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A B-infinity algebra structure of singular Hochschild complex

    https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218196723500480Cited by:0 (Source: Crossref)


    In this paper, we calculate the low order relations of B-algebra and introduce the bibrace algebra. It can be applied to the B-algebras of the (co)Hochschild cochain complex and the singular Hochschild complex of an algebra.

    1. Introduction

    The singularity category sg(A) of a right Noetherian algebra A over a field k is defined as the Verdier quotient of the bounded derived category of finitely generated (right) A-modules by the full subcategory of complexes quasi-isomorphic to bounded complexes of finitely generated projective modules. It was introduced by Buchweitz in an unpublished paper [1] in 1986 and rediscovered, in its scheme-theoretic variant, by Orlov in 2003 [10].

    Let M, N be two modules over a Gorenstein algebra G. The ith Tate cohomology group of M with values in N is defined as Ext̲iG(M,N):=Homsg(G)(M,SiN), where S is the shift functor. In [12, 13, 14], Wang defined the singular Hochschild cohomology HH*sg(A,A) (see Definition 3.1) for any Noetherian algebra A. It is a colimit of some Hochschild cohomology groups. In [12, 14], he showed there exists a natural isomorphism between the singular Hochschild cohomology HH*sg(A,A) and the Tate cohomology Ext̲*AkAop(A,A). At the complex level, Wang defined the singular Hochschild cochain complex C*sg(A,A) (see Definition 3.1). It is a colimit of some cochain complexes. Wang showed that, like Hochschild cohomology, singular Hochschild cohomology carries a Gerstenhaber algebra structure and singular Hochschild cochain complex carries a B-algebra structure in [9, 12, 14].

    In this paper, we calculate the low order relations of B-algebra and introduce the bibrace algebra (see Definition 2.7). We construct a new B-algebra structure for the singular Hochschild cochain complex C*sg(A,A) such that the singular Hochschild cohomology carries the Gerstenhaber algebra structure in [4, 12]. Let us state the main results of this paper.

    Theorem 1.1 (see Theorem 3.8). Let A be a unital associative k-algebra. There is a bibrace algebra structure on C*sg(A,A). In particular, it lifts the Lie bracket of Gerstenhaber algebra at the homology level.

    For the B-algebra C*sg(A,A), we have the opposite B-algebra C*sg(A,A)opp (see Definition 2.13) and the transpose B-algebra C*sg(A,A)tr (see Definition 2.14).

    Theorem 1.2 (see Corollary 3.9). Let A be a unital associative k-algebra. Suppose the swap map T:C*sg(A,A)trC*sg(Aop,Aop)is a strict A-isomorphism. Then there is a B-isomorphism from the opposite B-algebra C*sg(A,A)oppto the bibrace algebra C*sg(Aop,Aop).

    Convention. In this paper, k is a field and all vector spaces are over k. For simplifying the notation, we always write ⊗ instead of k and write Hom instead of Homk, when no confusion may occur. The tensor product of n copies of the space V is denoted Vn. For viV, the element v1vn of Vn is denoted by v1vn or (v1,,vn). The notation comes from [8]. The identity map is denoted 1.

    2. B-Algebra

    In this section, we assume that V=pVp is a -graded k-vector space. Let SV be the shift of V with (SV)p:=Vp+1. The cofree tensor coalgebra over the graded vector space SV is the graded tensor module:

    equipped with the deconcatenation coproduct Δ, the counit c and the coaugmentation u in the graded case.

    We denote the reduced cofree tensor coalgebra ¯Tc(SV):=coker u of SV. We need the Koszul sign rule

    where for a homogeneous map g, its degree is denoted by |g| and for a homogeneous element x, its degree is denoted by |x|.

    Definition 2.1. Let V be a -graded vector space:


    When the noncounital cofree tensor coalgebra ¯Tc(SV) is a dg coalgebra, then V is called A-algebra.


    When the counital cofree tensor coalgebra Tc(SV) is a dg bialgebra, then V is called B-algebra.

    Definition 2.2 ([7]). An A-algebra over a field k is a -graded vector space V=pVp endowed with graded maps mn:AnA,n1, of degree 2n satisfying the following relations:

    where n=r+s+t, s1 and r,t0.

    Definition 2.3 ([7]). An A-morphism of A-algebras f=(fn):(V,mn)(V,mn) is given by a collection of graded maps fn:VV of degree 1n such that, for all n1, we have

    where 𝜀=(r1)(i11)+(r2)(i21)++2(ir21)+(ir11).

    An A-morphism f:VV is strict if fi=0 for each i1. The composition gf of two A-morphisms f=(fn)n1:VV and g=(gn)n1:VV is given by

    where 𝜀 is defined as above.

