Unsteady rotating flow of nanofluid with prescribed thermal aspects
Motivated by the significant role of nanofluid in pollution cleaning and energy recovery, we decided to explore the unsteady three-dimensional rotating flow of nanofluid driven by the movement of a flat surface with the potencies of prescribed heat distributions. The modeling of the physical model is completed with the help of Buongiorno nanofluid model. Suitable arrangement of similarity variables is implemented to transform the model equations into strongly nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Numerical inspection of the model is made by employing Keller–Box algorithm. Influences of involved parameters on the distributions of heat and mass are discussed graphically, while the potencies of influential parameters on reduced Nusselt and reduced Sherwood numbers are physically discussed through tabular arrangements. It is deduced that increasing the values of Prandtl factor and heat controlling indices diminishes the temperature and concentration distributions, whereas intensification in the amount of rotation factor enhances the temperature as well as concentration distribution. Moreover, negative trends in the amounts of reduced Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are achieved with the escalations in the values of rotation and thermophoresis factors, whereas opposite trend is achieved with the intensification in the choice of Prandtl factor.
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