Graph of groups decompositions of graph braid groups
We provide an explicit construction that allows one to easily decompose a graph braid group as a graph of groups. This allows us to compute the braid groups of a wide range of graphs, as well as providing two general criteria for a graph braid group to split as a nontrivial free product, answering two questions of Genevois. We also use this to distinguish certain right-angled Artin groups and graph braid groups. Additionally, we provide an explicit example of a graph braid group that is relatively hyperbolic, but is not hyperbolic relative to braid groups of proper subgraphs. This answers another question of Genevois in the negative.
Communicated by O. Kharlampovich
1. Introduction
Given a topological space X, one can construct the configuration space Ctopn(X) of n particles on X by taking the direct product of n copies of X and removing the diagonal consisting of all tuples where two coordinates coincide. Informally, this space tracks the movement of the particles through X; removing the diagonal ensures the particles do not collide. One then obtains the unordered configuration space UCtopn(X) by taking the quotient by the action of the symmetric group by permutation of the coordinates of Ctopn(X). Finally, the braid group Bn(X,S) is defined to be the fundamental group of UCtopn(X) with base point S (in general we shall assume X to be connected and drop the base point from our notation). The fundamental group of Ctopn(X) is called the pure braid group PBn(X). This description of braid groups is originally due to Fox and Neuwirth [16].
Classically, the space X is taken to be a disc. However, one may also study braid groups of other spaces. Here, we study the case where X is a finite graph Γ. These the so-called graph braid groups were first developed by Abrams [1], who showed that Bn(Γ) can be expressed as the fundamental group of a non-positively curved cube complex UCn(Γ); this was also shown independently by Światkowski [31, Proposition 2.3.1]. Results of Crisp–Wiest, and later Genevois, show that these cube complexes are in fact special [12, 18], in the sense of Haglund and Wise [21].
As fundamental groups of special cube complexes, graph braid groups Bn(Γ) embed in right-angled Artin groups [21, Theorem 1.1]. In fact, Sabalka also shows that all right-angled Artin groups embed in graph braid groups [28, Theorem 1.1]. It is therefore natural to ask when a graph braid group is isomorphic to a right-angled Artin group. This question was first studied by Connolly and Doig in the case where Γ is a linear tree [11], and later by Kim et al., who show that for n≥5, Bn(Γ) is isomorphic to a right-angled Artin group if and only if Γ does not contain a subgraph homeomorphic to the letter “A” or a certain tree [22, Theorems A, B]. We strengthen this theorem by showing that if Γ does not contain a subgraph homeomorphic to the letter “A”, then Bn(Γ) must split as a nontrivial free product. Thus, for n≥5, Bn(Γ) is never isomorphic to a right-angled Artin group with connected defining graph containing at least two vertices.
Theorem A (Theorem 4.7, [22, Theorem B]). Let Γand Πbe finite connected graphs with at least two vertices and let n≥5. Then Bn(Γ)is not isomorphic to the right-angled Artin group AΠ.
In fact, we prove two much more general criteria for a graph braid group to split as a nontrivial free product. In the theorem below, a flower graph is a graph obtained by gluing cycles and segments along a single central vertex.
Theorem B (Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2). Let n≥2and let Γbe a finite graph whose edges are sufficiently subdivided. Suppose one of the following holds:
• | Γis obtained by gluing a non-segment flower graph Φto a connected non-segment graph Ωalong a vertex v, where v is either the central vertex of Φor a vertex of Φof valence one ; | ||||
• | Γcontains an edge e such that Γ\̊eis connected but Γ\eis disconnected, and one of the connected components of Γ\eis a segment. |
Then Bn(Γ)≅H∗ℤ for some nontrivial subgroup H of Bn(Γ).
It would be interesting to know if the converse is true; the author is not aware of any counterexamples, but a negative answer seems likely. An interesting related question concerns the existence of graph braid groups that split as free products but do not have a splitting with an infinite cyclic free factor. If such graph braid groups did not exist, this would be a surprising result that would for example imply that there is no graph braid group isomorphic to ℤ2∗ℤ2, however examples appear elusive here, too.
Question C. Is the converse of Theorem B true? Are there any graph braid groups Bn(Γ) that split as nontrivial free products but do not have a free splitting of the form Bn(Γ)≅H∗ℤ?
In light of Theorem A, it is natural to ask in which ways the behavior of graph braid groups is similar to that of right-angled Artin groups and in which ways it differs. One approach to this is to study non-positive curvature properties of graph braid groups. For example, it is known that a right-angled Artin group AΠ is hyperbolic if and only if Π contains no edges, AΠ is relatively hyperbolic if and only if Π is disconnected, and AΠ is toral relatively hyperbolic if and only if Π is disconnected and every connected component is a complete graph. Furthermore, if AΠ is relatively hyperbolic, then its peripheral subgroups are right-angled Artin groups whose defining graphs are connected components of Π. One can obtain similar, albeit more complicated, graphical characterizations of (relative) hyperbolicity in right-angled Coxeter groups WΠ; see [24, 25]. Once again, the peripheral subgroups appear as right-angled Coxeter groups whose defining graphs are subgraphs of Π.
Genevois shows that in the case of hyperbolicity, graph braid groups admit a graphical characterization [18, Theorem 1.1]: for connected Γ, B2(Γ) is hyperbolic if and only if Γ does not contain two disjoint cycles; B3(Γ) is hyperbolic if and only if Γ is a tree, a sun graph, a flower graph, or a pulsar graph; and for n≥4, Bn(Γ) is hyperbolic if and only if Γ is a flower graph. However, one shortcoming of this theorem is that it introduced classes of graphs whose braid groups were unknown: sun graphs and pulsar graphs (braid groups on flower graphs are known to be free by [18, Corollary 4.7], while braid groups on trees are known to be free for n=3 by [14, Theorems 2.5, 4.3]). By applying Theorem B, we are able to (partially) answer a question of Genevois [18, Question 5.3] and thus provide a more complete algebraic characterization of hyperbolicity. The only exception is when Γ is a generalized theta graph, which proves resistant to computation. Here, a generalized theta graph Θm is a graph obtained by gluing m cycles along a non-trivial segment.
Theorem D (Theorem 4.3, [18, Theorem 1.1]). Let Γbe a finite connected graph that is not homeomorphic to Θmfor any m≥0. The braid group B3(Γ)is hyperbolic only if B3(Γ)≅H∗ℤfor some group H.
Genevois also provides a graphical characterization of toral relative hyperbolicity [18, Theorem 4.22]. Again, this theorem introduced several classes of graphs for which the braid groups were unknown. In the case of n=4, this is a finite collection of graphs: the graphs homeomorphic to the letters “H”, “A” and “𝜃”. We are able to precisely compute the braid groups of these graphs, completing the algebraic characterization of total relative hyperbolicity for n=4 and answering a question of Genevois [18, Question 5.6].
Theorem E (Theorem 3.15, [18, Theorem 4.22]). Let Γbe a finite connected graph. The braid group B4(Γ)is toral relatively hyperbolic only if it is either a free group or isomorphic to F10∗ℤ2or F5∗ℤ2or an HNN extension of ℤ∗ℤ2.
It is much more difficult to characterize relative hyperbolicity in general for graph braid groups. Indeed, we show that in some sense it is impossible to obtain a graphical characterization of the form that exists for right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups, by providing an example of a graph braid group that is relatively hyperbolic but is not hyperbolic relative to any braid groups of proper subgraphs (Fig. 1). This answers a question of Genevois in the negative [18, follow-up to Question 5.7].

