Graded identities of the adjoint representation of 𝔰𝔩2(K)
Let K be a field of characteristic zero and let 𝔰𝔩2(K) be the 3-dimensional simple Lie algebra over K. In this paper, we describe a finite basis for the ℤ2-graded identities of the adjoint representation of 𝔰𝔩2(K), or equivalently, the ℤ2-graded identities for the pair (M3(K),𝔰𝔩2(K)). We work with the canonical grading on 𝔰𝔩2(K) and the only nontrivial ℤ2-grading of the associative algebra M3(K) induced by that on 𝔰𝔩2(K).
Communicated: Ualbai Umirbaev
1. Introduction
Determining a basis of polynomial identities for the matrix algebra of order n is a challenging problem that draws the attention of many researchers in the theory of algebras with polynomial identities. So far, there have been some results in this direction, but the problem, in general, remains widely open.
A finite basis for the identities of the matrix algebra of order 2, M2(K), over a field of characteristic zero, was described by Razmyslov [17] and subsequently minimized by Drenski [5]. Later on Drensky in [6] described various numerical invariants of the relatively free algebras related to M2(K), and to 𝔰𝔩2(K). In positive characteristic, it is known that the Lie algebra M2(K), char(K)=2, does not possess a finite basis of identities when K is infinite, a theorem proved by Vaughan-Lee in [22]. If char(K)>2 and K is infinite, Koshlukov [13] exhibited a finite basis of identities for M2(K). To achieve this, he crucially used the invariant theory of the orthogonal group, see [3] and weak identities [18]. Concerning the algebra Mn(K), n≥3, little is known about its polynomial identities. For a finite field K, Genov and Siderov [7, 8] determined bases of identities for M3(K) and M4(K). In the case of infinite fields, weak identities and graded identities are expected to be an essential tool, as it was the case for M2(K), and also in the proof that the variety of associative algebras over fields of characteristic zero satisfies the Specht property, the celebrated theorem of Kemer.
Weak identities first appeared in Razmyslov’s work [17], where, in addition to exhibiting a finite basis of identities for sl2(K) and M2(K), char(K)=0, he proved that the variety var(M2(K)) satisfies the Specht property. The notions of weak identity and identity of a representation might be easily merged in the following sense. Let K〈X〉 be the free associative algebra over K freely generated by a countable set X={x1,x2,…,xn,…}. If L is a Lie algebra and ρ:L→𝔤𝔩(V) is a Lie algebra representation of L on a vector space V, a polynomial identity of the representation ρ is a polynomial f(x1,…,xn)∈K<X> such that f(ρ(e1),…,ρ(en))=0 for every e1,…en∈L. Denoting by M the associative algebra generated by ρ(L), the problem of determining the identities of the representation ρ of L is equivalent to finding the identities for the associative-Lie pair (M,ρ(L)).
Identities of this type were also crucial in finding a basis of identities for the Lie algebra sl2(K) when the field K is infinite and of characteristic greater than 2 [21]. In the same context, Koshlukov [12] determined a basis of identities for the natural representation 𝔰𝔩2(F)→M2(F). Here we recall that weak identities can be defined in a similar way for other classes of algebras that are not “very far” from associative ones, and they play an important role in studying polynomial identities for Lie, alternative and Jordan algebras.
We recall the notion of a graded identity. As we work with gradings by ℤ2, the group of order 2, we consider gradings by this group only. If A=A0⨁A1 is a ℤ2-graded algebra, then f(y1,…,ym,z1,…,zn) is a ℤ2-graded identity of A if f(a1,…,am,b1,…,bn)=0 for every ai∈A0 and bi∈A1. Here we consider X=Y∪Z, Y and Z disjoint infinite sets, and the ℤ2-grading on K〈X〉 is given by declaring the variables from Y of degree 0 (even ones), and those from Z of degree 1 (odd ones).
Graded identities have also proven to be an important tool in studying PI-algebras. They were essential, for example, in establishing that the variety of associative algebras satisfies the Specht property in characteristic 0 [10]. We emphasize that the relation between graded identities and ordinary ones established by Kemer [11, Theorem 1.1] is not completely valid in positive characteristic. We note that if two algebras satisfy the same graded identities they also satisfy the same ordinary identities. However, the relationship between graded and ordinary identities remains not that clear: for example, the knowledge of the graded identities of an algebra does not give much information about the ordinary ones satisfied by the same algebra.
