Analysis of Susceptibility to the Consensus for a Few Representations of Collective Knowledge
Nowadays, it happens very often that in order to make a decision we rely on knowledge originating from different and autonomous sources, i.e. from experts or the Internet. For many problems we often ask for an opinion of not one but a group of sources (a collective). It may be due to the fact that we collect very large amount of information which might be inconsistent unfortunately. The process of appointing the knowledge state of a collective (final and consistent opinions) is often very complex and time-consuming. Therefore, we want to know if it is possible to determine a common and reliable opinion of a collective only by analyzing given knowledge of a collective. For this task the consensus theory is applied. This work is devoted to analyses of a susceptibility to a consensus for a few types of representations of experts' opinions (knowledge of a collective) such as a number, a binary vector, ordered partitions or ordered coverings.