Role of particle shape considering three-dimensional flow of water-based ternary hybrid nanofluids for the interaction of magnetic field
In developing current flow phenomena, the proposed study is carried out by the consideration of ternary hybrid nanofluid flow past a stretching surface. The flow became electrically conducting due to the inclusion of transverse magnetic field along the normal direction of the flow. Further, the energy profile is enhanced for the interaction of the radiative heat using Rosseland approximation. The innovation behind this approach is due to the assumption of the various shapes of the particles, i.e. spherical, cylindrical along with platelet-shaped nanoparticles and the corresponding physical properties are demonstrated. In view of physical phenomena, carbon nanotube, graphene, and aluminum oxide nanoparticles with water as a base liquid are used to prepare the hybrid nanofluid. Because of the complexity of the formulated model, the governing non-dimensional set of equations is handled by using traditional numerical technique following shooting-based “Runge–Kutta fourth-order” technique. Further, the significant role of the pertinent factors involved in the flow phenomena is the case of ternary nanofluid overshoots the fluid velocity in comparison to the case of nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid and the shear rate enhances for the increasing magnetization whereas the heat transfer rate attenuates significantly.