Fig. 1. B2(Γ) is isomorphic to π1(X), which is hyperbolic relative to the subgroup P generated by the fundamental groups of the three shaded tori.
Theorem F (Theorem 4.4). There exists a graph braid group Bn(Γ)that is hyperbolic relative to a thick, proper subgroup P that is not contained in any graph braid group of the form Bk(Λ,S)for k≤nand Λ⊊.
Note that the peripheral subgroup P in the above example (Fig. 1) is precisely the group constructed by Croke and Kleiner in [13, Sec. 3]. In particular, it is isomorphic to the right-angled Artin group where is a segment of length 3. This theorem indicates that non-relatively hyperbolic behavior cannot be localized to specific regions of the graph . Instead, non-relative hyperbolicity is in some sense a property intrinsic to the special cube complex structure.
Theorems A–F are all proved using a technical result on graph of groups decompositions of graph braid groups, which we believe to be of independent interest. Graph of groups decompositions were first considered for pure graph braid groups by Abrams [1] and Ghrist [20], and more recently Genevois produced a limited result of this flavor for [18, Proposition 4.6]. In this paper, we use the structure of as a special cube complex to produce a general construction that allows one to explicitly compute graph of groups decompositions of graph braid groups. In particular, the vertex groups and edge groups are braid groups on proper subgraphs. By iterating this procedure, one is therefore able to express a graph braid group as a combination of simpler, known graph braid groups.
Theorem G (Theorem 3.5). Let be a finite, connected, oriented graph whose edges are sufficiently subdivided and let be distinct edges of sharing a common vertex. The graph braid group decomposes as a graph of groups , where:
• | is the collection of connected components K of ; | ||||
• | is the collection of oriented hyperplanes H of labeled by some oriented edge , where has initial and terminal vertices and if the combinatorial hyperplanes and lie in the components K and L of , respectively ; | ||||
• | for each , we have for some ; | ||||
• | for each labeled by , we have , for some in one of the combinatorial hyperplanes ; | ||||
• | for each edge joining vertices , the monomorphisms are induced by the inclusion maps of the combinatorial hyperplanes into K and L. |
By selecting the edges carefully, one may often be able to arrange for the edge groups of to be trivial. This results in a wide range of graph braid groups that split as nontrivial free products, as shown in Theorem B.
This construction also aids in the computation of specific graph braid groups, especially when combined with Propositions 3.7 and 3.8, in which we give combinatorial criteria for adjacency of two vertices of , as well as providing a way of counting how many edges connect each pair of vertices of . Traditionally, graph braid group computations are performed by using Farley and Sabalka’s discrete Morse theory to find explicit presentations [14, 15], however in practice these presentations are often highly complex, difficult to compute, and are obfuscated by redundant generators and relators. We believe the graph of groups approach to be both easier to apply and more powerful in many situations, as evidenced by our theorems and the numerous examples we are able to compute in Sec. 3.1. This is seen most clearly in our computation of when is a wheel graph , formed by connecting a single central vertex to all vertices of an m-cycle.
Proposition H (Proposition 3.17). Let be the wheel graph with m spokes. Then .
Our proof of this proposition is very short with little background knowledge required. This is in contrast with Farley–Sabalka’s proofs [15, Examples 5.2, 5.4], which only cover the cases and and require much longer computations, producing redundant generators and relators that must be eliminated using Tietze transformations. For example, their computation of initially produces a presentation with eleven generators and six relators.
Despite the significant advantages in the examples described above, the graph of groups technique also has some limitations. The graph of groups decompositions are always very explicit, and by inductively decomposing the braid groups that appear as vertex and edge groups, one can always eventually obtain free groups as vertex and edge groups. However, one often encounters difficulties when trying to understand the monomorphisms. By judiciously choosing edges of the graph when applying Theorem G, one can often avoid this issue by making very simple edge groups, as shown throughout Sec. 3.1; this is especially true for low numbers of particles. One can also get a better understanding of the monomorphisms if the cube complex can be drawn in a clear way; see Example 3.9. However, in other cases, it becomes more difficult to analyze the group. As a result, the group H in Theorem D, the HNN extension in Theorem E, and the braid groups of generalized theta graphs all have explicit descriptions as graphs of groups — see Proposition 3.14 and Question 5.1 for the latter two — but it is hard to extract more information about the groups beyond that which is given in the statements of these results. Indeed, the graphs of groups one obtains can sometimes have unexpected properties, such as and , which are surface groups; see Examples 3.18 and 3.19.
Outline of the paper. We begin with some background on the geometry of cube complexes in Sec. 2.1, in particular introducing the notion of a special cube complex. We then introduce graph braid groups in Sec. 2.2, showing that they are fundamental groups of special cube complexes and providing some important foundational results. Section 2.3 then introduces the necessary material on graphs of groups.
Our main technical theorem, Theorem G, is proved in Sec. 3 (Theorem 3.5). We then apply this theorem to compute a number of specific examples of graph braid groups in Sec. 3.1, including braid groups of radial trees, graphs homeomorphic to the letters “H”, “A”, “”, and “Q”, wheel graphs, complete graphs, and complete bipartite graphs. These examples allow us to prove Theorem E (Theorem 3.15).
Section 4 deals with more general applications of Theorem G. In Sec. 4.1 we prove Theorem B, providing two general criteria for a graph braid group to decompose as a nontrivial free product (Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2). In Sec. 4.2, we prove Theorem F (Theorem 4.4), showing that there exist relatively hyperbolic graph braid groups that are not hyperbolic relative to any braid group of a subgraph. We then prove Theorem A (Theorem 4.7) in Sec. 4.3, showing that braid groups on large numbers of particles cannot be isomorphic to right-angled Artin groups with connected defining graphs.
We conclude by posing some open questions in Sec. 5.
2. Background
2.1. Cube complexes
Definition 2.1 (Cube complex). Let . An n-cube is a Euclidean cube . A face of a cube is a subcomplex obtained by restricting one or more of the coordinates to . A cube complex is a CW complex where each cell is a cube and the attaching maps are given by isometries along faces.
We will often refer to the 0-cubes of a cube complex X as vertices, the 1-cubes as edges, and the 2-cubes as squares. We shall use the piecewise Euclidean metric on X induced by the individual Euclidean cubes, denoted .
Definition 2.2 (Non-positively curved, CAT(0)). Let X be a cube complex. The link of a vertex v of X is a simplicial complex defined as follows.
• | The vertices of are the edges of X that are incident at v. | ||||
• | n vertices of span an n-simplex if the corresponding edges of X are faces of a common cube. |
The complex is said to be flag if n vertices of span an n-simplex if and only if and are connected by an edge for all . A cube complex X is non-positively curved if the link of each vertex of X is flag and contains no bigons (that is, no loops consisting of two edges). A cube complex X is CAT(0) if it is non-positively curved and simply connected.
We study cube complexes from the geometric point of view of hyperplanes.
Definition 2.3 (Mid-cube, hyperplane, combinatorial hyperplane, carrier). Let X be a cube complex. A mid-cube of a cube of X is obtained by restricting one of the coordinates of C to 0. Construct an equivalence relation on the set of mid-cubes of X by defining for mid-cubes if there exists some edge E of X such that for , and taking the transitive closure. A hyperplane H of X is then defined to be the union of mid-cubes in a –equivalence class.
Each mid-cube of a cube has two isometric associated faces of C, obtained by restricting the coordinate to instead of 0. Given a hyperplane H, construct an equivalence relation on the set of faces associated to mid-cubes of H by defining for faces if and their associated mid-cubes intersect a common edge of X, and taking the transitive closure. A combinatorial hyperplane associated to H then defined to be the union of faces in a –equivalence class.
The closed (respectively, open) carrier of a hyperplane H is the union of all closed (respectively, open) cubes of X which contain mid-cubes of H.
Convention 2.4. We will almost always be using the closed version of the carrier of a hyperplane H, therefore we will refer to this version as simply the “carrier” of H.
A result of Chepoi tells us that carriers and combinatorial hyperplanes form convex subcomplexes of a CAT(0) cube complex [10, Proof of Proposition 6.6]. In the greater generality of non-positively curved cube complexes, this is not always true, however carriers and combinatorial hyperplanes are still locally convex, in the following sense.
Definition 2.5 (Local isometry, locally convex). A map between non-positively curved cube complexes is a local isometry if it is a local injection and for each vertex and each pair of vertices adjacent to y, if form a corner of a 2-cube in X, then form a corner of a 2-cube in Y. A subcomplex of a non-positively curved cube complex X is locally convex if it embeds by a local isometry.
Proposition 2.6. Hyperplane carriers and combinatorial hyperplanes in a non-positively curved cube complex are locally convex.
Proof. Let X be a non-positively curved cube complex, let Y be a subcomplex of X that is either a hyperplane carrier or a combinatorial hyperplane, and let be the natural embedding of Y as a subcomplex of X. Note that the universal cover is a CAT(0) cube complex, therefore hyperplane carriers and combinatorial hyperplanes in are convex subcomplexes [10, Proposition 6.6].
Let and let be vertices adjacent to y such that form a corner of a 2-cube . Lift Y to a subcomplex of , let be the corresponding lifts of , let be the natural embedding of as a subcomplex of , and lift C to a 2–cube so that form a corner of . By convexity of in , must also form a corner of a 2–cube in . Projecting back down to Y, we therefore see that form a corner of a 2–cube in Y, hence Y is locally convex in X. □
The combinatorial hyperplanes associated to a given hyperplane are also “parallel”, in the following sense.
Definition 2.7 (Parallelism). Let H be a hyperplane of a cube complex X. We say that H is dual to an edge E of X if H contains a mid-cube which intersects E. We say that H crosses a subcomplex Y of X if there exists some edge E of Y that is dual to H. We say that H crosses another hyperplane if it crosses a combinatorial hyperplane associated to . Two subcomplexes of X are parallel if each hyperplane H of X crosses Y if and only if it crosses .
Parallelism defines an equivalence relation on the edges of a cube complex X. In particular, two edges are in the same equivalence class (or parallelism class) if and only if they are dual to the same hyperplane. Therefore, one may instead consider hyperplanes of X to be parallelism classes of edges of X. One may also define an orientation on a hyperplane H by taking an equivalence class of oriented edges. In this case, we say that is dual to the oriented edges in this class.
Definition 2.8 (Osculation). We say H directly self-osculates if there exist two oriented edges dual to that have the same initial or terminal vertex but do not span a square. We say two hyperplanes inter-osculate if they intersect and there exist dual edges of , respectively, such that and share a common endpoint but do not span a square. See Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. A directly self-osculating hyperplane and a pair of inter-osculating hyperplanes.
Definition 2.9 (Special). A non-positively curved cube complex X is said to be special if its hyperplanes satisfy the following properties.
(1) | Hyperplanes are two-sided; that is, the open carrier of a hyperplane H is homeomorphic to . | ||||
(2) | Hyperplanes of X do not self-intersect. | ||||
(3) | Hyperplanes of X do not directly self-osculate. | ||||
(4) | Hyperplanes of X do not inter-osculate. |
Notation 2.10. Two-sidedness implies combinatorial hyperplanes associated to H are homeomorphic to . Given an orientation on H, we denote the combinatorial hyperplane corresponding to by and the combinatorial hyperplane corresponding to by .
2.2. Graph braid groups
Consider a finite collection of particles lying on a finite metric graph . The configuration space of these particles on is the collection of all possible ways the particles can be arranged on the graph with no two particles occupying the same location. As we move through the configuration space, the particles move along , without colliding. If we do not distinguish between each of the different particles, we call this an unordered configuration space. A graph braid group is the fundamental group of an unordered configuration space. More precisely:
Definition 2.11 (Graph braid group). Let be a finite graph, and let n be a positive integer. The topological configuration space is defined as
The base point S in our definition represents an initial configuration of the particles on the graph . As the particles are unordered, they may always be moved along into any other desired initial configuration, so long as the correct number of particles are present in each connected component of . In particular, if is connected, then the graph braid group is independent of the choice of base point, and may therefore be denoted simply .
Note that in some sense, the space is almost a cube complex. Indeed, is a cube complex, but removing the diagonal breaks the structure of some of its cubes. By expanding the diagonal slightly, we are able to fix this by ensuring that we are always removing whole cubes.
Definition 2.12 (Combinatorial configuration space). Let be a finite graph, and let n be a positive integer. For each , the carrier of x is the lowest dimensional simplex of containing x. The combinatorial configuration space is defined as
Removing this new version of the diagonal tells us that two particles cannot occupy the same edge of . This effectively discretizes the motion of the particles to jumps between vertices, as each particle must fully traverse an edge before another particle may enter.
Observe that is the union of all products satisfying for all . Since the carrier is always a vertex or a closed edge, this defines an n-dimensional cube complex, and moreover is compact with finitely many hyperplanes, as is a finite graph. It follows that is also a compact cube complex with finitely many hyperplanes. Indeed, we have the following useful description of the cube complex structure, due to Genevois.
Construction 2.13 ([18, Sec. 3]). The cube complex may be constructed as follows.
• | The vertices of are the subsets S of with size . | ||||
• | Two vertices and of are connected by an edge if their symmetric difference is a pair of adjacent vertices of . We therefore label each edge E of with a closed edge e of . | ||||
• | A collection of m edges of with a common endpoint span an m-cube if their labels are pairwise disjoint. |
In the case , we can use this procedure to give a simple algorithm for drawing the cube complex .
Algorithm 2.14. Let be a finite graph with m vertices, and let n be a positive integer.
(1) | Denote the vertices of by . | ||||
(2) | Draw vertices, arranged in an grid. | ||||
(3) | Remove the diagonal and the upper triangle. The remaining lower triangle is the 0-skeleton , with the vertex at the coordinate corresponding to the configuration of one particle at vertex and one particle at vertex . | ||||
(4) | Add an edge between and if either and , or and , or and , or and . Label the edge between and with the corresponding edge of . | ||||
(5) | For each vertex and every pair of edges adjacent to labeled by and for some , add a 2-cube whose 1-skeleton is the 4-cycle . |
An example is given in Fig. 3. Note that the darker shaded regions are the tori arising from products of disjoint 3-cycles in .

