Solution of two-qubit Rabi model with extended generalized rotating-wave approximation
The generalized rotating-wave approximation (GRWA) method is extended to the two-qubit quantum Rabi model. In the first-order approximation (one photon exchange), the Hamiltonian matrix in photon number space is simplified by introducing two variational parameters. However, the Hamiltonian matrix is not a diagonalizable matrix yet. Furthermore, by presenting a constraint condition on coupling strength and atomic transition frequency, the Hamiltonian matrix is simplified and an effective solvable Hamiltonian with block diagonal form is obtained. In the even and odd parity space, the energy spectra and eigenstates of the two-qubit quantum Rabi model are achieved analytically. Most of the energy spectra, especially the lower energy levels, agree well with the numerical exact results in ultra-strong coupling region, and the ground state wave function can gives a fairly accurate result of mean photon number.