ShNFN: Shepard Neuro-Fuzzy Network for Intrusion Detection in Fog Computing
Fog computing is a type of distributed computing that makes data storage and computation closer to the network edge. While fog computing offers numerous advantages, it also introduces several challenges, particularly in terms of security. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays a crucial role in securing fog computing environments by monitoring network traffic and system activities for signs of malicious behavior. Several techniques can be employed to enhance intrusion detection in fog computing environments. Accordingly, this paper proposes a Shepard Neuro-Fuzzy Network (ShNFN) for intrusion detection in fog computing. Initially, in the cloud layer, the input data are passed to data transformation to transform the unstructured data into structured form. Here, data transformation is done employing the Box-Cox transformation. Following this, the feature selection is done in terms of information gain and symmetric uncertainty process and it is used to create a relationship between two variables. After that, the data are classified by employing the proposed ShNFN. The ShNFN is attained by fusing two networks, such as Cascade Neuro-Fuzzy Network (Cascade NFN) and Shepard Convolutional Neural Networks (ShCNN). After this, the physical process is executed at the endpoint layer. Finally, intrusion detection is accomplished in the fog layer by the proposed ShNFN method. The performance of the intrusion detection using ShNFN is calculated by the metrics of recall, F-measure and precision. The proposed method achieves the values of 93.3%, 92.5% and 94.8% for recall, F-measure, and precision, respectively.