Fig. 3. A graph and the cube complex .
Abrams showed that if has more than n vertices, then is connected if and only if is connected.
Theorem 2.15 ([1, Theorem 2.6]). Let be a finite graph. If has more than n vertices, then is connected if and only if is connected.
By analysing Abrams’ proof, we are able to extract additional information regarding how connected components of give rise to connected components of .
Corollary 2.16. Let be a finite graph with k connected components. If each component of has at least n vertices, then has connected components, corresponding to the number of ways to partition the n particles into the k connected components of .
Proof. Abrams’ proof of Theorem 2.15 proceeds by showing that if are two configurations where of the particles are in the same locations in x and y, and the remaining particle lies in different components of for x and y, then there is no path in connecting x and y. Conversely, Abrams shows that if the remaining particle lies in the same component of for x and y, then there is a path in connecting x and y. By concatenating such paths, we see that two arbitrary configurations are connected by a path if and only if x and y have the same number of particles in each connected component of . Thus, the number of connected components of is precisely the number of ways the n particles can be partitioned into the k components of . Using the stars and bars technique, we therefore see that has connected components. □
Furthermore, Abrams showed that if we subdivide edges of sufficiently (i.e. add 2–valent vertices to the middle of edges) to give a new graph , then deformation retracts onto [1, Theorem 2.1]. As does not distinguish vertices from other points on the graph, we have , implying that . This allows us to consider as the fundamental group of the cube complex .
Prue and Scrimshaw later improved upon the constants in Abrams’ result to give the following theorem [26, Theorem 3.2].
Theorem 2.17 ([1, 26]). Let and let be a finite graph with at least n vertices. The unordered topological configuration space deformation retracts onto the unordered combinatorial configuration space (and in particular if the following conditions hold.
(1) | Every path between distinct vertices of of valence has length at least . | ||||
(2) | Every homotopically essential loop in has length at least . |
Note that Prue and Scrimshaw’s version of the theorem only deals with the case where is connected. However, the disconnected case follows easily by deformation retracting each connected component of , noting that each component can be expressed as a product of cube complexes , where and is a connected component of . In fact, we have the following more general result about configuration spaces of disconnected graphs, due to Genevois.
Lemma 2.18 ([18, Lemma 3.5]). Let , let be a finite graph, and suppose . Then
Remark 2.19. Note that Genevois states this result in terms of rather than . However, the proof proceeds by showing it is true for and then applying Theorem 2.17 after subdividing edges of sufficiently.
Another foundational result of Abrams states that the cube complex is non-positively curved [1, Theorem 3.10]. Furthermore, Genevois proved that admits a special coloring [18, Proposition 3.7]. We shall omit the details of his theory of special colorings, and direct the reader to [17] for further details. The key result is that a cube complex X admits a special coloring if and only if there exists a special cube complex Y such that [17, Lemma 3.2]. Furthermore, Genevois constructs Y by taking and inductively attaching m–cubes C whenever a copy of is present in the complex, for ; this ensures non-positive curvature of Y. Since in our case is already non-positively curved, this means . Thus, is the fundamental group of the special cube complex . Crisp and Wiest also showed this indirectly by proving that every graph braid group embeds in a right-angled Artin group [12, Theorem 2].
In summary, we have the following result.
Corollary 2.20 (Graph braid groups are special; [1, 12, 18, 17]). Let and let be a finite, connected graph. Then , where is obtained from by subdividing edges. In particular, is the fundamental group of the connected compact special cube complex .
Furthermore, Genevois provides a useful combinatorial criterion for detecting flats in graph braid groups. This is summarized by the following two lemmas.
Lemma 2.21 (Subgraphs induce subgroups [18, Proposition 3.10]). Let be a finite, connected graph and let . If is a proper subgraph of and , then embeds as a subgroup of for all and all base points .
Note that the condition is required in the reduced case to guarantee that there are sufficiently many vertices outside of on which particles can be fixed while the remaining m particles move around .
Lemma 2.22 (Criterion for infinite diameter [18, Lemma 4.3]). Let be a finite graph, let , and let S be a vertex of , so that S is a subset of with size . Then has infinite cardinality if and only if one of the following holds; otherwise, is trivial.
• | and the connected component of containing S has a cycle subgraph; | ||||
• | and either has a connected component whose intersection with S has cardinality at least 1 and which contains a cycle subgraph, or has a connected component whose intersection with S has cardinality at least 2 and which contains a vertex of valence at least 3. |
Combining Lemmas 2.18, 2.21 and 2.22 proves one direction of the following theorem. The other direction is proven in [18 Proof of Theorem 4.1].
Theorem 2.23. Let be a finite connected graph and let . The graph braid group contains a subgroup if and only if one of the following holds.
• | and contains two disjoint cycle subgraphs; | ||||
• | and contains either two disjoint cycle subgraphs or a cycle and a vertex of valence at least 3 disjoint from it; | ||||
• | and contains either two disjoint cycle subgraphs, or a cycle and a vertex of valence at least 3 disjoint from it, or two vertices of valence at least 3. |
One may also produce similar theorems characterising subgroups for any .
2.3. Graphs of groups
A graph of groups is a system consisting of:
• | an oriented connected graph ; | ||||
• | a group for each vertex (called a vertex group) and a group for each edge (called an edge group); | ||||
• | monomorphisms and , where and denote the initial and terminal vertices of e, respectively. |
We recall two ways of defining a graph of groups decomposition of a group G.
Definition 2.24 (Fundamental group of (𝒢,Λ)). Let be a graph of groups and let T be a spanning tree for . The fundamental group of based at T, denoted , is the quotient of the free product
We say that a group G decomposes as a graph of groups if there exists a spanning tree T of such that .
Remark 2.25. Note that can also be expressed as the quotient of
Remark 2.26. The group does not depend on the choice of spanning tree T [29, Proposition I.20]. We therefore often call simply the fundamental group of and denote it .
We may also define a graph of groups decomposition as the fundamental group of a graph of spaces. Recall that a graph of pointed CW complexes is a system consisting of:
• | an oriented connected graph ; | ||||
• | a pointed path-connected CW complex for each vertex (called a vertex space) and for each edge (called an edge space); | ||||
• | cellular maps and . |
In particular, when each of the induced maps and is a monomorphism, we obtain a graph of groups where , , and .
Definition 2.27 (Total complex). The total complex associated to the graph of pointed CW complexes , denoted , is obtained by taking the disjoint union of the vertex spaces and the products of the edge spaces with intervals, then gluing these spaces using maps defined by .
Proposition 2.28 ([19, Proposition 6.2.2]). Suppose each is a monomorphism. Then is isomorphic to for any choice of .
Remark 2.29. We may apply this to a special cube complex X by cutting X along a collection of disjoint hyperplanes ; that is, remove the open carrier of each to obtain a cube complex . Denote the connected components of by and let . Since hyperplanes of X are two-sided by Definition 2.9(1), the open carrier of is homeomorphic to . In particular, we may fix an orientation on for each , denoting the combinatorial hyperplanes corresponding to by as in Notation 2.10.
Since hyperplanes of X do not self-intersect by Definition 2.9(2), for each the combinatorial hyperplanes lie in some connected components and of , respectively (we may have ). Thus, to each we may associate the pair . That is, V and E define the vertex set and edge set of some graph , which is connected since X is connected. Furthermore, for each the orientation on induces an orientation on the edge e of . Since hyperplanes of X do not directly self-osculate by Definition 2.9(3), we may define maps by identifying with the combinatorial hyperplanes in and . Combinatorial hyperplanes of non-positively curved cube complexes are locally convex by Proposition 2.6, so are locally convex in X and hence also in and . Thus, the maps are -injective by [21, Lemma 2.11]. It follows that induce monomorphisms on the fundamental groups. This data therefore defines a graph of spaces such that .
3. Decomposing Graph Braid Groups as Graphs of Groups
