Theory of Magnetic Short-Range Order for Itinerant Electron Systems
On the basis of the one-band t–t′-Hubbard model a self-consistent renormalization theory of magnetic short-range order (SRO) in the paramagnetic phase is presented combining the four-field slave-boson functional-integral scheme with the cluster variational method. Contrary to previous SRO approaches the SRO is incorporated at the saddle-point and pair-approximation levels. A detailed numerical evaluation of the theory is performed at zero temperature, where both the hole- and electron-doped cases as well as band-structure effects are studied. The ground-state phase diagram shows the suppression of magnetic long-range order in favour of a paramagnetic phase with antiferromagnetic SRO in a wide doping region. In this phase the uniform static spin susceptibility increases upon doping up to the transition to the Pauli paraphase. Comparing the theory with experiments on high-Tc cuprates a good agreement is found.
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