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Symmetric polynomials in free center-by-metabelian Lie algebras of rank 2 by:0 (Source: Crossref)


    Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 freely generated by the set {x1,x2}. Let PC2 be the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in C2, that is, PC2 consists of all the elements f(x1,x2) in C2 such that f(x1,x2)=f(x2,x1). We give a linear basis and a minimal infinite generating set for PC2, thus extending results of Ş. Findik and N. Ögüşlü [Palindromes in the free metabelian Lie algebras, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 29(5) (2019) 885–891].

    Communicated by Ivan Shestakov

    AMSC: 05E05, 17B01, 17B30

    1. Introduction and Notation

    Let K be a field of characteristic zero. We write K-vector (sub)space instead of vector (sub)space over K. By “Lie algebra” we mean a Lie algebra over K. Let L be a Lie algebra. For a,bL, we write [a,b] for the Lie commutator of a and b. For c3 and for elements a1,,ac of L, we define the left-normed Lie commutator [a1,,ac1,ac]=[[a1,,ac1],ac]. For a non-negative integer m and for a,bL, we write [a,mb]=[a,b,,b], where b is repeated m-times (for m=0, we write [a,0b]=a). For K-vector subspaces A and B of L, we write [A,B] for the K-vector subspace of L spanned by all the elements [a,b], with aA and bB. We denote L=γ2(L), that is, L is the derived algebra of L, and L = (L). For a non-empty subset X of L, we write L(X) for the Lie subalgebra of L generated by the set X.

    Let L be a finitely generated Lie algebra with generators a1,,an, n2. We say that an element f(a1,,an)L is a symmetric polynomial in L if f(a1,,an)=f(aσ(1),,aσ(n)) for all σSn. We write PL for the set of all symmetric polynomials in L. Since for f1(a1,,an),f2(a1,,an)PL, [f1(a1,,an),f2(a1,,an)]PL, PL is a Lie subalgebra of L. We call PL the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in L.

    For a positive integer n, with n2, let Ln be the free Lie algebra of rank n freely generated by the set {1,,n}. It has been proved in [2] that PLn is infinitely generated. The generating series for the number of free generators of the Lie subalgebra of invariants of the free Lie algebra under the action of a finite group is found in [10] (and in the case of prime characteristic, the growth of this series under the action of a homogeneous finite group of automorphisms has been studied in [11]). Let Mn=LnLn, that is, Mn is the free metabelian Lie algebra, freely generated by the set {y1,,yn}, with yi=i+Ln, i=1,,n. It has been proved in [4, Theorem 2.3] that PMn is infinitely generated (the analogous result for the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in the free metabelian Lie algebra over a field of prime characteristic has been proved in [3]). Furthermore, generating sets for PMn are given in [6] for n=2 and in [5] for n3. In particular, in [6], it has been proved that the set

    is a basis of the Lie algebra of symmetric polynomials in the free metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 PM2 and the set
    is a minimal set of generators for this Lie algebra.

    Our aim is to extend the results of [6] in the case of free center-by-metabelian Lie algebras of rank 2. The free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra C2 of rank 2 is the quotient C2=L2[L2,L2] freely generated by the set {x1,x2}, where x1=1+[L2,L2] and x2=2+[L2,L2]}. Since PC2 may be identified with the Lie algebra of invariants of the 2-action permuting x1 and x2, it follows from [3] that PC2 is infinitely generated. Throughout the text, for non-negative integers m and n, we use the following notation :

    In Sec. 3, we prove that the set
    is a basis of the Lie algebra of symmetric polynomials in the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 PC2 and in Sec. 4.2, we show that the set
    is a minimal generating set for this Lie algebra.

    2. The Lie Algebra C2

    The proof of the next result is elementary. We point out that Lemma 1 is a special case of [7, Lemma 2.2].

    Lemma 1. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 freely generated by the set {x1,x2}.