Finite bases of identities for the ℤ2-graded algebras M2(K), with charK=0, and for M1,1(G), where G is the Grassmann algebra over a field of characteristic 0 were found by Di Vincenzo [4]. Later on, these results were extended to infinite fields of characteristic different from 2, see [15]. The group gradings on the Lie algebra 𝔰𝔩2(K), in characteristic 0, were studied by Repin in [19], where he also described the multilinear structure of the corresponding graded relatively free algebras. Once again, over an infinite field K, with charK≠2, a basis for the ℤ2-graded identities of 𝔰𝔩2(K) was described in [14]. The Specht property of the graded identities for 𝔰𝔩2(K), in characteristic 0, for every group grading, was obtained in [9]. The authors of [1] studied the growth of the homogeneous components of the relatively free algebras for graded Lie algebras, and computed the corresponding graded GK-dimensions. In order to obtain a finite basis of identities for the pair (M2(K),gl2(K)), Koshlukov and Krasilnikov [16] found a basis for the ℤ2-graded identities for the pair (M2(D),gl2(D)), where D is an infinite integral domain. Under the same assumptions for D, Códamo and Koshlukov [2] determined a basis of weak identities for the ℤ2-graded pair (M2(D),𝔰𝔩2(D)) and proved that this pair possesses the Specht property. Trishin, in [20], found finite bases of identities for the irreducible representations of 𝔰𝔩2(K) under the assumption that K is an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0.
Here we combine ideas from [16] and [20] in order to describe a basis for the ℤ2-graded identities of the adjoint representation of 𝔰𝔩2(K), the 3-dimensional simple Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero. The image ad(sl2(K)) of this representation generates M3(K) as an associative algebra. Hence, equivalently, we describe a basis of the graded identities for the pair (M3(K),𝔰𝔩2(K)). Clearly, if the field K is not algebraically closed there may exist nonisomorphic 3-dimensional simple Lie algebras over K. But a standard argument, using extensions of the scalars, shows that these will satisfy the same polynomial identities. Therefore, without loss of generality, one may assume K is algebraically closed.
2. Preliminaries
Throughout this paper, K stands for a field of characteristic zero, and all algebras and vector spaces are considered over K. As we stated above, we can (and will) assume K is algebraically closed. We use the additive notation for the cyclic group ℤ2={0,1} of order two. If A is an associative algebra we denote by A(−) the vector space of A together with the Lie bracket operation [a,b]=ab−ba. It is well known that A(−) is a Lie algebra. We shall use the bracket notation for the product in a Lie algebra. The commutators without inner brackets are supposed to be left-normed, that is [x1,x2,…,xn]=[[x1,x2,…,xn−1],xn] for every n≥3.
An algebra A is said to be a ℤ2-graded algebra (also called simply graded algebra or, in the associative case, superalgebra) if A=A0⨁A1, where A0 and A1 are vector subspaces, respecting AiAj⊆Ai+j, i,j∈ℤ2. We call (A,L) a ℤ2-graded pair if L is a Lie subalgebra of A(−) such that L=L0⨁L1, Li=Ai∩L, i=0, 1. Since we consider gradings by ℤ2 only we will omit the group and we will often call these simply graded algebras or graded pairs.
Let K〈X〉 be the free associative algebra freely generated by X=Y∪Z, where Y={y1,y2,…,ym,…} and Z={z1,z2,…,zn,…} are countable disjoint sets. We call even (respectively odd) variables the ones from Y (respectively Z). Setting the homogeneous degree of a monomial m∈K〈X〉 as 0 if its degree with respect to the variables z∈Z is even and as 1 otherwise, the algebra K〈X〉 is ℤ2-graded with the natural grading K〈X〉=K〈X〉0⨁K〈X〉1, where K〈X〉i is the vector subspace spanned by the monomials of homogeneous degree i, i=0, 1. Let L〈X〉 be the Lie subalgebra of Kł〈X〉(−) generated by X. It is well known (Witt Theorem) that L〈X〉 is the free Lie algebra freely generated by X. With the grading inherited from K〈X〉, L〈X〉 is the free ℤ2-graded Lie algebra freely generated by X. Consequently, the pair (K〈X〉,L〈X〉) is the free graded pair of countable rank in the class of all graded associative-Lie pairs. Hereafter, K〈X〉 will always denote the free ℤ2-graded algebra.
