Study on structure and magnetic properties of -doped Ni–Cu–Co ferrites prepared by sol–gel method
In this paper, nickel nitrate, copper nitrate, cobalt nitrate, ferric nitrate were used as raw materials, citric acid was used as a complexing agent, and chromium nitrate was used as a modifier to synthesize by sol–gel method. The sample was characterized. X-ray diffraction (XRD) data on the sample showed that the particle size of the sample was 52.14–54.88 nm. The lattice constant varied from 8.3569 Å to 8.3758 Å. The data of Fourier infrared showed that the sample did not change with the structure of the doped sample of Cr ion and remained as the spinel type. It can be seen by SEM that the sample is irregularly spherical. Due to the doping of chromium ions, it appears agglomerated. Analysis of the elements of the sample by EDAX revealed that the sample contained Ni, Cu, Co, Fe, O and a peak corresponding to the Cr element was found in the sample having crion content of 0.025, 0.050, 0.075 and 0.100. The magnetic properties of the samples were characterized using VSM. The data are processed to obtain magnetic parameters such as saturation magnetization and coercivity.