A graph braid group may be decomposed as a graph of groups by cutting along a collection of edges that share a common vertex. In this section, we show how to construct such a graph of groups decomposition. We begin by noting a result of Genevois, given below. Recall that we consider vertices of to be subsets of , as in Construction 2.13.
Lemma 3.1 ([18, Lemma 3.6]). Let and be two edges of with endpoints and , respectively. Furthermore, let be the edge of labeling for . Then and are dual to the same hyperplane of if and only if and , belong to the same connected component of .
Convention 3.2. Note that when we write for some subgraph , we mean the induced subgraph of on the vertex set .
Remark 3.3 (Characterizing combinatorial hyperplanes). Lemma 3.1 implies that each hyperplane H of may be labeled by an edge e of . Moreover, the combinatorial hyperplanes associated to H are two subcomplexes of isomorphic to the connected component of containing for some (hence any) . These two isomorphisms are obtained by fixing a particle at the two endpoints of e, respectively.
Remark 3.4 (Counting hyperplanes). Another immediate consequence of Lemma 3.1 is that the number of hyperplanes of labeled by is equal to the number of connected components of . If we let denote the number of connected components of , then Corollary 2.16 implies there are hyperplanes of labeled by e. In other words, each hyperplane labeled by e corresponds to fixing one particle in e and partitioning the remaining particles among the connected components of .
We may combine Lemma 3.1 with Remark 2.29 to obtain graph of groups decompositions of a graph braid group where the vertex groups and edge groups are braid groups on subgraphs. The following theorem may be viewed as a strengthening of [18, Proposition 4.6].
Theorem 3.5. Let be a finite, connected, oriented graph (not necessarily satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17), let , let , and let be distinct edges of sharing a common vertex v. For each , let be the collection of hyperplanes of that are dual to edges of labeled by , with orientations induced by the orientation of , and let . The reduced graph braid group decomposes as a graph of groups , where:
• | is the collection of connected components of ; | ||||
• | , where has initial and terminal vertices and (not necessarily distinct) if and lie in the components K and L of , respectively; | ||||
• | for each , we have for some (equivalently any) basepoint ; | ||||
• | for each , we have , for some (equivalently any) vertex of one of the combinatorial hyperplanes ; | ||||
• | for each edge joining vertices , the monomorphisms are induced by the inclusion maps of the combinatorial hyperplanes into K and L. |
Warninig 3.6. One must be careful when computing vertex groups and edge groups in such a graph of groups decomposition, as removing edges from may introduce new vertices of valence . This means that even if we assume satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17, they may no longer hold when edges are removed. Thus, the reduced graph braid groups arising as vertex groups and edge groups may not be isomorphic to the corresponding graph braid groups even when .
Proof of Theorem 3.5. By Lemma 3.1 and Construction 2.13, two hyperplanes of cross only if they are dual to edges of labeled by disjoint edges of . Since the edges share a common vertex, the hyperplanes in are therefore pairwise disjoint.
By Remark 2.29, we may cut along to obtain a graph of spaces decomposition of (recall that is special by Corollary 2.20). Moreover, by cutting along , we are removing precisely the edges of that are labeled by for some i. Thus, the cube complex we are left with is . The vertex spaces of are therefore the connected components of ; that is, we may define to be the collection of connected components of and take for each . In particular, the vertex groups are
Remark 2.29 further tells us that has an edge from to (not necessarily distinct) for every hyperplane that has combinatorial hyperplanes in K and in L, and the associated edge space is H. Thus, we may define and take for each . Furthermore, Lemma 3.1 tells us that the combinatorial hyperplanes associated to are each isomorphic to the connected component of containing for some (hence any) . That is, the edge groups are
Finally, Remark 2.29 tells us if connects , the cellular maps are obtained by identifying with the two combinatorial hyperplanes lying in K and L via the inclusion maps. Combinatorial hyperplanes of non-positively curved cube complexes are locally convex by Proposition 2.6, so are locally convex in and hence also in K and L. Thus, the maps are -injective by [21, Lemma 2.11]. In particular, each of the induced maps is a monomorphism; denote these monomorphisms by . □
In order to use this theorem to compute graph braid groups, we need to be able to determine when two vertices are connected by an edge, and also count the number of edges between each pair of vertices.
We first fix some notation. Recall that the edges in Theorem 3.5 share a common vertex v; let denote the other vertex of . Let and denote the connected components of containing v and , respectively.
Proposition 3.7 (Determining adjacency). Let be the graph of groups decomposition of described in Theorem 3.5. Two vertices are connected by an edge in if and only if the corresponding partitions given by Corollary 2.16differ by moving a single particle from to (not necessarily distinct) along .
Proof. Let be a graph of groups decomposition of arising from Theorem 3.5, and let ; that is, K and L are connected components of . Recall that by Corollary 2.16, connected components of correspond to partitions of the n particles among the connected components of . Furthermore, are connected by an edge if and only if has a combinatorial hyperplane in K and another in L. By Remark 3.3, the partitions corresponding to K and L differ by moving a single particle from to along . □
For each connected by some edge in , let and denote the number of particles in in the partitions corresponding to K and L, respectively. Let and . Let , , and denote the number of connected components of , , and , respectively. We have the following result.
Proposition 3.8 (Counting edges). Let be the graph of groups decomposition of described in Theorem 3.5, and suppose are connected by some edge in . Let denote the number of edges in connecting K and L.
• | If , then is equal to the number of ways of partitioning the particles among the components of . If each component of has at least vertices, then . | ||||
• | If , then is equal to the number of ways of partitioning the particles among the components of and the particles among the components of . If each component of has at least vertices and each component of has at least vertices, then . |
Furthermore, the total number of edges of connecting the vertices K and L is equal to , where .
Proof. Let be a graph of groups decomposition of arising from Theorem 3.5, and suppose are connected by an edge in . By Proposition 3.7, the partitions corresponding to K and L given by Corollary 2.16 differ by moving a single particle from to along . Applying Remark 3.4, the number of edges in connecting K and L is then computed by taking the partition corresponding to K, fixing this particle in , and then further partitioning the remaining particles in among the connected components of . If , then the number of such partitions is equal to by Corollary 2.16; if , then the number of such partitions is equal to .
It then remains to sum over all j such that K and L are connected by an edge in . Note that if K and L are connected by an edge in both and , then by Proposition 3.7 the corresponding partitions differ both by moving a single particle from to along and by moving a single particle from to along . The only way this can happen is if . Thus, the result follows. □
3.1. Examples
We devote this section to the computation of specific graph braid groups by application of Theorem 3.5. Along the way, we answer a question of Genevois for all but one graph [18, Question 5.6].
Example 3.9. Consider the graphs and shown in Figs. 4 and 5 together with their corresponding cube complexes and , constructed by Algorithm 2.14. Note that is obtained from by removing the interior of the edge .
We may apply Theorem 3.5 to obtain a decomposition of as a graph of groups , where is the collection of connected components of . Since is connected, it follows from Theorem 2.15 that is also connected, hence has a single vertex with associated vertex group , which is isomorphic to since satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17.
Furthermore, is connected, so is connected and hence by Lemma 3.1 there is only one hyperplane of dual to an edge labeled by e. That is, has a single edge with associated edge group . We therefore see that is an HNN extension of ; the corresponding graph of spaces decomposition of is illustrated in Fig. 6.
Observe that by collapsing certain hyperplane carriers onto combinatorial hyperplanes and collapsing certain edges to points, deformation retracts onto a wedge sum of three circles and three tori , with successive tori glued along simple closed curves, denoted and . This is illustrated in Fig. 7.
Thus, is given by

