Energy-aware integrated optimization of process planning and scheduling considering transportation
This paper concentrates on energy conservation in flexible manufacturing system. In addition to the energy saving of single machine tool, it is significant to reduce energy consumption in the two sub-systems of process planning and shop scheduling. Compared to traditional methods that consider the two sub-systems separately, integrated optimization of these sub-systems further improves the energy efficiency of the job shop. Furthermore, the transportation of jobs and semi-manufactured jobs in the process have been ignored in previous research, which has a great influence on the process routes selecting, machine dispatching and energy consumption. Therefore, this paper proposes an energy-aware multi-objective integrated optimization model of process planning and shop scheduling considering transportation. Parameters are optimized simultaneously including work piece machining feature selecting, process method selecting, processing sequence and machine dispatching of each job. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is adopted to minimize the total energy consumption and makespan. Finally, a case study using the proposed model is employed to verify that energy consumption of transportation has authentically influence on total energy consumption and scheduling scheme.