Velocity–temperature correlations in high-temperature supersonic turbulent channel flows for two gas models
Velocity–temperature correlations in a high-temperature supersonic turbulent channel flows, including thermally perfect gas (TPG) and calorically perfect gas (CPG), are investigated based on the direct numerical simulation database [Chen et al., J. Turbul. 19 (2018) 365] to study the gas model effects. The results show that in fully developed turbulent channel flow, the Reynolds analogy factor remains close to 1.2 for both gas models. The “recovery enthalpy” is better than Walz’s equation to connect the mean stream-wise velocity with mean static temperature because it is independent with gas models. The modified strong Reynolds analogy for TPG is more accurate scaling than that for CPG, and the turbulent Prandtl number is insensitive to gas models. In addition, the influence of gas model on the probability density functions of stream-wise velocity and static temperature concentrate on the corresponding right tails.