logarithm.
d The inhomogeneity of the total pressure can be decomposed as where is the sound speed of the plasma.
e We privilege the approximate expressions for the evolution of the mode functions but the final results coincide with more accurate (and conventional) strategies such as the ones based on the exact evolution of the mode functions during the inflationary stage (see, in this respect, the discussion of Appendix A).
f In general we have but when and we obtain the standard value of which is customarily quoted in the literature.42,43,44
g Throughout this paper, the scale factor is normalized as . This remark is quite relevant since by choosing we will have that comoving and physical frequencies of the relic gravitons coincide at the present time.
h The difference due to and in the final results is actually negligible for the present purposes and it involves a factor (instead of 1) at the level of Eq. (2.42). However, from the conceptual viewpoint this difference is certainly relevant and this is why it will be taken into account.
i The result of Eq. (2.49) is in fact obtained from Eq. (2.48) by recalling that . From the consistency relations we also have that so that, for Eq. (2.49) demands that the value of is given by (while all the other parameters are kept fixed at their typical values).
j To avoid confusions and indicate, respectively, the minimal and the maximal values of w.
k We stress, in this respect, that the indetermination on is not related to the considerations discussed in Eq. (2.44): in that context N denoted the total number ofe-folds which may be, for different reasons, larger than .
l For the moment it is sufficient to note that, for monomial inflationary potentials, the tensor to scalar ratio scales as whereas for plateau-like potential the same quantity scales as . Both values may get eventually larger or smaller than in the radiation phase depending on the post-inflationary expansion rate. Moreover, as we shall see, the value of ultimately affects the value of the maximal frequency of the relic graviton spectrum.
m It can also happen that the background evolution at early times is genuinely different from a stage of inflationary expansion. Both possibilities will be swiftly mentioned later on in Sec. 5.
n Since the tensor amplitude is real the corresponding Fourier amplitude must obey . Moreover is also solenoidal and traceless; thus must obey and . See also the considerations developed in Appendix B.
o Sometimes in the literature Eq. (3.10) is taken as definition of . This is also incorrect since Eq. (3.10) is only an approximation that holds for wavelengths that are sufficiently small in comparison with the effective horizon (or, in equivalent terms, wavenumbers much larger than the expansion rate).
p In particular the intrinsic noises of the instruments are customarily assumed to be stationary, Gaussian, uncorrelated, much larger in amplitude than the gravitational strain, and statistically independent on the strain itself. The stationarity and the homogeneity are also conjectured for the signals associated with the diffuse background of gravitational radiation.88 So far we demonstrated that the diffuse backgrounds of relic gravitons are homogeneous in space but to address the stationarity it is instead essential to take into account the quantum mechanical aspects of the problem.
q These standing oscillations are in fact related to the tensor analog of the Sakharov oscillations71,72,73 (see also Ref. 49). Both during the radiation phase and in the matter epoch the standing oscillations appearing in the power spectrum lead to nonstationary features in the autocorrelation function.76
r While it is debatable if the nonstationary features associated with the diffuse backgrounds of relic gravitons are (or will be) directly detectable, the spectral amplitude following from the Wiener–Khintchine theorem is generally inappropriate for a consistent description of the relic signal.
s The rationale for the bound of Eq. (3.47) is discussed in Sec. 5.
t The analyses of the Bose–Einstein correlations, however, cannot be pursued in spite of the properties of the sources; this is why to overlook the physical properties of the cosmic gravitons leads to conclusions that are ambiguous and ultimately superficial. It makes actually little sense to consider potentials signals coming from diffuse backgrounds for arbitrarily large frequencies (possibly much larger than the THz) without bothering about the underlying physical constraints. This approach is probably motivated by the need of claiming large sensitivities for potential instruments but has no physical basis unless the class of bounds related to Eq. (3.51) is understood and acknowledged. We shall get back to the quantumness of the relic gravitons at the end of Sec. 6.
u This also means that the maximal frequency, the intermediate frequencies and the shape of can all be employed, in different combinations, to infer timeline of the expansion rate as we are going to see in the following sections.
v In Eq. (3.74), we restored by recalling its relation with , i.e. .
w The result of Eq. (3.75) holds, strictly speaking, in the case . When the contribution of must be carefully evaluated and contributes to the slope which becomes .
x The analysis leading to the results discussed above can be generalized to the situation where there are many post-inflationary stages characterized by different rates . It is also possible to use different approximation schemes that will not be specifically discussed here (see however Ref. 49).
y This conclusion would follow by appreciating that and also that .
z For a generic quantity that is both scale-dependent and time-dependent (be it for instance ) we the have that its value is given by when the CMB wavelengths cross the Hubble radius during inflation.
aa For instance the BICEP2 observations137 suggested that looked rather large for single-field inflationary models with monomial potentials. If the value of is comparatively larger than in the case .
bb We stress once more that and similarly .
cc This happens, for instance, in the single-field case where, thanks to the consistency relations, the tensor spectral index is related to the tensor to scalar ratio as . Since is currently assessed from the analysis of the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB42,43,44 cannot be positive.
dd Unless the relic gravitons would lead exactly to the same slope of the astrophysical foregrounds associated with black-hole binary systems, the value is not particularly compelling in a cosmological setting.