    Let vC2 and u1,,umC2, with m3. Then, for σSm1,



    For σSr, v1,v2C2 and z1,,zr{x1,x2},

    In particular, if v1=v2 and r is even, then [v1,z1,,zr,v1]=0. Furthermore, for (σ,τ)Sr×St, v1,v2C2 and z1,,zr,w1,,wt{x1,x2},

    For non-negative integers a and b, with ab, we write (ab)=a!b!(ab)!, where 0!=1. For ab10, we point out that (ab1)+(ab)=(a+1b).

    Lemma 2. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 freely generated by the set {x1,x2}.


    For positive integers m and n,

    In particular, for m+n even,


    For positive integers m and n, with n2,

    In particular, for m+n even,


    For positive integers m and n, with n2,

    In particular, for m+n even,



    By Lemma 1(1), we get

    Using the Jacobi identity in the form [a,b,c]=[a,c,b]+[a,[b,c]], we get
    Again, by Lemma 1(1),
    and hence, by the above equation,
    In the case m+n is even, by Lemma 1(2),
    and hence, by the above equation,


    Throughout the proof of Lemma 2(2), we write u=[x2,x1]. We use induction on n. For n=2,


    Since, by the Jacobi identity in the form [a,b,c]=[a,c,b]+[a,[b,c]],

    it follows from the above equation that
    that is,
    and hence, the result is true for n=2. Assume that the result is true for some n2, that is, assume that
    Then, by our inductive argument,
    Since [C2,C2]={0}, we have
    and hence, by the above equation, we get
    Since, by Lemma 2(1),
    it follows from the above equation that
    it follows that
    Hence, Lemma 2 is also true for n+1 and hence, we get the required result. In the case m+n is even, m+nk1+k1=m+n2 is also even. Hence, by Lemma 1(2) [u,m+nk1x1,k1x2,u]=0 and hence, by the above equation,


    Let σ be the automorphism of C2 defined by σ(x1)=x2 and σ(x2)=x1. Applying σ on the equation

    which has been proved in Lemma 2(2), we get
    that is,
    In the case m+n is even, by Lemma 2(2),
    Applying σ on this equation, we may deduce the result.


    In the following, we give a basis of the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 C2. We point out that a basis of the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of finite rank was first determined in [8]. It was discovered afterwards that this paper is not completely correct and corrections have been given in [9]. In particular, in [9], it is determined a basis of the free center-by-metabelian Lie ring of finite rank over .

    Since L2L2C2C2 in a natural way, the set {x1+C2,x2+C2} is a basis of the quotient C2C2. The derived algebra L2 is a free Lie algebra, and the Lie commutators [2,1,m1,n2], with m,n0, form a free generating set for L2 (see, for example, [1, Sec. 2.4.2, p. 55]. We point out that in [2], it has been used the right-normed convention for Lie commutators). It follows that the set {[2,1,m1,n2]+L2:m,n0} is a basis of the quotient L2L2. Since L2L2C2C2 in a natural way, the set {[x2,x1,mx1,nx2]+C2:m,n0} is a basis of the quotient C2C2. For a positive integer c, with c5, we write (C2)(c) for the subspace of C2 spanned by all Lie commutators [x2,x1,mx1,nx2,[x2,x1]], with m+n=c4. Since (C2)(c) is a subspace of C2 and, by Lemma 1(2), (C2)(c)={0} for c even, we obtain C2=d5dodd(C2)(d). By Lemma 1(2), for an odd integer d, with d5, (C2)(d) is spanned by all Lie commutators [x2,x1,mx1,nx2,[x2,x1]], with m,n0 and m+n=d4. It follows from [9, Theorems 7.1 and 7.2] that the set {[x2,x1,m1x1,m2x2,[x2,x1]],m1+m2=d4} is a basis of (C2)(d).

    In the following proposition, we summarize the aforementioned results. We point out that C2 is a graded Lie algebra, C2=c1C2(c), where C2(c) is the K-vector subspace of C2 spanned by all Lie commutators of C2 of homogeneous degree c.

    Proposition 1. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 freely generated by the set {x1,x2}. Then


    The set {x1,x2} is a basis of the K-vector subspace C2(1).


    The set {[x1,x2]} is a basis of the K-vector subspace C2(2).


    The set {[x2,x1,x1],[x2,x1,x2]} is a basis of the K-vector subspace C2(3).