Fig. 4. The graph and the cube complex .

Fig. 5. The graph and the cube complex .

Fig. 6. can be realized as an HNN extension of by cutting along a hyperplane.

Fig. 7. The cube complex deformation retracts onto three circles and three tori.
We now compute braid groups of radial trees and use these to build up to more complex graph braid groups. Proposition 3.10 is also obtained by An–Maciazek [2, Theorem 3] using discrete Morse theory techniques.
Proposition 3.10. Let and let be a k-pronged radial tree with that is, consists of k vertices of valence , each joined by an edge to a central vertex v of valence . Then , where
Proof. First, subdivide each of the k edges of by adding n vertices of valence 2 along each edge, giving a graph homeomorphic to that satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17. Let denote the k edges of sharing the central vertex v and apply Theorem 3.5 to to obtain a graph of groups decomposition of . Note that and are both disjoint unions of segments, hence the vertex groups and edge groups of are all trivial. Thus, by Remark 2.25, is a free group where for some spanning tree T of .
Note that has connected components: the component containing v, and the components containing the other vertex of . Thus, has vertices by Corollary 2.16, corresponding to the partitions of the n vertices among the connected components of . Denote the vertex with m particles in and particles in , , by . Then there are vertices with , corresponding to the partitions of the remaining N vertices among the components .
By Proposition 3.7, and are connected by an edge of if and only if , for some i, and for all . To count the number of such pairs, fix m and note that is connected by an edge to the vertices of the form . Thus, the number of pairs of vertices that are connected by an edge of is
Moreover, since has two connected components and has one connected component, Proposition 3.8 tells us the number of edges connecting the vertices and is equal to . Thus,
Furthermore, since T is a tree, we have
Proposition 3.11. Let , , and let be a k–pronged radial tree with k-r of its prongs subdivided by adding n vertices of valence 2 along them. Then and , where
Proof. Following the proof of Proposition 3.10, let denote the k edges of sharing the central vertex v, ordered so that the edges on subdivided prongs appear first, and apply Theorem 3.5 to to obtain a graph of groups decomposition of . That is, all lie on subdivided prongs. Note that and are both disjoint unions of segments, hence the vertex groups and edge groups of are all trivial. Thus, by Remark 2.25, is a free group where
The computations in the proof of Proposition 3.10 then apply, with the caveat that whenever we count partitions, we must bear in mind that the two prongs in may not have sufficiently many vertices to accommodate all the particles. This affects the values of and as detailed below. As in the proof of Proposition 3.10, denote the vertex with m particles in and particles in , , by .
If , then still has at least n vertices, so Corollary 2.16 may be applied to show that has vertices, as in Proposition 3.10. Furthermore, by Proposition 3.8, the number of edges connecting the vertices and is equal to the number of ways to partition the particles in among the two components of . Since one component has only one vertex and the other has n vertices, this is equal to 1 if and 2 if . Thus,
If , then has 3 vertices, so is equal to the number of partitions of n particles into the components of with either 0, 1, 2, or 3 particles in . That is,
For , we are again restricted to the cases . Moreover, when there is only one way to partition the particles among the two components of , since each component is a single vertex. Thus,
Proposition 3.12. Let be a segment of length 3 joining two vertices of valence three, as shown in Fig. 8, so that is homeomorphic to the letter “H”. Then .
Furthermore, let be the graph obtained from by adding 4 vertices of valence 2 along one edge containing a vertex of valence 1 on each side of the segment of length 3. Then .

