Exfoliated layered nanosheets of orthorhombic SnS, subjected to 90 MeV carbon ion irradiation
Derived through liquid phase exfoliation, the irradiation response of nanoscale, exfoliated tin sulfide (SnS) systems are being reported in this work. The SnS nanosheets were exposed to 90MeV C6+ ion beams across fluences ranging from 1×1010 to 1×1013ions/cm2. With an electronic energy loss (Se) of ∼56eV/Å, dominating over the nuclear energy loss (Sn), the average crystallite size of the irradiated samples displayed an augment when compared to its pristine counterpart. Exhibiting an orthorhombic crystal structure, structural analyses of both pristine and irradiated samples were conducted via X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. Raman analysis has manifested some modifications in the SnS nanosystem upon radiation exposure, particularly with higher fluences causing local structural disorder and amorphization of the material. Moreover, morphological changes in the irradiated SnS samples were examined using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), with AFM images revealing an increase in the root mean square (RMS) roughness corresponding to ion fluence. Furthermore, swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation prompted a non-rectifying Ohmic I∼V characteristics and altered the electrical conductivity of the SnS nanosheets.
1. Introduction
Interdisciplinary research involving two-dimensional (2D) materials has grown in prominence in the recent decades following the groundbreaking discovery of graphene in 2004.1 This discovery opened new avenues for exploring the unique properties of 2D materials and sparked a surge of interest in investigating other layered systems such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), MXenes, phosphorene, etc. Among the vast and ever-expanding array of 2D materials, recently, group IV-VI metal monochalcogenides (MMCs) have joined as a stellar candidate due to their earth abundancy, affordability and eco-friendly features.2 This group has garnered significant attention from the research community owing to their distinct and exciting properties, as well as their broad application perspectives.3 The MMCs are a class of layered, p-type semiconductors which generally possess an orthorhombic crystal structure, a 1:1 stoichiometry and the chemical formula MX, where M represents group-IV metals such as Ge, Sn and Si and X stands for chalcogens such as S, Se, Te.3 Among these, tin sulfide (SnS) is a notable member of the MMC family and was first reported by R. Herzenberg, a German mineralogist.4 The SnS system adopts a characteristic puckered layered structure akin to black phosphorus (BP), which gives rise to pronounced in-plane anisotropy.5 In its bulk state, the material exhibits an indirect band gap that ranges from 1.08eV to 1.27eV, whereas the monolayer form would emerge with a characteristic band gap of ∼1.9eV.6,7 Thus, a layer-dependent band gap tunability similar to other 2D materials is possible, rendering it a potential candidate for various electronic and optoelectronic applications.8 It has been observed that the SnS has an orthorhombic crystal structure (Pnma) under ambient conditions but it makes transition to a more symmetric configuration (Cmcm) at higher temperatures.9 Such intriguing physical properties complemented with a large absorption coefficient (>104cm−1) and high carrier mobility make SnS a versatile candidate to be deployed in photovoltaic devices,10 field-effect transistors (FETs),11 gas sensors,12 energy storage,13 thermoelectric devices,14 etc.
Advancements in nanomaterial modifications using high-energy particles, particularly swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation, have been explored for their significance in fundamental research as well as practical applications.15 The use of high-energy irradiation offers a unique approach to tailor material properties at the nanoscale level.16 When the energetic ions pass through solids, they transfer a significant amount of energy to the target atoms via two distinct mechanisms: elastic collisions, which result in nuclear energy loss (Sn), and inelastic collisions, leading to electronic energy loss (Se). The extent of change brought in by SHI irradiation is profoundly influenced by the parameters such as ion energy, ion fluence as well as target material composition.17 Some of the prominent effects include the formation of latent tracks, or ion tracks and the creation of atomic displacements in the target material, point defects and defect clusters.18 The structural modification is expected to alter the material properties, such as its mechanical strength, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity as well as optical responses. The advantage of SHI irradiation has already been realized for technological benefits, such as nano-filtration membranes for water purification,19 nanoelectronic devices,20 and nanopores for detecting single DNA molecules.21
Despite the growing interest in ion irradiation-induced modification observed in diverse materials including oxides and chalcogenides,22,23,24,25 its effect on layered and nano-dimensional SnS has not been highlighted yet. Herein, we discuss 90MeV carbon ion irradiation-led changes in structural, morphological, vibrational and electrical properties of nanoscale, exfoliated SnS systems. The insights gained from our study will help pave the way for further developments in the field of ion-beam engineering of layered, 2D materials like MMCs in pure and functional forms.
