The shock peakon wave solutions of the general Degasperis–Procesi equation
This research paper applies the modified Khater method and the generalized Kudryashov method to the general Degasperis–Procesi (DP) equation, which is used to describe the dynamical behavior of the shallow water outflows. Some shock peakon wave solutions are obtained by using these methods. Moreover, some figures are sketched for these solutions to explain more physical properties of the general DP equation and to figure out the coincidence between different types of obtained solutions. The stability property by using the features of the Hamiltonian system is tested to some obtained solutions to show their ability for applying in the model’s applications. The obtained solutions were verified with Maple 16 & Mathematica 12 by placing them back into the original equations. The performance of these methods shows their power and effectiveness for applying to many different forms of the nonlinear evolution equations with an integer and fractional order.
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