Prospects of buffer layer optimization for electrodeposited CZTS-based thin-film solar cell using SCAPS-1D
Kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) has recently attracted the intensive attention of researchers as a significant photovoltaic material for the scalable production of thin film solar cells. We have particularly focused on replacing the conventional CdS buffer layer with non-toxic and earth-abundant materials of zinc stannate (Zn2SnO4) in environmentally friendly thin-film solar cells based on CZTS. Zinc stannate (ZTO) with a wide bandgap energy of about 3.33eV can be a promising material to reduce photon absorption loss and improve the photovoltaic performance of the device. Thus, the absorber and buffer layers were practically prepared to determine the bandgaps of layers for citation in SCAPS-1D simulation program. We employed chemical methods to deposit the CdS and CZTS layers and succeeded to obtain a high-quality kesterite phase of CZTS. The common configuration of FTO/CZTS/buffer/ZnO/AZO was the basis of the simulations in which, the thicknesses of the absorber and buffer layers were optimized by using the SCAPS-1D. According to the outcome of the simulations, the ZTO buffer layer has a better performance than CdS.
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