Unraveling the Potential: A Systematic Review and Performance Evaluation of Data-Driven Network Anomaly Detection Techniques
Network anomalies significantly impact the efficiency and stability of network systems, making effective anomaly detection crucial for optimal performance and prevention of network breakdowns. However, conventional methods must be improved for handling anomalies’ complexities and evolving nature. Despite extensive research in network anomaly detection (NAD) techniques, there is a need for more systematic literature reviews incorporating recent advances, particularly in dynamic and heterogeneous network settings. Moreover, most review papers focus on individual detection methods, needing a unified framework for comprehensive anomaly detection. To bridge these gaps, this paper conducts a comprehensive analysis by conducting a systematic literature review and formulating five research questions to outline the objectives of this study. A holistic framework is proposed, integrating techniques based on preprocessing and Feature Selection into prediction models to develop more accurate, efficient, and reliable anomaly detection systems. The empirical evaluation assesses the effectiveness, accuracy, efficiency, and reliability of the data-driven NAD techniques. Finally, the study identifies research gaps and potential future directions to guide further advancements in developing accurate and efficient anomaly detection models. By synthesizing and analyzing 116 top-cited papers, this study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by highlighting the potential of emerging anomaly detection techniques in complex and dynamic network environments.