    Denote by Cn(r,s,t):=1rms1t where C represents the coderivation. So the relations (𝒜n) are the abbreviation ±mr+1+tCn(r,s,t)=0.

    Suppose that Tc(SV) is a cofree bialgebra. The product is the map *:Tc(SV)Tc(SV)Tc(SV) and the unit is the map kTc(SV). Since Tc(SV) is cofree, the map * is completely determined by its value in SV, that is by maps:

    where μpq is the homogenous map of degree 0.

    The associative operation on Tc(SV) is recovered from the μpq by the formula

    where μt(p̲,q̲)=(μp1,q1μpt,qt).

    Let maps Mpq:VpVqV be defined such that the following square is commutative (i.e. Mpq=S1μpq(SpSq)):

    In particular, we have M01=S1μ01(1kS) and M10=S1μ10(S1k). Notice that |Mpq|=1(p+q) since |μpq|=0.

    By the Koszul sign rule, there is an identity

    For all sets of indices (i̲,j̲):=(i1,,ik;j1,,jk) such that i1++ik=p and j1++jk=q, we denote
    the map which sends (u1up,v1vq)VpVq to

    The first nontrivial associative relation of three elements (i+j+k=3), (Su*Sv)*Sw=Su*(Sv*Sw), reads:


    The following is the associative law of four elements (i+j+k=4):

    These read, respectively,




    More generally, we have the associativity of the product *:Tc(SV)Tc(SV)Tc(SV) for any triple (i,j,k) of positive integers:


    The associativity of the product reads:

    where 𝜖=lr=1(k+lr)(ir+jr1)+lr=1jr(ir+1++il) with Ml(i̲,j̲)=(Mi1,j1Mil,jl) and δ=ms=1(ms)(js+ks1)+ms=1ks(js+1++jl) with Mm(j̲,k̲)=(Mj1,k1Mjm,km).

    Suppose that d:Tc(SV)Tc(SV) is the differential of degree 1. The first nontrivial Leibniz rule of two elements (j+k=2), d(Su*Sv)=dSu*Sv+Su*dSv, reads:


    The following is the Leibniz rule of three elements (j+k=3),

    These read, respectively,



    More generally, we have the Leibniz rule of the product *:Tc(SV)Tc(SV)Tc(SV) and the differential d:Tc(SV)Tc(SV) for any tuples (j,k) of positive integers:


    Since Tc(SV) is cofree, the maps *, d are completely determined by its value in SV. The Leibniz rule reads:

    where α=nr=1(nr)(kr+lr1)+nr=1lr(kr+1+kn), β=r+s(t+l), γ=(k+r)+st and Cn(r,s,t)=1rms1t.

    Definition 2.4. A B-algebra is an A-algebra (V,mn:VnV,(𝒜n)) equipped with operations

    and two classes relations (ijk) for any triple (i,j,k) of positive integers and (jk) for any pair (j,k) of positive integers.

    Remark 2.5. Let n=i+j+k, i,j,k. Fixing n, the number of relations (ijk) is (n12). For example, if n=6, there are 10 relations. Precisely, (114), (411), (123), (321), (132), (231), (141), (213), (312), (222). Let m=j+k, j,k, then the number of the relations (jk) is m1.

    Example 2.6. (a) If Mpq=0 for all (p,q) different from (0,1) and (1,0), then vector space V is just the shuffle algebra. Indeed, if (u1up,v1vq)VpVq, then the multiplication is

    (b) If Mpq=0 for all (p,q) such that p2, then it is a brace algebra.

    Definition 2.7. A B-algebra (V,mn,Mpq) is called a bibrace algebra, provided that mn=0 for n3 and Mpq=0 for p,q2.

    The underlying A-algebra structure of a bibrace algebra is just a dg algebra. For a bibrace algebra, there exists brace operations

    and cobrace operations
    for any a,b1,,bpV.

    Remark 2.8. The Hochschild cochain complex is a brace algebra [5, 11] and the coHochschild cochain complex is a cobrace algebra.

    We call two relations (ijk) and (ijk) are symmetric if for each term Mi1j1Minjn in (ijk), there is a responding term MinjnMi1j1 in (ijk) and for each term Mi1j1Minjn in (ijk), there is also a responding term MinjnMi1j1 in (ijk). There are some observed properties of the relations (ijk).

    Proposition 2.9. Assume V is a B-algebra then (ijk)and (kji)are symmetric.

    Proof. If there is a monomial Mil(1i,Mj1k1,,Mjlkl) in the left side of the relations (ijk), then there is the corresponding monomial Mli(MkljlMk1j1,1i) in the right side of the relations (kji) and vice versa. □

    Proposition 2.10. Assume V is a bibrace algebra, then we have:


    Each term is zero in (ijk)for i,j,k2.