Fig. 8. The graph . We wish to split the corresponding graph braid group on four particles along the edge e.
Proof. Let e be the edge in the middle of the segment of length 3 and subdivide each of the four edges containing vertices of valence 1 by adding 4 vertices of valence 2 along each edge, giving a graph homeomorphic to that satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17. Then is a disjoint union of two 3-pronged radial trees and with two prongs of each tree subdivided 4 times. That is, and are copies of . Furthermore, is a disjoint union of two segments and of length 4.
Applying Theorem 3.5 to , we obtain a graph of groups decomposition , where has five vertices , corresponding to the five partitions of the four particles among the two subgraphs and ; that is, corresponds to the partition with i particles in and j particles in . Applying Proposition 3.11 and Lemma 2.18, we see that the vertex groups are given by , , , , .
Furthermore, Proposition 3.7 tells us that is adjacent to in if and only if , and since has the same number of connected components as , by Proposition 3.8 there is at most one edge between each pair of vertices of . Moreover, the edge groups are trivial since and are segments, which have trivial graph braid groups. Thus, we conclude that .
For , the computation is exactly the same, with the exception that is a disjoint union of two copies of rather than . Thus, . □
Proposition 3.13. Let be a cycle containing two vertices of valence 3, as shown in Fig. 9, so that is homeomorphic to the letter “A”. Then .

Fig. 9. The graph .
Proof. Let e be the edge indicated in Fig. 9 and subdivide each of the two edges containing vertices of valence 1 by adding four vertices of valence 2 along each edge, giving a graph homeomorphic to that satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17. Then . Applying Theorem 3.5 to , we obtain a graph of groups decomposition , where has a single vertex since is connected, with vertex group . Furthermore, is a segment, therefore has a single edge by Proposition 3.8, with trivial edge group. Thus, applying Proposition 3.12 and Remark 2.25, we have . □
Proposition 3.14. Let be the graph obtained by gluing two 6-cycles along a segment of length , as shown in Fig. 10, so that is homeomorphic to the letter “”. Then is an HNN extension of .

Fig. 10. The graph .
Proof. Let e be the edge indicated in Fig. 10 and note that and is a 6-cycle. Applying Theorem 3.5 and Proposition 3.8 to , we obtain a graph of groups decomposition , where has a single vertex with vertex group and a single edge with edge group . Thus, is an HNN extension of .
Furthermore, we may apply Theorem 3.5 and Proposition 3.8 to using the edge indicated in Fig. 9, noting that and is a segment. Thus, we obtain a graph of groups decomposition , where has a single vertex with vertex group and a single edge with trivial edge group. Thus, .
Finally, apply Theorem 3.5 and Propositions 3.7 and 3.8 to using the edge indicated in Fig. 8, noting that is a disjoint union of two copies of the 3-pronged radial tree and is a disjoint union of two segments. Thus, we obtain a graph of groups decomposition , where has five vertices corresponding to the five partitions of the four particles among the two copies of , with adjacent to in if and only if , in which case they are connected by a single edge.
Moreover, the vertex group associated to is by Lemma 2.18, and the edge groups are all trivial. Note that: is a single point hence is trivial; hence is trivial; by Proposition 3.10; and is a single point since has only 4 vertices, so is trivial. Furthermore, since has four vertices, we have . This can be seen by considering configurations of particles on vertices of as colorings of the vertices of in black or white according to whether they are occupied by a particle. By inverting the coloring, we see that . Thus, is trivial. It therefore follows that .
We therefore conclude that is an HNN extension of . □
Note that Propositions 3.12–3.14 answer [18, Question 5.6], up to determining whether is a nontrivial free product. This is summarized in the following theorem.
Theorem 3.15. Let be a finite connected graph. The braid group is total relatively hyperbolic only if it is either a free group or isomorphic to or or an HNN extension of .
Proof. By [18, Theorem 4.22], is total relatively hyperbolic if and only if is either: a collection of cycles and segments glued along a single central vertex (called a flower graph); a graph homeomorphic to the letter “H”; a graph homeomorphic to the letter “A”; or a graph homeomorphic to the letter “”. Braid groups of flower graphs are free by [18, Corollary 4.7], while and are isomorphic to and respectively, by Propositions 3.12 and 3.13, and is an HNN extension of by Proposition 3.14. □
We now compute the braid group of the graph homeomorphic to the letter “Q”, for any number of particles.
Proposition 3.16. Let be a cycle containing one vertex of valence 3, as shown in Fig. 11, so that is homeomorphic to the letter “Q”. Then .

Fig. 11. The graph .
Proof. Let e be the edge indicated in Fig. 11, and subdivide all other edges of by adding n vertices of valence 2 along them, so that the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17 are satisfied. Note that is a segment, while is a disjoint union of two segments. Applying Theorem 3.5 and Proposition 3.8 to , we obtain a graph of groups decomposition , where has a single vertex with trivial vertex group and edges with trivial edge groups. Thus, Remark 2.25 tells us that . □
Next, we compute braid groups of wheel graphs.
Proposition 3.17. Let be the wheel graph with m spokes; that is, consists of a single central vertex connected by an edge to all vertices of an m-cycle (see Fig. 12). Then .

Fig. 12. The graph .
Proof. Let be distinct spokes of , as illustrated in Fig. 12. Note that is homeomorphic to , while is a segment for each i. Applying Theorem 3.5 to , we obtain a graph of groups decomposition , where has a single vertex with vertex group and edges with trivial edge groups. It therefore follows from Proposition 3.16 that . □
We conclude our examples by discussing the cases of complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs.
Example 3.18. Note that , so Proposition 3.17 shows that , answering a question of Genevois [18, Example 4.10]. We may also compute graph of groups decompositions of for other values of m by applying Theorem 3.5 with edges sharing a common vertex v of . In this case, and for each i. Thus, decomposes as a graph of groups , where consists of two vertices joined by edges, the vertex groups are and , and the edge groups are all . We may therefore compute inductively, with the base case .
Note that while all the vertex groups and edge groups in this construction are free, these braid groups are still quite difficult to analyze in general, often having unexpected properties. For example, it follows from [1, Example 5.1] that is the fundamental group of a closed non-orientable surface of genus six, which is not readily apparent from the graph of groups.
Example 3.19. We may compute in a similar way to . Suppose and apply Theorem 3.5 to edges of sharing a common vertex of valence q. This produces a graph of groups decomposition of , where consists of two vertices joined by q edges, the vertex groups are and , and the edge groups are all . We may therefore compute inductively, with the base case .
Once again, despite the fact that is constructed from free groups, it is difficult to extract information about the structure of the group as a whole. For example, it follows from [1, Example 5.2] that is the fundamental group of a non-orientable surface of genus four, but this is not easy to see from the graph of groups.
4. Applications
4.1. Decomposing graph braid groups as free products
In Sec. 3.1, we saw that it appears to be quite common for a graph braid group to decompose as a non-trivial free product. We now prove two general criteria for a graph braid group to decompose as a non-trivial free product, and apply these to answer a question of Genevois [18, Question 5.3].
We define the following classes of graphs (cf. [18, Sec. 4.1]). See Fig. 13 for examples.
• | A flower graph is a graph obtained by gluing cycles and segments along a single central vertex. | ||||
• | A sun graph is a graph obtained by gluing segments to vertices of a cycle. | ||||
• | A pulsar graph is obtained by gluing cycles along a fixed nontrivial segment and gluing further segments to the endpoints of . | ||||
• | The generalized theta graph is the pulsar graph obtained by gluing m cycles along a fixed segment. |