We call an ideal I of K〈X〉 a T2-ideal if I is invariant under all graded endomorphisms of K〈X〉, that is, if ϕ(I)⊆I for every endomorphism ϕ of K〈X〉 such that ϕ(yi)∈K〈X〉0 and ϕ(zi)∈K〈X〉1. An ideal I is called a weak T2-ideal if it is invariant under the graded endomorphisms of the pair (K〈X〉,L〈X〉). As in the ordinary case, we can define a (weak) T2-ideal generated by a set and a basis of (weak) graded identities.
A polynomial f(y1,…,ym,z1,…zn)∈K〈X〉 is said to be a weak graded identity of the ℤ2-graded pair (A,L) if f(a(0)1,…,a(0)m, a(1)1,…,a(1)n)=0 for all a(0)1,…,a(0)m∈L0 and a(1)1,…,a(1)n∈L1. It can be easily proved that the set T2(A,L) of weak graded identities of a pair (A,L) is a weak T2-ideal in K〈X〉. The converse also holds, its proof repeats word by word that of the case of ordinary (associative, ungraded) T-ideals.
Let S⊂K〈X〉 be a nonempty set of polynomials, then the ideal of graded weak identities generated by S is the least ideal of graded weak identities I that contains S. Recall that in this case S is called a basis of I. A polynomial f∈K〈X〉 is a consequence of the identities of S whenever f∈I. Accordingly, f, g∈K〈X〉 are equivalent as weak graded identities when they generate the same ideal of weak graded identities. (In other words, f is a consequence of g and g is a consequence of f.)
It is well known that over an infinite field every ideal of identities is generated by its multihomogeneous elements. When the base field is of characteristic 0, the ideals of identities are generated by the multilinear polynomials they contain. The proofs of these facts are standard, moreover, they transfer word by word to our case.
3. Graded Identities for the Pair (M,S)
Let 𝔰𝔩2(K) be the simple 3-dimensional Lie algebra over the field K and denote by S the image of the adjoint representation of 𝔰𝔩2(K), ad:g∈𝔰𝔩2↦adg∈𝔤𝔩(𝔰𝔩2(K)). Then 𝔤𝔩(𝔰𝔩2(K))≅M3(K), since the action of 𝔰𝔩2 on the 3-dimensional vector space 𝔰𝔩2(K) is irreducible. Hence the image of 𝔰𝔩2(K) generates, as an associative algebra, the whole algebra of linear transformations in dimension 3. In this way, we can write simply ad:𝔰𝔩2(K)→M3(K).
Since 𝔰𝔩2(K) is a simple Lie algebra, the adjoint representation is faithful. Therefore, S≅𝔰𝔩2(K) is also a simple Lie algebra. Taking the canonical basis of 𝔰𝔩2,{h,x,y}, with [h,x]=2x,[h,y]=−2y and [x,y]=h, we have
Note that S generates M3(K) as an associative algebra. We have the following natural ℤ2-grading of the Lie algebra S.
Denote by M the matrix algebra M3(K) and consider the ℤ2-grading exhibited below which is, up to a graded isomorphism, the only nontrivial ℤ2-grading of M3(K).
Therefore, instead of considering the graded pair (M3(K),𝔰𝔩2(K)) we can study the graded pair (M,S).
We denote by sn(x1,…,xn)=∑σ∈Sn(−1)σxσ(1),…,xσ(n), the standard polynomial of degree n, where Sn is the symmetric group of all permutations of (1,2,…,n), and (−1)σ stands for the sign of σ∈Sn.
Lemma 3.1. The following polynomials are weak graded identities for the graded pair (M, S).
Proof. The identities (3.1), (3.2), (3.3), (3.5) and (3.6) are verified by direct and easy computation. For example, two diagonal matrices commute, and hence (3.1) follows. Substituting distinct elements of S0 and of S1 in (3.2), (3.3), (3.5), (3.6) and (3.8), one gets that all of them vanish.