    If one of i,j,kis 1, then it exists non-zero terms in (ijk).

    Proof. (i) From the definition of the bibrace algebra, this is obvious.

    (ii) For (1jk), there is M1j+k(1,M10M10M01M01)0. Hence there are non-zero terms in the (ij1) by Proposition 2.9. For (i1k), there is Mi1(1i,M1k)0. □

    Corollary 2.11. For a brace algebra, there are no non-zero terms in (ijk)if and only if i is greater than or equal to 2.

    Proof. Notices that each term is zero in (ijk) for i,j,k2 by Proposition 2.10 (i). Then we just prove that there are no nonzero terms in the relations (i1k) and (ij1) for i2. There are Mst=0 for all s2 by the definition of the brace algebra. For the relations (i1k), we have

    There are no nonzero terms in (i1k) since i2. For the relations (ij1), we have
    There are no nonzero terms in (ij1) since i2. For the relations (1jk), there is a nonzero term

    Definition 2.12 ([2]). A B-morphism f=(fn)n0 from the B-algebra (V,mn,Mpq) to the B-algebra (V,mn,Mpq) is an A-morphism

    satisfying the following identity for any p,q0:
    where 𝜖=rk=1(r+sk)(ik1)+sk=1(sk)(jk1) and δ=tk=1(tk)(pk+qk1)+tk=1pk(qk+1++qt) with Mt(p̲,q̲)=(Mp1,q1Mpt,qt).

    A B-morphism f:VV is strict if fi=0 for each i1. A B-morphism f:VV is a B-isomorphism, if there exists a B-morphism g:VV such that fg=1A and gf=1A.

    Definition 2.13 ([2]). The opposite B-algebra of a B-algebra (V,mn,Mpq) is defined to be the B-algebra (V,mn,Mopppq), where

    Here we denote 𝜀=(|b1|++|bq|)(|a1|++|ap|).

    Definition 2.14 ([2]). The transpose B-algebra of a B-algebra (V,mn,Mpq) is defined to be the B-algebra (V,mtrn,Mtrpq), where


    Lemma 2.15 ([2]). Let (V,mn,Mpq)be a B-algebra. Then there is a natural B-isomorphism between the opposite B-algebra Voppand the transpose B-algebra Vtr.

    The following observation follows directly from Definition 2.12.

    Lemma 2.16. Let (V,mn,Mpq)and (V,mn,Mpq)be two bibrace algebras. Then a strict A-morphism f:(V,mn)(V,mn)is a B-morphism if and only if f is compatible with the bibrace operations,

    for any p,q1and a,b1,,bp,b,a1,,aqV.

    3. Singular Hochschild Complex

    Let A be a unital associative k-algebra. Let ¯A be the quotient k-module A/(k1) of A by the k-scalar multiplies of the unit. For convenience, we write ap,p+q:=apap+1ap+qAq+1.

    The normalized bar resolution Bar*(A) is the complex of A-A-bimodules with Barp(A)=A(S¯A)pA for p0 and the differentials


    For any p0, the kernel of dp1 denotes by Ωpsy(A). And Ωpsy(A) is defined in degree p as a graded A-A-bimodule. Therefore, Ω0sy(A)=A. We denote

    It is a graded A-A-bimodule. Let μ be the multiplication of A, so Ω1sy(A):=ker.

    Let M be a graded A-A-bimodules. The normalized Hochschild cochain complex C*(A,M) with coefficients in M is HomAAop(Bar*(A),M). Since there is a canonical isomorphism

    for any p0. Therefore, C*(A,M) is the following complex:
    where Cp(A,M):=i0Homp((SA¯)i,M) for p and
    Homp((SA¯)i,M):={fHom((SA¯)i,M)|fis graded of degreep}.
    The differential is given by
    for fCp(A,M).

    The pth Hochschild cohomology of A with coefficients in M, denoted by HHp(A,M), is defined as the pth cohomology group of C*(A,M).

    The noncommutative differential forms [3, 6] of A is the graded k-module

    It is a dg A-A-bimodule.

    For any p0, there is an embedding of degree zero of cochain complexes:

    In fact, it is a chain map. Therefore, we get an inductive system of the category of cochain complexes of k-modules:

    Definition 3.1 ([14]). The singular Hochschild cochain complex of A is the colimit

    The cohomology groups of Csg*(A,A) are denoted by HHsg*(A,A).

    Remark 3.2. In [14], Wang showed the singular Hochschild cochain complex is a brace algebra.