    For d even, with d4, the set {[x2,x1,mx1,nx2]:m,n0,m+n=d2} is a basis of the K-vector subspace C2(d).


    For d odd, with d5, the set

    is a basis of the K-vector subspace C2(d).


    The set

    is a basis of C2. In particular, the set {x1+C2,x2+C2} is a basis of the quotient C2C2, the set {[x2,x1,mx1,nx2]+C2:m,n0} is a basis of the quotient C2C2 and the set {[x2,x1,m1x1,m2x2,[x2,x1]]:m1,m20,m1+m2odd} is a basis of C2.

    3. A Basis of PC2

    We show at first that there is a Lie algebra epimorphism from PC2 onto PM2. This is a special case of the following more general result.

    Proposition 2. Let L2 be the free Lie algebra of rank 2 freely generated by the set {l1,l2}, let V(L2) be a fully invariant ideal of L2 such that V(L2)L2 and let G2=L2V(L2) be a relatively free Lie algebra freely generated by the set {b1,b2}, where bi=i+V(L2), i=1,2. Let πG2 be the natural Lie algebra epimorphism from G2 onto M2 defined by πG2(bi)=yi, i=1,2. Then, the restriction of πG2 on the Lie algebra PG2 of symmetric polynomials in L2 is a Lie algebra epimorphism from PG2 onto PM2.

    Proof. It suffices to show that πG2(PG2)=PM2. We show at first that πG2(PG2)PM2. Let πG2(v(b1,b2))πG2(PG2), where v(b1,b2)PG2. Therefore, v(b1,b2)=v(b2,b1) and hence, πG2(v(b1,b2))=πG2(v(b2,b1)), that is, v(y1,y2)=v(y2,y1). Thus, v(y1,y2)PM2 and so, πG2(v(b1,b2))=v(y1,y2)PM2. Hence, πG2(PG2)PM2.

    We show now that PM2πG2(PG2). Since, by [6, Corollary 3.2], the set

    is a basis of PM2, it suffices to show that y1+y2πG2(PG2) and [y2,y1,my1,ny2][y2,y1,ny1,my2]πG2(PG2) for all positive integers m and n, with m>n0. It is trivially true that for the element b1+b2 of PG2, πG2(b1+b2)=y1+y2 and hence, y1+y2πG2(PG2). Fix some positive integers m and n, with m>n0, and let u=[b2,b1,mb1,nb2][b2,b1,mb2,nb1]. We point out that uPG2. Furthermore,
    Since M2 is a metabelian Lie algebra, it may be easily verified that
    and hence, by the above equation,
    Hence, [y2,y1,my1,ny2][y2,y1,ny1,my2]πG2(PG2). Thus, it follows that PM2πG2(PG2). Therefore, we obtain the required result. □

    From now on, we write π instead of πC2 for the natural Lie algebra epimorphism from C2 onto M2 defined by π(xi)=yi, i=1,2. Since [L2,L2]L2, the next result follows directly from Proposition 2.

    Corollary 1. The restriction of π on PC2 is a Lie algebra epimorphism from PC2 onto PM2.

    Let m,n0. It is straightforward to verify that zm,n=[x2,x1,mx1,nx2][x2,x1,mx2,nx1]PC2. Furthermore, by Lemma 1(2),

    and hence, we get wm,nPC2.

    Proposition 3. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra of rank 2 freely generated by the set {x1,x2}.


    Let f(x1,x2) be a symmetric polynomial in C2. Then, f(x1,x2) has the form

    where cm,nK.


    Let f(x1,x2) be a symmetric polynomial in C2. Then, f(x1,x2) has the form

    where bm,n,cm,nK.