To see that (3.4) is an identity, note that S1 is a 2-dimensional subspace and s3(z1,z2,z3) is a skew-symmetric polynomial in three odd variables. Therefore substituting in elements from the basis of S1 we have to repeat some element, and the skew-symmetry yields that the polynomial vanishes. The identity (3.7) follows from the fact that s3(z1,z2,y) is a multiple of the Casimir element of the adjoint representation which belongs to the center of the universal enveloping algebra of 𝔰𝔩2(K). □
As immediate consequences of (3.2) and (3.3), we have the following weak ℤ2-graded identities of (M,S)
The next are consequences of the polynomial (3.4)
Let I be the weak T2-ideal generated by the polynomials of the previous Lemma. We will prove that I=T2(M,S).
Lemma 3.2. The following weak graded identities are valid in the pair (M,S).
Proof. To prove (3.14), we use (3.3), (3.7) and (3.8)
Lemma 3.3. The following identity holds in the pair (M,S)
In particular, we have
Proof. Note that it is sufficient to prove the assertion for k=2, since the polynomial [y,zi1,zi2,…,zi2l] lies in L〈X〉0. When k=2, Eq. (3.17) is equivalent to [y,z1,z2,z3,z4]=[y,z3,z4,z1,z2]. Now we compute [y,z1,z2,z3,z4], it equals
Lemma 3.4. The following polynomials belong to I, for every nonnegative integer ,k
Proof. First, we note that by (3.2), the identity (3.19) holds for k=0. Since [y2,zi,zj]∈S0 we have
Similarly, we prove (3.20) using (3.3), the fact that [z,yi,yj]∈S1 and the weak graded identities (3.1), (3.2) and (3.10).
When k=1, (3.21) is equal to (3.6). Using (3.1), (3.10) and induction, we prove (3.21) for every k.
Finally, we use (3.15) and (3.18) to prove (3.22), observing that (3.22) is equal to (3.5), for k=1.
Lemma 3.5. The following weak graded identity holds in the graded pair (M, S)
Proof. The proof consists in the following computation.
Inductively, for every integers m, n≥0 we have the following weak graded identity of the pair (M,S).
4. A Basis of Weak Graded Identities for (M,S)
In the previous section, we listed several weak ℤ2-graded identities of the pair (M,S). In this section, we shall describe the form of the polynomials in K〈X〉 modulo I. We denote F=K〈X〉/I.
Lemma 4.1. Let f(y1,y2,…,ym,z1,z2,…,zn) be a multihomogeneous polynomial in F. Then f is symmetric in its even variables y1,y2,…,ym.
Proof. It is sufficient to prove that, in an arbitrary monomial m∈F, we can rearrange the indices of the even variables as we want, keeping the coefficient (and the sign) of the monomial. Thus we will show that transposing two of the even variables in a monomial does not change it, modulo I.
Let Yi and Zj denote words with only even and odd variables, respectively. If m=Y1Z1 or m=Z1Y1, where Z1 is allowed to be empty, by the identity (3.1), we can reorder the indices of the even variables in the way we want.
Suppose now that m has a factor of the form yiZkyj. We can assume that Zk is of even length by (3.19). In this case, by (3.22), we can transpose yi and yj.
Now, let m=Y1Z1Y2Z2,…,YkZk be a monomial, where Y1 or Zk may be empty. Combining the two observations above, we can rearrange the indices of the y’s in the way we want. This finishes the proof. □
Since the characteristic of the ground field is zero, this lemma implies that if f(y1,y2,…,ym,z1,z2,…,zn)∈K〈X〉 is a weak graded identity of the pair (M,S) then f is equivalent to a polynomial in a single even variable, g(y,z1,z2,…,zn). In other words, we can symmetrize the symmetric variables. Pay attention that the degree of f in the new even variable y is equal to the sum of the degrees of f in y1,y2,…,ym.
Now we study the symmetry of the polynomials f∈F with respect to the odd variables z∈Z. Let τij denote the transposition of the two odd variables zi and zj and let degxf denote the degree of f with respect to the variable x∈X.