Fig. 13. Left to right: A flower graph, a sun graph, a pulsar graph, and .
Lemma 4.1 (Free product criterion 1). Let and let be a finite graph obtained by gluing a non-segment flower graph to a connected non-segment graph along a vertex v, where v is either the central vertex of or a vertex of of valence 1. Then for some nontrivial subgroup H of .
Proof. Consider as the union , where is either the central vertex of or a vertex of of valence 1. If and is not a 3-pronged radial tree, then we may remove the segment connecting v to from and add it to . The new and will still satisfy the hypotheses of the lemma, and . If is a 3-pronged radial tree, then after subdividing edges sufficiently we may remove all but the last edge of the segment connecting v to from and add it to , so that where v is a vertex of valence 2 in adjacent to . Thus, henceforth we shall assume without loss of generality that where either or is a 3–pronged radial tree and v is a vertex of valence 2 in adjacent to .
Let denote the edges of that have v as an endpoint and apply Theorem 3.5 to obtain a graph of groups decomposition of . Note that is a disjoint union of and some subgraphs of . By sufficiently subdividing the edges of , we may assume without loss of generality that the graphs all satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17. The vertices of correspond to the partitions of the n particles among . Let denote the partition with p particles in and particles in , . Proposition 3.7 tells us that is adjacent to precisely the vertices for , where is the partition with particles in and one particle in . Furthermore, is adjacent to precisely K and the vertices for and , where is the partition with particles in , one particle in and one particle in , and is the partition with particles in and two particles in .
First suppose contains a cycle for some i. We have , which is a free group by [18, Corollary 4.7] and is nontrivial by Lemma 2.22 since and is not a segment. We also have by Lemma 2.18, which is non-trivial for some i by Lemma 2.22 since some contains a cycle. Furthermore, for each i the edges connecting K to all have edge groups isomorphic to , which is trivial since is a disjoint union of segments. Thus, by Remark 2.25 decomposes as a free product of the form for some nontrivial free group F and nontrivial group H.
Now suppose that does not contain a cycle for any i. If are all segments, then is a non-segment flower graph. Furthermore, v is either the central vertex of (in which case v has valence in and so we must have ) or is a 3–pronged radial tree and v is a vertex of of valence 1. In the former case, is a flower graph containing a vertex of valence , thus is a free group by [18, Corollary 4.7], and by Lemma 2.21 and Proposition 3.10 its rank is at least 2. That is, for some nontrivial subgroup H, as required. In the latter case, by subdividing edges of we may assume is also a 3–pronged radial tree. Thus, we may assume some contains a vertex of valence .
Note that for each i, the edges connecting to and the edges connecting to all have edge groups isomorphic to , which is trivial since is a disjoint union of segments and does not contain a cycle. Furthermore, we have , which is nontrivial for some i by Lemma 2.22 since some contains a vertex of valence . Thus, by Remark 2.25 we again have , for some non-trivial group H. □
Lemma 4.2 (Free product criterion 2). Let and let be a finite graph satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17. Suppose contains an edge e such that is connected but is disconnected, and one of the connected components of is a segment of length at least . Then for some nontrivial subgroup H of .
Proof. First suppose is a segment. Then must consist of a single cycle, containing e, with a segment glued to either one or both endpoints of e (there must be at least one such segment since is disconnected). That is, is homeomorphic to either or –the graphs homeomorphic to the letters “Q” and “A”, respectively.
If is homeomorphic to , then Proposition 3.16 tells us . Since , this implies for some nontrivial subgroup H. If is homeomorphic to , then we may subdivide the edge e to obtain a graph homeomorphic to and containing no edge such that is a segment. Furthermore, still contains an edge such that is connected but is disconnected, and one of the connected components is a segment. Thus, we may assume without loss of generality that we are in the case where is not a segment.
Suppose is not a segment. Applying Theorem 3.5, we obtain a graph of groups decomposition of where has a single vertex with vertex group , which is nontrivial since is not a segment. Furthermore, is disconnected with a segment as one of its connected components. Let be a configuration with one particle at an endpoint of e and all remaining particles in the segment ; this configuration exists since has length at least . Then has an edge with edge group , which is isomorphic to by Lemma 2.18. Thus, Remark 2.25 tells us decomposes as a free product , where H is non-trivial since the vertex group is nontrivial. □
Note that in particular, Lemma 4.2 implies that all braid groups on sun graphs decompose as nontrivial free products, with the exception of the cycle graph, which has graph braid group isomorphic to . Lemma 4.2 also implies that all braid groups on pulsar graphs decompose as nontrivial free products, with the possible exception of generalized theta graphs for . Thus, we have partially answered [18, Question 5.3].
Theorem 4.3. Let be a finite connected graph that is not homeomorphic to for any . The braid group is hyperbolic only if for some group H.
Proof. By [18, Theorem 4.1], is hyperbolic if and only if is a tree, a flower graph, a sun graph, or a pulsar graph. If is a tree, then either is a radial tree, in which case is free of rank by Proposition 3.10, or has at least two vertices of valence , in which case by Lemma 4.1. In fact, is known to be free by [14, Theorems 2.5, 4.3]. If is a flower graph, then is free by [18, Corollary 4.7]. Suppose is a sun graph or a pulsar graph that contains at least one cycle and is not homeomorphic to for any m. Subdivide edges of so that it satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17. Then has an edge e that is contained in a cycle and incident to a vertex of degree at least 3 with a segment of length at least 2 glued to it. Thus, is connected but is disconnected, and one of the connected components of is a segment of length at least 1. Thus, for some group H by Lemma 4.2. If is a pulsar graph that contains no cycles and is not homeomorphic to , then consists of a segment with further segments glued to the endpoints. Thus, we may apply Lemma 4.1 to conclude that for some subgroup H. □
4.2. Pathological relative hyperbolicity in graph braid groups
We can apply Theorem 3.5 to subgraphs of the graph given in Fig. 5 to provide a negative answer to a question of Genevois regarding relative hyperbolicity of graph braid groups [18, follow-up to Question 5.7].
Theorem 4.4. Let be the graph given in Fig. 5. The graph braid group is hyperbolic relative to a thick, proper subgroup P that is not contained in any graph braid group of the form for and .
Proof. Recall that in Example 3.9, we showed that
The group is therefore hyperbolic relative to
Note that P is the group constructed by Croke and Kleiner in [13, Sec. 3]. In particular, it is isomorphic to the right-angled Artin group where is a segment of length 3; this is thick of order 1 by [5, Corollary 10.8] and [4, Corollary 5.4].
Suppose P is contained in a graph braid group of the form for and . Since P contains a subgroup, we may assume by Theorem 2.23 that and contains two disjoint cycles. If S has both particles in a single connected component of , then we have , so in this case we may assume is connected. On the other hand, if S has one particle in one connected component and the other particle in another component , then is a direct product of two free groups by Lemma 2.18. It follows that must virtually be a direct product of two free groups by [3, Theorem 2]. However, this is impossible since the class of right-angled Artin groups whose defining graphs are trees of diameter greater than 2 is quasi-isometrically rigid [7, Theorem 5.3]. Thus, must be connected and we may therefore deduce that must be isomorphic to one of the six graphs , , given in Fig. 14.
Constructing and using Algorithm 2.14, we obtain the cube complexes given in Fig. 15. We therefore see that the corresponding braid groups are
Since does not split as a non-trivial free product and does not embed as a subgroup of , we conclude that P cannot be contained in or by the Kurosh subgroup theorem [23, Untergruppensatz]. Since and are proper subgraphs of , and and are proper subgraphs of , we see by Lemma 2.21 that P cannot be contained in for any . Thus, P cannot be contained in any graph braid group of the form for and . □

Fig. 14. The six candidate subgraphs of .