2. Experimental: Materials and Methods
2.1. Processing of SnS nanosheets
All chemicals and reagents were procured from standard companies through a local supplier. Granular tin (II) sulfide (SnS, >99.5%) was purchased from Alfa Aesar® and used without further purification steps. 2-propanol (IPA, (CH3)2CHOH, >99%) was received from Merck®. Initially, tin (II) sulfide granules were mechanically ground using an agate mortar for 15min. In the following, the ground residue was then mixed in IPA (1mg/ml). Afterward, the whole solution was subjected to ultrasonication using a bath sonicator (RoHS®) for 8h under the power of 100W and a frequency of 40kHz. Throughout the ultrasonication process, the temperature of the bath sonicator was kept under 30∘C. The final product was collected from the sonicated solution by centrifugation at approximately, 6000rpm for 15min, and then washed with deionized (DI) water and ethanol several times. Finally, the obtained material was dried in a hot air oven at a temperature of 50∘C, for 12h. The schematic diagram depicting the liquid phase exfoliation process is presented in Fig. 1(a) for reference.

Fig. 1. (Color online) (a) A scheme highlighting steps of the liquid phase exfoliation process and (b) a schematic diagram illustrating SHI irradiation of SnS material with 90MeV carbon ions.
2.2. Irradiation experiment
A schematic representation of the ion irradiation process is shown in Fig. 1(b). To facilitate irradiation, the initially prepared, exfoliated SnS dried powder was carefully dispersed onto a thin circular teflon pellet, possessing a typical diameter of ∼13mm. To ensure uniformity, the powder was firmly compressed onto the pellet’s surface with the help of a hydraulic press exerting a pressure of 40kg/cm2. Subsequently, the resulting samples were rendered suitable for irradiation. The irradiation was performed within the Material Science chamber using a 90MeV C6+ ion beam as the irradiation source. This ion beam with current 1pnA (particle nano-Ampere) was made available at the 15 UD pelletron accelerator situated at the Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) in New Delhi. The irradiation process was conducted at four distinct fluences, namely 1×1010, 1×1011, 1×1012 and 1×1013ions/cm2. The typical thickness of the SnS specimen on top of the teflon dough was ∼100μm, good enough for the carbon ion beam passage having a projectile range of ∼104μm.
2.3. Characterization techniques
The irradiation effects on SnS nanosystems were investigated through a comprehensive analysis of their structural, morphological and electrical properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was carried out using a BRUKER AXS, D8 FOCUS, X-ray diffractometer from Germany, employing CuKα radiation with a wavelength (λ) of 1.543Å. The XRD measurements covered a 2θ range from 20∘ to 80∘, allowing the observation of any changes in the crystalline structure of the nanosystems. To analyze the vibrational modes of the samples, a Raman spectrometer from Renishaw, UK was used. This spectrometer utilized a 2.5mW Ar+ ion laser with an excitation wavelength of 514nm. The surface roughness of the SnS samples before and after irradiation was studied using an atomic force microscope (AFM) manufactured by NTEGRA Vita, NDMDT. The AFM technique could help assess changes in the topographic features and surface properties caused by radiation exposure. Furthermore, morphological changes of the samples were analyzed utilizing a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM, JSM-7200F). Lastly, the electrical conductivity measurements were carried out using a two-probe measuring setup on a Keithley 2400® source meter. This setup could help provide useful insights into the electrical behavior of the post-irradiated SnS nanosystems on a comparative basis.
2.4. SRIM/TRIM calculations
The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter (SRIM) software was employed to calculate the electronic (Se) energy loss and the nuclear energy loss (Sn) for a carbon ion traversing through the SnS material.26 Primarily, the energy loss of the ions was chalked up to the inelastic collisions (Se) with the target material rather than the elastic collisions (Sn). The results from SRIM indicated that the electronic energy loss (Se) was ∼56eV/Å, while the nuclear energy loss (Sn) was much less amounting to 3×10−2eV/Å, as presented in Table S1 in Supplementary section. Additionally, a Transport of Ions in Matter (TRIM) calculation was performed, simulating the behavior of 30,000 carbon ions penetrating the SnS material to a depth of 200μm in order to investigate the ion distribution. The depth distribution profiling of ions provides valuable insights into the extent to which the projectile ion loses its energy within the lattice while passing through the target material.