Proposition 4.2. Let f(y,z,z1,z2) be a multihomogeneous polynomial in F which is linear in z1 and z2, degzf>0. Then (1−τ12)f=φ(y,y1,z)|y1=[z1,z2], where φ is a suitable polynomial that is linear in the “new” variable y1.
Proof. It is sufficient to prove the statement for a monomial m=z1gz2, where g is a word depending only on y and z.
First, we consider the monomial g=ya1zb1ya2zb2,…,yamzbm, ai, bi≥0. By the identity (3.19), if ai>0 and ai+1>0, then bi can be considered even. From (3.20), we can assume that if bi>0 and bi+1>0 then ai is even. Since (3.23) is valid on (M,S), after a rearrangement, we can suppose that g has one of the following forms:
If g=y2k, by (3.21), (1−τ12)m=0 modulo I.
If g=y2k+1, we take into account the possible positions of z. By (3.2), in m=g1z1y2k+1z2g2 we must have a variable z immediately to the right of z2 or immediately to the left of z1. For m=zz1y2k+1z2, we have
For g=zs, we use induction on s. If s=1, then z1zz23.13=z∘[z1,z2]. For s=2,
For every s>1 we have that
By applying (3.20) if r is odd, and (3.21) if r is even, we obtain that z1yrzsz2=±zyrz1zs−1z2. Thus the case g=yrzs is reduced to the case g=zs. Similarly, we treat the case g=zsyr.
Now, let g=zy2rz2s+1.
If g=yrz2sy, then m=z1yrz2syz2=−z1yrz2s−1z2yz and we are in a position to apply a case discussed above. This completes the proof. □
Remark 4.3. Since S is a simple Lie algebra, we have [S,S]=S. As charK=0, the last proposition implies that if f(y,z,z1,z2) is a weak graded identity of (M,S) that is linear in z1 and z2 and degzf>0, then the polynomial φ of the statement is also a weak graded identity. Moreover, by Lemma 4.1, f is a consequence of a polynomial depending only on one even variable and one odd variable.
We denote 〈ada,adb,adc〉=s3(ada,adb,adc). The identities in the next lemma can be proved by direct computation.
Lemma 4.4. The following identities hold in every associative algebra
In order to prove a kind of symmetry for the odd variables, we need the following results. Some of them are based on the results of [20].
Lemma 4.5. Modulo the identities (3.1), (3.2), the following identity on the ℤ2-graded pair (M,S) holds:
Proof. A computation shows that
Lemma 4.6. Let f=v1ziv2zjv3 be a polynomial where zi and zj are odd variables and among the commutators v1, v2, v3, we can find one vq=[u1,u2] of length greater than 1. Then, for some multilinear polynomial φ, the identity
Proof. Suppose v2=[u1,u2]. We will work with all the possible parities of u1 and u2.
• | If both u1, u2 are odd, we have (1−τij)f=v1(zi[u1,u2]zj−zj[u1,u2]zi)v3,(3.12)=v1{(u1[zi,u2]−u2[zi,u1])zj−(u1[zj,u2]u2+[zj,u1])zi}v3,(3.12)=v1(u2[zj,zi]u1+u1[zi,zj]u2)v3. | ||||
• | If both u1, u2 are even, then f≡0 by (3.1). | ||||
• | If u1 and u2 have distinct parity, we can write, without loss of generality u1=z∈L〈X〉1 and u2=y∈L〈X〉0. (1−τij)zi[z,y]zj=zizyzj−ziyzzj−zjzyzi+zjyzzi,(3.3)=−zizjyz+zyzizj+zjziyz−zyzjzi,=zy[zi,zj]−[zi,zj]yz. |
Now suppose v1=[u1,u2]. Since (1−τij)f=(1−τij)v1zizjv3=v1[zi,zj]v3, we can suppose that v2 has length at least one.