Fig. 15. The cube complexes and .
This provides a negative answer to a question of Genevois [18, follow-up to Question 5.7], showing that while peripheral subgroups arise as braid groups of subgraphs in the case of toral relative hyperbolicity, this is not true in general.
Remark 4.5 (Characterizing relative hyperbolicity via hierarchical hyperbolicity). Graph braid groups are hierarchically hyperbolic; since they are fundamental groups of special cube complexes, one may apply [6, Proposition B, Remark 13.2] to show this. Indeed, a natural explicit hierarchically hyperbolic structure is given in [8, Sec. 5.1.2], described in terms of braid groups on subgraphs.
Furthermore, Russell shows that hierarchically hyperbolic groups (HHGs) are relatively hyperbolic if and only if they admit an HHG structure with isolated orthogonality [27, Corollary 1.2], a simple criterion restricting where orthogonality may occur in the HHG structure. Roughly, this means there exist that correspond to the peripheral subgroups.
One may therefore hope that relative hyperbolicity of graph braid groups could be characterized via this approach. However, the above example is problematic here, too; since the peripheral subgroup P does not arise as a braid group on a subgraph of , it does not appear in the natural HHG structure described in [8]. Thus, Russell’s isolated orthogonality criterion is not able to detect relative hyperbolicity of through this HHG structure.
4.3. Distinguishing right-angled Artin groups and graph braid groups
Note that Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 preclude certain right-angled Artin groups and graph braid groups from being isomorphic.
Corollary 4.6. Let , let be a connected graph and let be a finite graph such that one of the following holds:
• | is obtained by gluing a connected nontrivial graph to a non-segment flower graph along the central vertex of | ||||
• | satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem 2.17and contains an edge e such that is connected but is disconnected, and one of the connected components of is a segment of length at least . |
Then is not isomorphic to .
Proof. Since is connected, the right-angled Artin group does not decompose as a nontrivial free product. However, by Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2, we know that must decompose as a nontrivial free product. □
In fact, by combining Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 with a result of Kim–Ko–Park [22, Theorem B], we obtain stronger results for graph braid groups on large numbers of particles.
Theorem 4.7. Let and be finite connected graphs with at least two vertices and let . Then the right-angled Artin group is not isomorphic to .
Proof. By [22, Theorem B], if contains the graph homeomorphic to the letter “A”, then is not isomorphic to a right-angled Artin group. Thus, by sufficiently subdividing edges of , we may assume that all cycles in contain at most one vertex of valence .
If contains a cycle C with precisely one vertex v of valence , then we can express as the graph C glued to the graph along the vertex v. If is a segment, then is homeomorphic to the letter “Q”, thus Proposition 3.16 tells us . Otherwise, we can apply Lemma 4.1 to show that for some non-trivial subgroup H of . However, cannot be expressed as a non-trivial free product, since is connected. Thus, in both cases it follows that is not isomorphic to . We may therefore assume that no cycles in contain a vertex of valence .
If contains a cycle C with no vertices of valence , then is either disconnected or . The former case is excluded by hypothesis, while the latter implies . In particular, since has at least two vertices, this implies is not isomorphic to .
If contains no cycles, then is a tree. If is a segment, then is trivial. If is homeomorphic to a k-pronged radial tree , then Proposition 3.10 tells us for some . Otherwise, contains at least two vertices of valence . Thus, can be expressed as , where is a segment, is not a segment, and is a vertex of valence . Thus, we may apply Lemma 4.1 to conclude that for some nontrivial subgroup H, hence is not isomorphic to . □
5. Open Questions
Theorem 4.3 depends on the assumption that is not homeomorphic to a generalized theta graph . Furthermore, Proposition 3.14 tells us that is an HNN extension of , but it is not clear whether it is a nontrivial free product; knowing this would benefit Theorem 3.15. Computing braid groups of generalized theta graphs would therefore be very helpful to improve these two theorems.
Question 5.1. What is for and ? Are they nontrivial free products?
Note it is easy to show is a free group of rank at least 3 using Theorem 3.5, however the case of is trickier. One potential way of approaching this problem would be to apply Theorem 3.5, letting v be one of the vertices of of valence and decomposing as a graph of groups using m of the edges incident to v. Denoting these edges by , the graphs and are both homeomorphic to the –pronged radial tree , as illustrated in Fig. 16. Thus, by Propositions 3.8 and 3.10, has a single vertex whose vertex group is a free group of rank , and m edges whose edge groups are free groups of rank , where M is defined in Proposition 3.10. It remains to understand the monomorphisms mapping the edge groups into the vertex groups.

Fig. 16. The generalized theta graph and the copy of obtained by removing the open edges .
Another interesting question concerns the converses of Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2. The author is not aware of any examples of graph braid groups that decompose as nontrivial free products but do not satisfy either Lemma 4.1 or Lemma 4.2.
Question 5.2. Are there any graph braid groups that decompose as nontrivial free products but do not satisfy the hypotheses of Lemma 4.1 or Lemma 4.2?
Since Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 both produce free splittings with an infinite cyclic factor, an interesting related question concerns the existence of graph braid groups that admit free splittings but do not have a free splitting with an infinite cyclic factor. It seems likely that such graph braid groups should exist, however the answer is not completely obvious. Variants of a theorem of Shenitzer [30] show that if a graph of groups splits freely, it can often be arranged that one of the vertex groups splits freely relative to the incoming edge groups; see [32, Theorem 18] and [9, Lemma A.6]. Moreover, graph braid groups can always be inductively decomposed as graphs of groups until one obtains free groups as the vertex groups. It is therefore not inconceivable that graph braid groups that split freely might always be able to do so with an infinite cyclic factor.
Question 5.3. Are there any graph braid groups that split as nontrivial free products but do not have a free splitting of the form ?
Corollary 4.6 and Theorem 4.7 also raise a natural question: can right-angled Artin groups with connected defining graphs be isomorphic to graph braid groups for ?
Question 5.4. Does there exist some and a finite connected graph such that is isomorphic to a non-cyclic right-angled Artin group with connected defining graph?
Finally, Theorem 4.4 shows that the peripheral subgroups of a relatively hyperbolic graph braid group may not be contained in any braid group for . Thus, while the groups form a natural collection of subgroups of by Lemma 2.21, they are insufficient to capture the relatively hyperbolic structure. The question of how to classify relative hyperbolicity in graph braid groups therefore remains.
Question 5.5. When is a graph braid group relatively hyperbolic?
One potential approach would be to construct a hierarchically hyperbolic structure on with greater granularity than the one produced in [8], and then apply Russell’s isolated orthogonality criterion as described in Remark 4.5. In particular, one would have to construct a factor system on the cube complex that contains enough subcomplexes to guarantee that any peripheral subgroup of will always appear as the fundamental group of such a subcomplex.
The author would like to thank Mark Hagen for many enlightening conversations about cube complexes and graphs of groups, Jason Behrstock for valuable discussions on earlier iterations of this research, and Anthony Genevois and Tomasz Maciazek for their helpful comments. The author would also like to thank Jacob Russell, Victor Chepoi, Ben Knudsen, Tim Susse, and Kate Vokes for conversations on graph braid groups that collectively helped to consolidate the author’s understanding of the subject.
The author would also like to thank the anonymous referee for their numerous insightful comments that helped to improve this paper.
This work was supported by the Additional Funding Programme for Mathematical Sciences, delivered by EPSRC (EP/V521917/1) and the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research.
Daniel Berlyne