For a physical interpretation of a theory of quantum gravity, it is necessary to recover classical space–time, at least approximately. However, quantum gravity may eventually provide classical space–times by giving spectral data similar to those appearing in noncommutative geometry, rather than by giving directly a space–time manifold. It is shown that a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold can be given by spectral data. A new phenomenon in the context of spectral geometry is observed: causal relationships. The employment of the causal relationships of spectral data is shown to lead to a highly efficient description of Lorentzian manifolds, indicating the possible usefulness of this approach.
Connections to free quantum field theory are discussed for both motivation and physical interpretation. It is conjectured that the necessary spectral data can be generically obtained from an effective field theory having the fundamental structures of generalized quantum mechanics: a decoherence functional and a choice of histories.
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