Certificateless Public Verification for the Outsourced Data Integrity in Cloud Storage
By advances in cloud storage systems, users have access to the data saved in the cloud and can manipulate the data without limitation of time and place. As the data owner no longer possesses data physically, he is required to ensure the integrity of the data stored in the cloud with the public key given by public key infrastructure (PKI). Thus the security of PKI and certificates are essential. However, there are numerous security risks in the traditional PKI and it is complex to administer the certificates. Certificateless public key cryptography is used in this paper to solve these problems. We also use elliptic curve group to reduce computation overhead. In this paper, we design a certificateless public verification mechanism to check the integrity of data outsourced in the cloud and we further extend it to support a multiuser group by batch verification. Specifically, a public verifier who replaces the data owner to check the integrity in the proposed scheme does not require to manage any certificates during the verification process. Meanwhile, a verifier is not required to download the entire file for integrity checking. Theoretical analyses verify the security of our scheme and experimental results show its efficiency.
This paper was recommended by Regional Editor Tongquan Wei.