Chiral gauge leptoquark mass limits and branching ratios of K0L,B0,Bs→l+il−jK0L,B0,Bs→l+il−j decays with account of the general fermion mixing in leptoquark currents
The contributions of the chiral gauge leptoquarks VL,RVL,R induced by the chiral four-color quark–lepton symmetry to the branching ratios of K0L,B0,Bs→l1l2K0L,B0,Bs→l1l2 decays are calculated and analyzed using the general parametrizations of the fermion mixing matrices in the leptoquark currents. From the current experimental data on these decays under assumption mVL≪mVRmVL≪mVR, the lower mass limit mVLcosγL>5.68TeVmVLcosγL>5.68TeV is found, which in particular case of equal gauge coupling constants gives mVL>8.03TeVmVL>8.03TeV. The branching ratios of the decays under consideration predicted by the chiral gauge leptoquarks are calculated and analyzed in dependence on the leptoquark masses and the mixing parameters. It has shown that in consistency with the current experimental data, these branching ratios for Bs,B0→μeBs,B0→μe decays can be close to their experimental limits and those for Bs,B0→τe,τμBs,B0→τe,τμ decays can be of order of 10−710−7. The calculated branching ratios will be useful in the further experimental searches for these decays.