ee After Ref. 190 appeared in the form of a preprint, some authors made exactly the same speculation and talked about the sound speed (or sound velocity) of the relic gravitons. While this terminology makes little sense in the context of the propagation of massless particles, the idea is exactly the same (see Refs. 193, 194 and references therein). In the present context we prefer to discuss this class of phenomena in terms of an effective refractive index, as originally suggested in Refs. 190–192.
ff The low-frequency transfer function has a definite form107,108 the high-frequency transfer function depends on the value of so that it does not have a general expression.65 It should be stressed that we refer here to the transfer function of the spectral energy density65,107,108 which is numerically more accurate (when estimating ) than the transfer function for the amplitude.207,208,209,210,211
gg Alternatively we may suppose that the relic gravitons backgrounds will not be accessible in the audio band; in what follows we shall entertain a less pessimistic attitude which is mainly motivated by the steady increase of the sensitivity to relic gravitons in the last 20 years. We must actually recall that in 2004 wide-band detectors gave limits implying 33 while today the same limits improved by roughly 10 orders of magnitude.34,35
hh The spectral energy density in critical units at the present time and the chirp amplitude are related as .
ii To achieve is technologically interesting; from the physical viewpoint this minimal sensitivity is more than 10 orders magnitude larger than the requirements associated with the direct detection of cosmic gravitons.
jj An equivalent basis for the irreducible representations of is provided by the vectors where is the total charge and is the total number of charged species. The vectors are the standard basis of the irreducible representations of where k is the principal quantum number and m is the magnetic quantum number, i.e. the eigenvalue of . The Casimir operator of the group can be notoriously written as so that, eventually, . The commuting set of observables is formed in this case by the Casimir operator and by ; k is usually referred to as the Bargmann parameter.224 The negative series is symmetric under the exchange while the principal (continuous) series will not play a specific role in the present considerations. In terms of k and m we have that the total charge and the total number of particles are given, respectively, by and by . Note finally that the Bargmann parameter224 should not be confused with the modulus of the comoving three-momentum; this is actually impossible since the basis of the irreducible representations employed here is the one given in Eq. (6.30) and not the Bargmann basis.
kk The explicit form of Eq. (6.47) follows by assuming that the relevant wavelengths cross the Hubble radius for the first time during inflation (i.e. ) when the scale factor is given, approximately, by ; the reentry takes place instead when . In the conventional situation (where is the slow-roll parameter) and : this means that . If the wavelengths reenters the Hubble radius during a maximally stiff phase we have instead that since . The considerations based on Eq. (6.47) are then consistent with Eq. (3.50).
Appendix A. Complements on the Curvature Inhomogeneities
A.1. General considerations
The evolution of curvature inhomogeneities appears in various discussions throughout this paper and this is why it is useful to present a self-contained account of the problem. We recall that the action of the scalar modes of the geometry can be expressed as
A.2. The scalar power spectra
The power spectrum of curvature inhomogeneities is defined in the following manner :
A.3. The tensor to scalar ratio
While in the bulk of the paper we preferred to employ the WKB approximation, we report here the derivation of in terms of the expressions of the inflationary mode functions. Since we just need to express the tensor power spectrum within the same notations of the previous subsection. From the results of Sec. 3 the tensor mode functions during the inflationary stage can be given in full analogy with the scalar result of Eq. (A.16)
Appendix B. The Action and the Energy Density of the Relic Gravitons
The evolution of gravitational waves in curved backgrounds is ultimately gauge-invariant and frame-invariant. This means that the early expansion history of the background has a well-defined meaning not only in general relativity but also in its extensions. The evolution can be always treated in the most convenient frame but the spectral energy density will always be the same in spite of the frame employed in the description of the dynamical evolution.
B.1. Generalities
Every discussion on gravitational radiation involves, as a first step, the evolution of general relativistic disturbances in flat-space–time with the aim of showing that only two degrees of freedom propagate, at least in the case of Einsteinian theories of gravity. Since the ideas analyzed here suggest a direct connection between the spectrum of the relic gravitons and the early expansion history of the Universe, it is more appropriate to consider the propagation of weak disturbances in general background geometries that do not necessarily coincide with the conventional Minkowski space–time. For this purpose the full metric (where x denotes the space–time point) is separated into a background value supplemented by the corresponding disturbance :
B.2. Second-order action in the Einstein frame
Equation (B.10) also follows from the second-order action for the tensor modes of the geometry. There are different ways in which the second-order action can be derived but the first step is to observe that the Einstein–Hilbert action can be written in explicit terms by isolating the contribution of the total derivatives; more specifically we have that the sum of the gravity action and of a generic matter contribution becomes
B.3. Second-order action in the Jordan frame
The actions of Eqs. (B.14) and (B.15) have been derived in the Einstein frame. The evolution of the tensor modes of the geometry could be studied in any action conformally related to the Einstein frame. The evolution will clearly be the same and by changing frame nothing dramatic should happen. This means, broadly speaking, that the spectrum of the relic gravitons is ultimately the same in all frames that are conformally related to the Einstein frame. To clarify this statement we consider here the scalar–tensor action written in a generalized Jordan frame
B.4. More general form of the effective action
The effective action of the tensor modes of the geometry may be written in a form that is more general than the one of Eq. (B.15) :
Massimo Giovannini
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