An amalgam of inverse semigroups is embedded into an amalgam with a lower bounded core
Given any amalgam [S1,S2;U] of inverse semigroups, we show how to construct an amalgam [T1,T2;Z] such that S1∗US2 is embedded into T1∗ZT2, where S1⊆T1, S2⊆T2, S1∩Z=S2∩Z=U and, for any z∈Z and h∈E(Ti) with z≥h in Ti, where i∈{1,2}, there exists f∈E(Z) with z≥f≥h in Ti; that is, Z is a lower bounded subsemigroup of T1 and T2. A recent paper by the author describes the Schützenberger automata of T1∗ZT2, for an amalgam [T1,T2;Z] where Z is lower bounded in T1 and T2, giving conditions for T1∗ZT2 to have decidable word problem. Thus we can study S1∗US2 by considering T1∗ZT2. As an example, we generalize results by Cherubini, Jajcayová, Meakin, Piochi and Rodaro on amalgams of finite inverse semigroups.
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