In this article we study the ground-state properties of two square-lattice Heisenberg quantum spin models with competing bonds using a high-order coupled cluster treatment. The first model is a spin-half model with competing nearest-neighbour bonds with and without frustration. We discuss the influence of quantum fluctuations on the ground-state phase diagram and in particular on the nature of the zero-temperature phase transitions from phases with collinear magnetic order at small frustration to phases with noncollinear spiral order at large frustration. The second model is a highly frustrated ferrimagnet, which contains one sublattice (A) entirely populated with spin-one spins and an other sublattice (B) entirely populated with spin-half spins. Sublattice A sites are nearest-neighbours to sublattice B sites and vice versa and frustration is introduced by next-nearest-neighbour bonds. The model shows two collinear ordered phases and a noncollinear phase in which (classically) the spin-one spins are allowed to cant at an angle. Both examples show that the coupled-cluster method is able to describe the zero-temperature transitions well and provides a consistent description of collinear, noncollinear, and disordered phases, for cases in which other standard techniques (e.g. the quantum Monte Carlo technique for spin systems which are frustrated) are not applicable.
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