    Since f(x1,x2)C2, by Proposition 1(6) we may write

    where cm,nK. Hence,
    and hence, by Lemma 1(1),
    Since f(x1,x2)=f(x2,x1), we get
    and since, by Proposition 1(6), the set
    is a basis of C2, it follows from the above equation that cm,n=cn,m for all m,n0, with m+n odd. Hence,


    Let f(x1,x2)PC2C2. Then, π(f(x1,x2))=f(y1,y2)PM2 and hence, by [6, Lemma 3.1],

    But it is easily verified that [y2,y1,ny1,my2]=[y2,y1,my2,ny1] and hence, by the above equation,


    where bm,nK and u(x1,x2)Ker(π)=C2. Since f(x1,x2),zm,nPC2, it follows that u(x1,x2)PC2 and hence, u(x1,x2)PC2C2. Therefore, by Proposition 3(1),
    and hence, we obtain the required result.


    For a positive integer d, we write PC2(d) for the K-vector subspace of PC2 spanned by all Lie commutators of PC2 of homogeneous degree d. Since PC2 is a Lie subalgebra of C2, PC2 is a graded Lie algebra and hence, we may write PC2=d1PC2(d). It is straightforward to verify that PC2(1) is spanned by the element x1+x2 and PC2(2)={0}.

    Theorem 1. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra over a field K of characteristic 0 freely generated by the set {x1,x2} and let PC2 be the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in C2. For non-negative integers m and n, let

    Then, the set
    is a basis for the Lie algebra PC2.

    Proof. Since PC2(1)={a(x1+x2):aK}, PC2(2)={0} and by Proposition 3(2), it follows that the set X1 generates the Lie algebra PC2. Let

    where a,bm,n,cm,nK. To complete the proof, it suffices to show that a=0, bm,n=0 for all m and n, with m>n0, and cm,n=0 for all m and n, with m>n0 and m+n odd. Since the set {x1+C2,x2+C2} is a basis of the quotient C2C2, working modulo C2 in Eq. (3.1), we get a=0. By Lemma 2(1),
    Hence, since a=0, working modulo C2 in Eq. (3.1) we get
    Since, by Proposition 1(6), the set {[x2,x1,kx1,lx2]+C2:k,l0} is a basis of the quotient C2C2, it follows from the above equation that bm,n=0 for all m and n, with m>n0. Since a=0 and bm,n=0 for all m and n, with m>n0, it follows from Eq. (3.1) that
    Since, by Proposition 1(6), the set {[x2,x1,kx1,lx2,[x2,x1]]:k,l0,k+lodd} is a basis of C2, it follows from the above equation that cm,n=0 for all m>n0, with m+n odd. Hence, the set X1 is a basis of PC2. □

    Corollary 2.


    The set {x1+x2} is a basis of the K-vector subspace PC2(1).




    The set {z1,0} is a basis of the K-vector subspace PC2(3).


    For d even, with d4, the set {zm,n:m>n0,m+n=d2} is a basis of the K-vector subspace PC2(d).


    For d odd, with d5, the set

    is a basis of the K-vector subspace PC2(d).

    4. A Minimal Generating Set of PC2

    4.1. Relations in PC2

    In this section, our main aim is to show certain relations among the elements x1+x2, z2r1,0 and w2s1,0, where r and s are positive integers, which we need for the proof of Theorem 2.

    Lemma 3. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra freely generated by the set {x1,x2}. Then


    For non-negative integers m and n, with m+n1, wm,n=wn,m.


    For non-negative integers m and n, with m+n1 and m+n even, wm,n=0.


    For non-negative integers m1, m2, n1 and n2,




    For positive integers r and s,



    For positive integers r and s,



    For positive integers r, s and t,


    Proof. Throughout the proof, we write u=[x1,x2] and a=x1+x2.


    Since wm,n=[u,mx1,nx2,u]+[u,nx1,mx2,u], the result is trivially true.


    Since wm,n=[u,mx1,nx2,u]+[u,nx1,mx2,u] and m+n is even, the result follows from Lemma 1(2).


    We have

    and by Lemma 1(2),


    For a positive integer t, we have


    By the above equation (for t=2s1) and Lemma 2(2)–(3), we get



    Similarly, by the above equation (for t=2s) and Lemma 2(2)–(3), we get



    Since, by Lemma 3(4)(a),

    we get
    Hence, by Lemma 3(3),


    Lemma 4. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra freely generated by the set {x1,x2} and let PC2 be the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in C2. Then, the following relations hold in PC2:


    [w2i1,0,u]=0 for all i1 and u{x1+x2,z2n1,0,w2n1,0:n1}.