• | If v2 is odd, by (3.13), we have (1−τij)f=(1−τij)[u1,u2]ziv2zj=[u1,u2](v2∘[zj,zi]). | ||||
• | If v1 and v2 are even, then f=0 by (3.2). | ||||
• | If v1 is odd and v2 is even, we write [u1,u2]=z and v2=y in order to simplify the notation. v1ziv2zj=zziyzj=z[zi,y]zj+zyzizj,=[z,zi]yzj+zizyzj+zyzizj,(3.3)=[z,zi,y]zj+y[z,zi]zj+zizjyz+zyzizj,(3.1)=y[z,zi]zj+zizjyz+zyzizj, |
The case where v3=[u1,u2] is similar to the case where v1=[u1,u2]. □
Lemma 4.7. Let f=v1v2,…,vkzivk+1,…,vk+rzjvk+r+1…,vl be a multilinear polynomial where zi and zj are odd variables and one of the v1,v2,…,vl is a nontrivial commutator vq=[u1,u2]. Then, for some multilinear polynomial φ, the identity
Proof. The distance between zi and zj in the element from the statements of the lemma equals r, the quantity of variables that appear between zi and zj. The idea of the proof consists of first reducing the distance between zi and zj, and then applying induction and the previous Lemma. We treat a nontrivial commutator vq=[u1,u2] as a “variable” when computing the distance. Indeed if S is a simple Lie algebra then S=[S,S] and every element of S is a linear combination of commutators, thus we have to treat the commutators indeed as “variables”. For example, the distance between zi and zj in the polynomials zi[u1,u2]v2v3zj, zi[u1,u2][u2,u3]v1zj and zi[u1,u2,u3]v2v3zj is the same and equal to 3.
Case 1:q≥k+r+1 or q≤k.
By the equality x1x2=[x1,x2]+x2x1 and induction, we can suppose q=k+r+1 or q=k. First, we assume that q=k+r+1. As above we consider the parities of the commutators.
Note that, if vk+r and vq are both even, by the identity (3.2), vk+rzjvq=0. If vk+r is even and vq is odd, by (3.9) and (3.11), we have
For the remaining case, we use
The case q=k is handled similarly.
Case 2:k<q<k+r+1.
Once again, by the equality x1x2=[x1,x2]+x2x1 and induction, we have to deal only with the case zigvqvk+rzj, where g=vk+1,…,vk+r−2.
If vq is odd and vk+r is even, by (3.3), vqvk+rzj=−zjvk+rvq and we are back to Case 1, but the distance between zi and zj decreased.
Now we write
If vq is even and vk+r is odd, [vq,[vk+r,zj]]=0, by identity (3.1).
Suppose both vq and vk+r are odd. Then, since we assumed that vq is a nontrivial commutator, we can write vq=[y,z] for some y∈L〈X〉0 and some z∈L〈X〉1. Using the identity (4.4) and the the fact that the element 〈adx1,adx2,adx3〉, x1, x2, x3∈X, commutes with every element of the relatively free algebra F, we have
If vq and vk+r are even, we can assume vq=[z,˜z], where z, ˜z∈L〈X〉1. Therefore,
Using induction and the previous lemma, it remains to prove the statement for the polynomial [u,zi,zj,v].
But (1−τij)[u,zi,zj,v]=[u,zi,v]|zi=[zi,zj]. □
Remark 4.8. We draw the readers’ attention to the interplay between Cases 1 and 2. We need Case 2 to work on Case 1 and vice versa, but the distance between zi and zj does not increase in Case 1 while it decreases in Case 2. Therefore eventually we use the base of the induction.
Lemma 4.9. Let f be a multilinear polynomial of degree n≥4 that is skew-symmetric in two different pairs of odd variables, and let us call them zi, zj and zp, zq. Then there exists a multilinear polynomial φ of degree n-1, such that the ℤ2-graded identity f=φ|y=[zi,zj] belongs to the ℤ2-graded weak ideal I.
Proof. It suffices to prove the statement for the polynomial
If k<p,q≤k+r, using ab=[a,b]+ba, we can suppose that
If p≤k and k<q≤k+r, once again by the equality ab=[a,b]+ba and Lemma 4.7, it is sufficient to analyze the case where p=k and q=k+1. But then, by (3.4), (1−τpq)zpzizq=zi[zq,zp]+[zq,zp]zi, and once more we apply Lemma 4.7 to conclude this part of the result. The cases where k<p≤k+r and q>k+r are analogous.
