Exact Solutions in the Invariant Manifolds of the Generalized Integrable Hénon–Heiles System and Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of Klein–Gordon–Schrödinger Equations
In this paper, we consider the exact explicit solutions for the famous generalized Hénon–Heiles (H–H) system. Corresponding to the three integrable cases, on the basis of the investigation of the dynamical behavior and level curves of the planar dynamical systems, we find all possible explicit exact parametric representations of solutions in the invariant manifolds of equilibrium points in the four-dimensional phase space. These solutions contain quasi-periodic solutions, homoclinic solutions, periodic solutions as well as blow-up solutions. Therefore, we answer the question: what are the flows in the center manifolds and homoclinic manifolds of the generalized Hénon–Heiles (H–H) system. As an application of the above results, we consider the traveling wave solutions for the coupled (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional Klein–Gordon–Schrödinger Equations with quadratic power nonlinearity.
This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11471289, 11571318).