Human Unsupervised and Supervised Learning as a Quantitative Distinction
SUSTAIN (Supervised and Unsupervised STratified Adaptive Incremental Network) is a network model of human category learning. SUSTAIN initially assumes a simple category structure. If simple solutions prove inadequate and SUSTAIN is confronted with a surprising event (e.g. it is told that a bat is a mammal instead of a bird), SUSTAIN recruits an additional cluster to represent the surprising event. Newly recruited clusters are available to explain future events and can themselves evolve into prototypes/attractors/rules. SUSTAIN has expanded the scope of findings that models of human category learning can address. This paper extends SUSTAIN to account for both supervised and unsupervised learning data through a common mechanism. The modified model, uSUSTAIN (unified SUSTAIN), is successfully applied to human learning data that compares unsupervised and supervised learning performances.18