The remaining cases are similar to the previous ones, changing the role of the pairs zi, zj and zp, zq. □
Proposition 4.10. Let f be a multilinear monomial of degree k+n≥4 depending on k even variables and n odd variables with k≥0, n≥4. Among the odd variables, we single out two variables, zi and zj. Then, in the pair (K〈X〉,L〈X〉), the polynomial (1−τij)f can be written, modulo I, as
Proof. Since every permutation may be represented as a product of transpositions, for every σ∈Sn−2, the polynomial (1−τij)(1−σ)f satisfies the conditions of the previous lemma. Therefore, there exists a multilinear polynomial φσ of degree k+n−1 such that (1−τij)(1−σ)f=φσ|y=[zi,zj]. Then,
We recall that, since the base field is infinite, the multihomogeneous components of an identity are also identities. Then, as in Remark 4.3, we can conclude that the polynomial φ of (4.5) is an identity of the ℤ2-graded pair (M,S). Inductively, φ is a linear combination of polynomials which are symmetric in l−2 of its l≤n−1 odd variables. Eventually, we conclude that φ is a consequence of polynomials of the form φ1(y,z1,z2) and φ2(y,z,z1,z2), and these are linear in z1 and z2. The latter of these polynomials, in turn, is a consequence of a weak graded identity of the form g(y,z).
Likewise, the polynomial (1−τij)∑σ∈Sn−2σf in (4.5) is a weak graded identity too, which is symmetric with respect to n−2 odd variables and all its even variables. Therefore, it is equivalent to a weak graded identity of the form g1(y,z,z1,z2). Then, by Remark 4.3, (1−τij)∑σ∈Sn−2σf is a consequence of a polynomial of the form g(y,z).
Therefore we can suppose that (1−τij)f is a consequence of polynomials g(y,z) and ˜g(y,z1,z2), where the latter polynomial is linear in z1 and z2. Since every σ∈Sn can be written as a product of transpositions, we have that f−σf is a consequence of polynomials of the form g(y,z) and ˜g(y,z1,z2), for every σ∈Sn. Summing f−σf over all σ∈Sn we obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 4.11. Let f(y1,y2,…,ym,z1,z2,…,zn)=0 be a multilinear ℤ2-graded identity of the pair (M,S), with n≥3. Then f is a consequence of polynomials of the form g(y,z) and ˜g(y,z1,z2), linear in z1 and z2.
We will need the following analogues of the well known generic matrix algebras. Let A:=K[ai,bi,ci|i≥1] be the commutative polynomial algebra generated by the independent variables ai, bi, ci, i≥1. Consider the associative algebra R and the Lie algebra L generated by the generic matrices
Then a standard argument shows that the ℤ2-graded pair (R,L) is the relatively free ℤ2-graded pair of countable rank in the variety of ℤ2-graded pairs generated by T2(M,S) (see for example [16, Lemma 3]). Therefore we shall work in the ℤ2-graded pair (R,L) when necessary.
Recall that the weak T2-ideal I is contained in T2(M,S) and, as stated in the last corollary, the elements in F=K<X>/I are consequences of polynomials in one even variable y∈Y and at most two odd variables z1, z2∈Z. We draw the readers’ attention to the fact that these polynomials are multihomogeneous but they need not be linear, apart from the case of two odd variables where the polynomial is linear in both z1 and z2.
Proposition 4.12. There are no nontrivial weak graded identities for the pair (M, S) modulo the T2-ideal I.
Proof. By Corollary 4.11, if we want to study the weak graded identities for (M,S) modulo I it is sufficient to analyze the polynomials of the form g(y,z) and g(y,z1,z2), the latter is linear in z1 and z2, since there are no weak graded identities depending only on y (that is of the form ym) or only on z (that is of the form zn), modulo I.
Thus, in order to prove that there is no nontrivial weak graded identity for the pair (M,S) modulo I, it is enough to prove that the monomials in K〈X〉/I depending on y and z or on y, z1 and z2 are linearly independent. To achieve this, in turn, we prove the linear independence for every set of multihomogeneous monomials of the same multidegree.
We work in the ℤ2-graded pair (R,L), setting y=Y and zi=Zi, where Y and Zi are the matrices introduced above.
Let us analyze first, according to their multihomogeneous degree, the polynomials modulo I that depend only on y and z which are, as we have seen above, yrzs, zsyr, zy2rzs−1 and yrz2sy.
