In this paper, we investigate the exact time-dependent black hole solution on a warped five-dimensional Randall–Sundrum space–time in conformal dilaton gravity. The zeroes of the model are described by a meromorphic quintic polynomial, which has no essential singularities. The quintic equation can be reduced to the Brioschi form by means of the Weierstrass elliptic curve over ℚ. The model fits the antipodal boundary condition, i.e. antipodal points in the projected space are identified using the embedding of a Klein surface in ℂ2, using the ℤ2 symmetry on the two sides of the brane. If one writes (5)gμν=ω4∕3(5)˜gμν,(5)˜gμν=(4)˜gμν+nμnν, (4)˜gμν=ˉω2(4)ḡμν, with nμ the normal to the brane and ω the dilaton field, then (4)ḡμν is conformally flat. It is the contribution from the bulk which determines the real pole on the effective four-dimensional space–time. There is no objection applying ’t Hooft’s back reaction method in constructing the unitary S-matrix for the Hawking radiation. Again, there is no “inside” of the black hole. The zeroes can also be analyzed by the icosahedron equation and by the Hopf-fibration of the Klein surface.
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