In our case, 90MeV C6+ ions were used to incident at a normal angle onto SnS material. The graph displaying the variation of Se and Sn with ion energy is shown in Fig. 2(a). The electronic energy loss [dE∕dx]e is found to be largely predominant over the nuclear energy loss process [dE∕dx]n. Ion trajectories i.e., the depth profiling as regards the energy loss of the projectile ions within the SnS lattice can be found in Fig. 2(b), while a transverse view can be seen in Fig. S1(a). Moreover, a 3D plot illustrating the ion distribution is shown in the Supplementary section (Fig. S1(b)). This plot clearly indicates that the projectile range within the SnS material is approximately, 104μm, with the lateral straggling of ∼1.4μm. The plot showing the target displacements and vacancies generated by each ion penetrating the material is shown in Fig. S1(c). Comprising of exfoliated SnS, the samples for this study had a thickness of ∼100μm. Accordingly, 90MeV carbon ion beam was specifically opted for to ensure complete irradiation of the entire sample and full-depth thickness.

Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) Graph showing the variation in electronic (Se) and nuclear energy (Sn) losses obtained from SRIM software for 90MeV carbon ions in SnS and (b) visualization of trajectories to the tune of 30,000 projectile ions.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Surface morphological features
The surface morphology of bulk, pristine and irradiated SnS was carefully examined using FESEM and can be found in Figs. 3(a)–3(f). The pristine SnS, in its native form, exhibits a layered morphology spread over a wider, irregular area with stacks of multiple sheets interspersed with smaller fragments. Noticeably, the pristine sheet displays a lateral size of approximately, 9–10μm. On the other hand, the lateral size of the irradiated sheets is observed to be shortened up to the range, of 2–4μm and the morphological features of these sheets under different fluences are depicted in Figs. 3(b)–3(f). The irradiation effect has caused fragmentation and de-stacking of the wider SnS layers into smaller units. An increase in the ion fluence seems to have resulted in progressive fragmentation of the nanosheets. This morphological change is primarily due to the impact of the ions with the target specimen. In fact, as the carbon ions were bombarded on the SnS layers, they transferred a significant amount of energy to the lattice atoms, resulting in atomic displacements and leading to the fragmentation of larger SnS layers into smaller elements.

Fig. 3. FESEM images of (a) bulk and (b) exfoliated pristine SnS system and the samples irradiated at a fluence of (c) 1×1010, (d) 1×1011, (e) 1×1012 and (f) 1×1013ions/cm2.
The AFM study was employed to compare the surface topography of the SnS samples under investigation followed by analysis using the WSxM software©.27 2D and three-dimensional (3D) views, covering a scan area of 2.5μm×2.5μm, have clearly revealed the presence of nanosheet-like structures in both the pristine and irradiated nanoscale SnS systems. The AFM image of the pristine sample, as illustrated in Fig. 4(a), appeared devoid of any distinct surface features. However, upon irradiation with C6+ ions, noticeable alterations to the SnS surface texture and augmented height profiling were observed, as can be noticed in Figs. 4(b)–4(e). The RMS roughness values of pristine and irradiated SnS are given in Table S2 (see Supplementary section). The RMS roughness as a function of ion fluence, as displayed in Fig. 4(f), exhibits a logarithmic growing trend with increasing ion fluence.

Fig. 4. (Color online) AFM images depicting (a) pristine and irradiated exfoliated SnS at fluences of (b) 1×1010, (c) 1×1011, (d) 1×1012 and (e) 1×1013ions/cm2. (f) Plot of surface roughness versus log (1+f), where f is actual fluence.