• | If degyf=r and degzf=2k are both even, the possibilities for a monomial with such multidegree are yrz2k,zyrz2k−1 and yr−1z2ky. Then evaluating on the generic matrices we have YrZ2k=2r+2k−1(0000arbkck−arbk−1ck+10−arbk+1ck−1arbkck),ZYrZ2k−1=2r+2k+2(arbkck00000000),Yr−1Z2kY=2r+2k(0000arbkckarbk−1ck+10−arbk+1ck−1arbkck). | ||||
• | If degyf=r and degzf=2k+1 are odd, the possible monomials are yrzs and zsyr. But YrZs=2r+2k+1(000−arbkck+100−arbk+1ck00), ZsYr=2r+2k(0−arbk+1ck−arbkck+1000000). | ||||
• | If degyf=r is odd and degzf=2k is even, we have the following possibilities: YrZ2k=2r+2k−1(0000arbkck−arbk−1ck+10arbk+1ck−1−arbkck), Z2kYr=2r+2k(0000arbkckarbk−1ck+10−arbk+1ck−1−arbkck). | ||||
• | If degyf=r is even and degzf=2k+1 is odd, the possibilities for monomials with such multidegrees are YrZ2k+1=2r+2k+1(000−arbkck+100arbk+1ck00),Z2k+1Yr=2r+2k+1(0−arbk+1ckarbkck+1000000). |
Now we deal with the polynomials f(y,z1,z2) which are linear in z1 and z2. First, we examine the possible monomials m that can appear in these polynomials. From (3.2), there is no factor of the type yziy in m. This fact, along with identity (3.24) implies that m can only be in one of the following forms: zizjy2r, y2r−1zizjy and ziy2rzj if the total degree of f is even, or y2r+1zizj, zizjy2r+1 and ziy2r+1zj otherwise, where i≠j∈{1,2}.
Following the same argument as above, we have
• | If degf=2r+2, ZiZjY2r=22r+1(0000a2rbjci−a2rcicj0−a2rbibja2rbicj),Y2r−1ZiZjY=22r+1(0000a2rbjcia2rcicj0a2rbibja2rbicj),ZiY2rZj=22r+1(a2r(bicj+bjci)00000000). | ||||
• | If degf=2r+1, Y2r+1ZiZj=22r+2(0000a2r+1bjci−a2r+1cicj0a2r+1bibj−a2r+1bicj),ZiZjY2r+1=22r+2(0000a2r+1bjcia2r+1cicj0−a2r+1bibj−a2r+1bicj),ZiY2r+1Zj=22r+2(a2r+1(bicj−bjci)00000000). |
Therefore, we obtain the proof of the main result of this paper, summarized in the following theorem.
Theorem 4.13. Let K be a field of characteristic zero and let (M,S) be the ℤ2-graded pair relative to the adjoint representation of 𝔰𝔩2(K) equipped with the only nontrivial ℤ2-grading on 𝔰𝔩2(K), and the induced grading on M3(K). Then the following graded identities form a basis for the ℤ2-graded identities of the pair (M, S).
One can naturally ask the following questions.
(1) | Let K be algebraically closed and of characteristic 0, and let ρ:𝔰𝔩2(K)→𝔤𝔩(V) be an irreducible representation of dimension m+1. The natural ℤ2-grading on 𝔰𝔩2(K) induces a ℤ2-grading on V as follows. Take a maximal vector v0∈V and form the canonical basis v0,v1,…,vm of V. Then V is ℤ2-graded by assigning degree 0 to the v2i and degree 1 to the v2i+1. This induces a ℤ2-grading on Mm+1(K). Describe a basis of the ℤ2-graded identities for ρ. | ||||
(2) | If K is of positive characteristic p, the irreducible representations of 𝔰𝔩2(K) are finite-dimensional. Describe their ℤ2-graded identities. |
We are thankful to the anonymous referee whose numerous remarks helped us improve the exposition of the paper. C. Sampaio was financed in part by the Coordena de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior-Brasil (CAPES)-Finance Code 001.
P. Koshlukov was partially supported by CNPq Grant 307184/2023-4, and by FAPESP grant 2018/23690-6.
Cássia Sampaio
Plamen Koshlukov