In this paper, a color image segmentation algorithm and an approach to large-format image segmentation are presented, both focused on breaking down images to semantic objects for object-based multimedia applications. The proposed color image segmentation algorithm performs the segmentation in the combined intensity–texture–position feature space in order to produce connected regions that correspond to the real-life objects shown in the image. A preprocessing stage of conditional image filtering and a modified K-Means-with-connectivity-constraint pixel classification algorithm are used to allow for seamless integration of the different pixel features. Unsupervised operation of the segmentation algorithm is enabled by means of an initial clustering procedure. The large-format image segmentation scheme employs the aforementioned segmentation algorithm, providing an elegant framework for the fast segmentation of relatively large images. In this framework, the segmentation algorithm is applied to reduced versions of the original images, in order to speed-up the completion of the segmentation, resulting in a coarse-grained segmentation mask. The final fine-grained segmentation mask is produced with partial reclassification of the pixels of the original image to the already formed regions, using a Bayes classifier. As shown by experimental evaluation, this novel scheme provides fast segmentation with high perceptual segmentation quality.
This work was supported by the EU projects aceMedia "Integrating Knowledge Semantics and Content for User Centred Intelligent Media Services" (FP6-001765) and SCHEMA "Network of Excellence in Content-Based Semantic Scene Analysis and Information Retrieval" (IST-2001-32795). The assistance of COST211 quat is also gratefully acknowledged.