Noticeably, this ion irradiation-induced change was accompanied by a substantial increase in the uneven microscopic surface construct in the SnS system. The enhanced roughness can be attributed to the introduction of damage and higher defect densities generated by the high-energy carbon ions over the exfoliated nanosheets.28
3.2. Crystal structure and lattice parameters
XRD measurements were carried out to explore the crystal structure of both pristine and irradiated SnS systems. The XRD patterns in Fig. 5(a) presented prominent peaks located at the Bragg’s angle, 2θ∼26.1∘, 32.1∘, 44.9∘, 45.7∘ and 66.9∘, which are indexed as the (120), (040), (141), (002) and (080) planes of the orthorhombic crystal structure of SnS, respectively (reference JCPDS Card No. 39-0354).29 Describing the preferred orientation of crystallites, the magnified view of the sharp (040) peak is shown in Fig. 5(b). Notably, an observable peak shift towards lower 2θ values is evident with increasing fluence, thereby indicating possible lattice expansion. The average crystallite size (D) was determined through the popular Scherrer’s equation relevant for single line fitting30

Fig. 5. (Color online) (a) X-ray diffraction pattern of pristine and irradiated exfoliated SnS samples, (b) magnified view of the prominent (040) peak of SnS with varying ion fluence and (c) variation of average crystallite size and unit cell volume with increasing ion fluence.
The lattice parameters (a≠b≠c) of the orthorhombic phase of the samples were determined by using Eq. (2)34
The structural parameters for both pristine and irradiated samples are summarized in Table 1. It also showcases the variation of microstrain with ion fluence, exhibiting a decrease in η when compared to the pristine system. These lattice parameters were then used to calculate the orthorhombic unit cell volume, vc which displayed an increase in volume alongside ion fluence, further corroborating the lattice expansion aspect (Fig. 5(c)).
Ion fluence (ions/cm2) | 2θ (∘) | FWHM (∘) | Average crystallite size (nm) | Microstrain (×10−3) | Lattice constant (Å) | Volume (nm3) |
Pristine | 32.11 | 0.30 | 27.56 | 4.55 | a=4.34, b=11.14, c=3.96 | 0.191 |
1×1010 | 31.87 | 0.23 | 35.92 | 3.51 | a=4.33, b=11.22, c=3.98 | 0.193 |
1×1011 | 31.89 | 0.24 | 34.43 | 3.67 | a=4.34, b=11.22, c=3.98 | 0.194 |
1×1012 | 31.78 | 0.28 | 29.50 | 4.29 | a=4.35, b=11.25, c=3.99 | 0.195 |
1×1013 | 31.70 | 0.24 | 34.41 | 3.69 | a=4.33, b=11.28, c=4 | 0.195 |
3.3. Manifested Raman active optical modes
Raman spectroscopy was employed to conduct vibrational analysis of the pristine and irradiated SnS samples. Note that, the MMC possesses an orthorhombic crystal structure with D162h symmetry (Pnma).36 In a structure like that, there exist a total of 24 phonon modes at the center of the Brillouin zone, which can be represented as Γ=4Ag+2B1g+4B2g+2B3g+2Au+4B1u+2B2u+4B3u.37 Among these, 12 are Raman active modes (4Ag, 2B1g, 4B2g and 2B3g). Recorded within the range of 100–600cm−1, the Raman spectra of nanoscale pristine and irradiated SnS are depicted in Fig. 6(a). Observably, there exist significant spectral changes following the irradiation effect. Examining the pristine SnS spectrum, four distinct peaks emerged at ∼154, 183.5, 213.2 and 302.7cm−1. These peaks were associated with distinct Raman modes, with the phonon peaks at ∼183.5cm−1 and 213.2cm−1 that corresponded to Ag(2) and Ag(3) modes; respectively.38 Whereas, the peak at ∼154cm−1 can be attributed to the B3g mode, a minor peak at 302.7cm−1 was also detected in the pristine case, which might be due to the presence of a Sn2S3 phase as an impurity (Fig. 6(b)).39,40 The peak positions of the B3g, Ag(2) and Ag(3) Raman modes in the irradiated samples can be found in Fig. 6(c).

Fig. 6. (Color online) (a) Raman spectra comparison of pristine and irradiated nanoscale SnS samples, (b) magnified view of the 302.7cm−1 smoothed peak of Sn2S3 impurity phase and (c) peak positions of B3g, Ag(2), Ag(3) Raman modes with error bars for SnS at different ion fluences.
At the highest fluence, the Ag(3) peak disappeared, indicating a modification in the crystal structure resulting from an excessive high energy transfer due to the ion irradiation effect. This suggests that high-energy ions would introduce sufficient energy to cause structural rearrangements, or damage within the SnS lattice, leading to the loss of the characteristic Raman signature associated with the Ag(3) mode. To be mentioned, as the irradiation fluence increases the peak positions would shift towards higher wavenumbers, indicating a blue-shift.