    Lemma 3.3 ([13]). We have an isomorphism of dg A-A-


    For fCmp(A,Ωsyp(A))=Hom((SA¯)m,Ωsyp), we denote


    For any r0, we denote


    Lemma 3.4. For fCmp(A,Ωsyp(A))=Hom((SA¯)m,Ωsyp(A)), then


    Ωsyr(Ωsys(f))=Ωsyr+s(f)for any s,r0.


    Ωsy1:C*(A,Ωsyp(A))C*(A,Ωsyp+1(A)), fΩsy1(f)is a chain map for any p0.

    Proof. On the one hand, the map Ωsyr(Ωsys(f)) sends a0a¯1,m+r+sam+r+s+1 to

    If we set f(a¯1,m)=ib0ib¯1,p1ibpi, then it exists the only nonzero term
    in αp+s1(Ωsys(f)(1a¯1,m+s1). On the other hand, the map Ωsys+r(f) sends a0a¯1,m+r+sam+r+s+1 to
    It identifies with
    This proves the first conclusion.

    For any m,p0, there is the following commutative diagram:

    where δp+1mp is the Hochschild differential in C*(A,Ωsyp+1(A)). We check that the following diagram is commutative:
    for fCmp(A,Ωsyp(A)) and a0a¯1,m+2am+3Barm+2(A), on the one hand, we have that
    On the other hand, we have that
    Note that
    and we prove the second conclusion. □

    Remark 3.5. By Lemma 3.4, we get an inductive system in the category of complexes of k-modules:


    At the homology level, there exists an inductive system [13]

    The colimit of this inductive system exactly is
    Hence we have
    The colimit of this inductive system is a Gerstenhaber algebra. We will lift it at the complex level.

    We will construct a new B-structure for Csg*(A,A). For fCmp(A,Ωsyp(A)) and gkCnkqk(A,Ωsyqk(A)), k=1,,l, we construct the bibrace operations:

    where 𝜀=p+q1+ql and k=1lrk+k=1l1qk+lm, 0tq1, k=1l1sk+k=2l1qk+lmt (cf. Fig. 1);
    where η=pk=2l1nk+k=1lqk+l1 and k=1lrk+k=1l1nk+lp, 0tn11, k=1l1sk+k=2l1nkp+1t (cf. Fig. 2).

    Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. f{g1,,gl}.

    Fig. 2.

    Fig. 2. {g1,,gl}f.

    Example 3.6. Figure 3 illustrates f{g1,g2} for fC2(A,Ωsy2(A)), g1C0(A,Ωsy2(A)), g2C1(A,Ωsy2(A)).

    Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3. f{g1,g2}.

    Remark 3.7. For fCmp(A,Ωsyp(A)) and gCnq(A,Ωsyq(A)), we recall the cup product [13]

    We note that ∪is compatible with the map Ωsy1 and the Hochschild differential δ. In addition, we define m1=[μ,], m2= and mk=0 for k3 at the A-structure level.

    Theorem 3.8. There is a bibrace algebra structure on Csg*(A,A). In particular, it lifts the Lie bracket of Gerstenhaber algebra at the homology level.

    Proof. Let us denote:



    mk:=0 k3,


    M1n:= the brace operation {,,},

    Mn1:= the cobrace operation {,,},

    Mmn:=0 otherwise n,m.

    The relations (ijk) and (jk) can be done directly by graphic presentations.

    Notice that f{g}={f}g, we define the Lie bracket

    This proves the theorem. □

    We consider the swap isomorphism

    which sends fCsg*(A,A) to
    for any a¯1,,a¯mSA¯, where 𝜀=|f|+i=1m1|a¯i|(|a¯i+1|++|a¯m|).

    The following proof of corollary is similar to the proof of [2, Proposition 6.4].

    Corollary 3.9. Suppose the swap map T:Csg*(A,A)Csg*(Aop,Aop)is a strict A-isomorphism. Then there is a B-isomorphism from the opposite B-algebra Csg*(A,A)oppto the bibrace algebra Csg*(Aop,Aop).

    Proof. There is a B-isomorphism between the transpose B-algebra Csg*(A,A)tr and the opposite B-algebra Csg*(A,A)opp by Lemma 2.15.

    By definition,

    where r=q(q+1)2+i=1q1|gi|(|gi+1|++|gq|) and s=p(p+1)2+i=1p1|fi|(|fi+1|++|fp|). Moreover, we have the following two identities:
    Hence, we have
    It is showed that T is a strict B-isomorphism from Csg*(A,A)tr to Csg(Aop,Aop) by Lemma 2.16. Thus there is a B-isomorphism from the opposite B-algebra Csg(A,A)opp to the bibrace algebra Csg(Aop,Aop). □


    The authors are very grateful to Prof. Nanqing Ding and Prof. Bernhard Keller. We thank the referee for his careful reading of the paper and for many helpful remarks.