The standard map x′ = x + y′, y′ = y + (K/2π)sin(2πx), where both x and y are given modulo 1, becomes mostly chaotic for K ≥ 8, but important islands of stability appear in a recurrent way for values of K near K = 2nπ (groups of islands I and II), and K = (2n + 1)π (group III), where n ≥ 1. The maximum areas of the islands and the intervals ΔK, where the islands appear, follow power laws. The changes of the areas of the islands around a maximum follow universal patterns. All islands surround stable periodic orbits. Most of the orbits are irregular, i.e. unrelated to the orbits of the unperturbed problem K = 0. The main periodic orbits of periods 1, 2 and 4 and their stability are derived analytically. As K increases these orbits become unstable and they are followed by infinite period-doubling bifurcations with a bifurcation ratio δ = 8.72. We find theoretically the connections between the various families and the extent of their stability. Numerical calculations verify the theoretical results.