Upon exposure to the ion fluence of 1×1010ions/cm2, there is an augment in the intensity of the Sn2S3 impurity peak. The increase might be due to a potential transformation or redistribution of the Sn2S3 phase caused by ion irradiation, resulting in a stronger Raman signal. However, with further escalation in fluence, the peak gradually diminishes and eventually disappears at the highest fluence. The disappearance of the Raman peaks at higher fluences signifies the occurrence of ion irradiation-induced amorphization.41 The interaction between high-energy ions and the SnS material disrupts the crystalline order, potentially resulting in the formation of defects within the crystal lattice, which leads to the creation of highly disordered zones. Consequently, the material gradually loses its crystallinity, giving way to the development of adequate amorphized regions, locally.
3.4. Electrical characteristics of irradiated SnS system
The current–voltage (I–V) characteristics acquired for the pristine and 90MeV carbon ion irradiated samples are shown in Fig. 7(a). It is evident from the figure that the I–V plots seem to follow a linear trend, indicating non-rectifying Ohmic nature of the specimens, with a maximal slope observed for the mid-fluence case (1×1011ions/cm2).

Fig. 7. (Color online) (a) I–V characteristics of pristine and irradiated SnS samples and (b) plot of electrical conductivity versus ion fluence for all the SnS samples.
When the ion fluence increases, a noticeable rise in the slope (dI∕dV) of the I–V curves can be observed. This nearly three-fold increase in the slope from a value of 0.88×10−6S to 2.45×10−6S can be compared in Table 2. Then at the highest fluence (1×1013ions/cm2), however, the slope is reduced to 1.38×10−6S. In other words, at higher fluences (>1011ions/cm2) irradiated nanoscale SnS offers more resistance to the passage of current due to the local structural disorder and defect-mediated carrier scattering events, affecting the carrier mobility.
Samples | Slope (dI∕dV), G (S) | Electrical conductivity (σ) (Scm−1) | Δμ (cm2V−1s−1) |
Pristine | 0.88×10−6 | 3.38×10−5 | 0 |
1×1010 | 0.95×10−6 | 3.65×10−5 | 0.17 |
1×1011 | 2.45×10−6 | 9.42×10−5 | 3.77 |
1×1012 | 1.10×10−6 | 4.23×10−5 | 0.53 |
1×1013 | 1.38×10−6 | 5.31×10−5 | 1.20 |
The electrical conductivity of each sample was determined by measuring the slope of the linear regions of the I–V curves, or conductance (G=ΔI∕ΔV). We have,42,43
We know that conductivity in terms of mobility can be written as44
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, this study demonstrated the structural, vibrational and carrier transport properties of exfoliated SnS upon energetic carbon ion irradiation. The combined use of XRD and Raman analysis revealed structural modifications within the SnS nanosystem upon ion irradiation, particularly higher fluences caused radiation-induced structural disorder or amorphization. The difference in the average crystallite size of the irradiated SnS would tend to vary up to ∼8.4nm compared to the pristine case. The AFM and FESEM analyses signify morphological changes in the irradiated SnS samples. Notably, the AFM images showed an increase in the RMS roughness. Concurrently, the study of electrical properties exhibited an anomalous trend in conductivity for the pristine and irradiated samples. These findings suggest opportunities for controlled modifications of SnS using ion irradiation. Such adjustments may lead to tailored material properties and new applications for SnS and related monochalcogenides, potentially contributing to a wide array of multifaceted applications.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by IUAC, New Delhi (UFR-73330/2023). We extend sincere appreciation to the UFR-66303/2019 project for facilitating the irradiation experiment. Special thanks are due to SAIC, Tezpur University, for extending their XRD and Raman facilities. We also gratefully acknowledge the DST-FIST program for providing the FESEM facility. Additionally, the authors express gratitude to the SAIC IASST, Guwahati, for extending the AFM facility. We acknowledge Dr. Ankush Medhi and Ms. Bhupali Deka for their assistance during the irradiation experiment, and we appreciate the support and valuable suggestions received from peers and colleagues during the entire process.
Stuti Tamuli https://orcid.org/0009-0004-5551-4305
D. Mohanta https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1750-7620
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