    [z2r1,0,2sx1+x2,z2t1,0]=0 for all r,t1 and s0.


    [z2i1,0,kx1+x2,[z2j1,0,λx1+x2]]=(1)λ[z2i1,0,k+λx1+x2,z2j1,0] for all i,j,k,λ1.


    [z2i1,0,2k1x1+x2,z2j1,0,u]=0 for all i,k,j1 and u{x1+x2,z2n1,0}.

    Proof. (1) Since [C2,C2]={0} and w2j1,0C2, the result follows directly.

    (2) Assume at first that s=0. Then, by Lemma 3(3), [z2r1,0,z2t1,0]=w2r+2t2,0+w2r1,2t1. Since, by Lemma 3(2), w2r+2t2,0=w2r1,2t1=0, it follows that [z2r1,0,z2t1,0]=0. Assume now that s>0. Then, by Lemma 3(4)(b),

    But, by Lemma 3(3),
    and hence, by Lemma 3(2), [z2r+2sk1,k,z2t1,0]=0 for all k=0,,2s. Furthermore, by Lemma 4(1), [w2r+2sk2,k1,z2t1,0]=0 for all k=1,,2s1. Thus, by the above equation, we obtain the required result.

    (3) The result follows directly from Lemma 1(2).

    (4) Since, [z2i1,0,2k1x1+x2,z2j1,0]C2 and [C2,C2]={0}, we get the result. □

    4.2. The main theorem

    Recall that M2 is the free metabelian Lie algebra freely generated by the set {y1,y2} and PM2 is the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in M2. For a positive integer d, we write PM2(d) for the K-vector subspace of PM2 spanned by all Lie commutators of PM2 of homogeneous degree d. Since PM2 is a Lie subalgebra of M2, PM2 is a graded Lie algebra and hence, we may write PM2=d1PM2(d). It has been proved in [6, Theorem 3.4] that Y={y1+y2,[y2,y1,2m1y1][y2,y1,2m1y2]:m1} is a set of generators for PM2.

    Lemma 5. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra freely generated by the set {x1,x2} and let PC2 be the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in C2. Let X2={x1+x2,z2n1,0,w2n1,0:n1} and let L(X2) be the Lie subalgebra of PC2 generated by the set X2. Then


    zm,nL(X2) for all m and n, with m>n0 and m+n even.


    wm,nL(X2) for all m and n, with m>n0 and m+n odd.


    zm,nL(X2) for all m and n, with m>n0 and m+n odd.

    Proof. Recall that π is the natural Lie algebra epimorphism from C2 onto M2 defined by π(xi)=yi, i=1,2, and by Corollary 1, π(PC2)=PM2. We point out that π(x1+x2)=y1+y2 and for non-negative integers m and n, with m>n0,

    We point out that, in particular, π(X2)=Y.


    Fix some m and n, with m>n0 and m+n even. Then, zm,nPC2(m+n+2) and hence, π(zm,n)PM2(m+n+2). Since, as aforementioned, π(PC2)=PM2 and π(X2)=Y, it follows from [6, proof of Lemma 3.3], that π(zm,n)=π(u1), where u1PC2(m+n+2)L(X2). Hence, we may write zm,n=u1+u2, where u2Ker(π)=C2. Since zm,n,u1PC2(m+n+2), it follows that u2PC2(m+n+2) and hence, u2C2PC2(m+n+2). Since m+n+2 is even, it follows from Corollary 2(4) that u2=0. Thus zm,n=u1L(X2) and hence, we get the required result.


    Fix some m and n, with m>n0 and m+n odd. Since for n=0, it is trivially true that wm,0L(X2), we may assume that m>n>0. By Lemma 3(1),

    Since m+n is odd, by the definition of X2 and by Lemma 5(1) we have zm,0,zn,0L(X2). Therefore, [zm,0,zn,0]L(X2) and hence, by the above equation, (1)nwm+n,0+(1)n+1wm,nL(X2). Since, by the definition of X2, wm+n,0L(X2), it follows that wm,nL(X2) and hence, we get the required result.


