Peculiarities of the charge transport in the gas discharge electronic device with irradiated porous zeolite
The influence of pressure and β-radiation (1 kGy β doses) on the charge transport mechanism, charge trapping effects in porous zeolite surfaces and breakdown voltage (UB) are discussed in atmospheric microplasmas for the first time. This is due to exposure the zeolite cathode (ZC) to β-radiation resulting in substantial decreases in the UB, discharge currents and conductivity due to increase in porosity of the material. Results indicated that the enhancement of plasma light intensity and electron emission from the ZC surface with the release of trapped electrons which are captured by the defect centers following β-irradiation. The porosity of the ZC and radiation defect centers has significant influence on the charge transport of the microstructure and optical properties of the devices manufactured on its base. Thus, we confirm that the ZCir is a suitable cathode material for plasma light source, field emission displays, energy storage devices and low power gas discharge electronic devices.