Radiation absorption impact on the thermophysical properties of Cu- and TiO2-water nanofluids: Laplace transform technique
An electrically conducting time-dependent flow of water-based nanofluid comprised of Copper and Titanium oxide over a stationary plate embedding with a porous matrix is analyzed in this study. The novelty arises due to the interaction of both the thermal radiation as well as the radiation absorption that affect the heat transport phenomenon. In the single-phase flow, both the variation of particle concentration and the solutal concentration for the inclusion of chemical reaction are taken care of. Also, the influence of the free convection phenomena is explained significantly. The transformed dimensionless system of the governing equations is handled analytically by using the Laplace Transform method. The behavior of the characterizing parameters involved in the governing equations is presented via graphs and the simulation of the numerical results of the rate coefficients like shear rate and rate of heat and solutal transfer is deployed through the table. However, the physical significance of these parameters is deliberated briefly. Finally, the important outcomes are higher heavier species because of lesser solutal diffusivity which attenuates the fluid concentration throughout the domain. Further, radiation absorption causes a significant boost in the nanofluid temperature distribution.
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