    Fix some m and n, with m>n0 and m+n odd. Then, zm,nPC2(m+n+2) and hence, π(zm,n)PM2(m+n+2). Since π(PC2)=PM2 and π(X2)=Y, it follows from [6, proof of Theorem 3.4] that π(zm,n)=π(v1), where v1PC2(m+n+2)L(X2). Hence, by similar arguments as in the proof of Lemma 5(1), we may write zm,n=v1+v2, where v1L(X2)PC2(m+n+2) and v2C2PC2(m+n+2). Hence, by Proposition 3(1), v2 has the form α>β0α+β=m+n+2cα,βwα,β, where cα,βK. Since, by Lemma 5(2), wα,βL(X2) for all α and β, with α>β0 and a+b=m+n+2, it follows that v2L(X2). Since v1,v2L(X2), it follows that zm,nL(X2) and hence, we get the required result.


    Theorem 2. Let C2 be the free center-by-metabelian Lie algebra over a field K of characteristic 0 freely generated by the set {x1,x2} and let PC2 be the Lie subalgebra of symmetric polynomials in C2. For a positive integer n, let

    and let
    Then, X2 is a minimal generating set for the Lie algebra PC2.

    Proof. We show at first that the set X2 is a generating set for PC2. Let L(X2) be the Lie subalgebra of PC2 generated by the set X2. Since, by Theorem 1, the set

    is a basis for the Lie algebra PC2, and by Lemma 5, zm,nL(X2) for all m>n0 and wk,lL(X2) for all k>l0, with k+l odd, it follows that PC2L(X2) and hence, PC2=L(X2), that is, PC2 is generated by the set X2.

    To complete the proof, we have to show that X2 is a minimal generating set for PC2. It suffices to show that z2i1,0L(X2{z2i1,0}) and w2i1,0L(X2{w2i1,0}) for all i1. Furthermore, since PC2=m1PC2(m), it suffices to show that z2i1,0L(X2{z2i1,0})PC2(2i+1) and w2i1,0L(X2{w2i1,0})PC2(2i+3)C2 for all i1. Clearly, we may assume that i2.

    We show at first that z2i1,0L(X2{z2i1,0})PC2(2i+1). Suppose on the contrary that z2i1,0L(X2{z2i1,0})PC2(2i+1). Hence, we may write

    where uPC2(2i+1)C2. By the Lie algebra epimorphism π (defined in Sec. 3) we get
    But, by [6, Theorem 3.5], there are no non-trivial relations among the elements y1+y2 and [y2,y1,2i2λ1y1][y2,y1,2i2λ1y2], λ=1,,i1 and hence, we get the required contradiction.

    We show now that w2i1,0L(X2{w2i1,0})PC2(2i+3)C2. Suppose on the contrary that w2i1,0L(X2{w2i1,0})PC2(2i+3)C2. But, by the relations in Lemma 4, the only non-trivial elements in L(X2{w2i1,0})PC2(2i+3)C2 are the elements of the form [z2r1,0,2s1x1+x2,z2t1,0], with r+s+t=i+1. Hence, w2i1,0 may be written as a K-linear combination of elements of the form [z2r1,0,2s1x1+x2,z2t1,0], with r+s+t=i+1. But, by Lemma 3(5),

    Furthermore, by Lemma 3(1), wα,β=wβ,α for all α,β1. Hence, by the above equation, [z2r1,0,2s1x1+x2,z2t1,0] is a K-linear combination of elements of the form wm1,n1+wm2,n2, where m1>n1, m2>n2 and m1+n1=m2+n2=2i1. But then, w2i1,0 may be written as a K-linear combination of elements of the above form. Since, by Corollary 2(5), the set {w2i1k,k:k=0,,i1} is a basis of the K-vector subspace (C2)(2i+3), the elements w2i1,0 and wm1,n1+wm2,n2, with m1+n1=m2+n2=2i1, are linearly independent over K and hence, we obtain the required contradiction. □


    The author would like to thank the referee for valuable comments and suggestions during the preparation of this paper.


    C. E. Kofinas