Efficient Mining of Robust Closed Weighted Sequential Patterns Without Information Loss
Sequential pattern mining has become one of the most important topics in data mining. It has broad applications such as analyzing customer purchase data, Web access patterns, network traffic data, DNA sequencing, and so on. Previous studies have concentrated on reducing redundant patterns among the sequential patterns, and on finding meaningful patterns from huge datasets. In sequential pattern mining, closed sequential pattern mining and weighted sequential pattern mining are the two main approaches to perform mining tasks. This is because closed sequential pattern mining finds representative sequential patterns which show exactly the same knowledge as the complete set of frequent sequential patterns, and weight-based sequential pattern mining discovers important sequential patterns by considering the importance of each sequential pattern. In this paper, we study the problem of mining robust closed weighted sequential patterns by integrating two paradigms from large sequence databases. We first show that the joining order between the weight constraints and the closure property in sequential pattern mining leads to different sets of results. From our analysis of joining orders, we suggest robust closed weighted sequential pattern mining without information loss, and present how to discover representative important sequential patterns without information loss. Through performance tests, we show that our approach gives high performance in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, memory usage, and scalability.
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