Multi-Objective Optimization in Multi-Attribute and Multi-Unit Combinatorial Reverse Auctions
This study introduces an advanced Combinatorial Reverse Auction (CRA), multi-units, multiattributes and multi-objective, which is subject to buyer and seller trading constraints. Conflicting objectives may occur since the buyer can maximize some attributes and minimize some others. To address the Winner Determination (WD) problem for this type of CRAs, we propose an optimization approach based on genetic algorithms that we integrate with our variants of diversity and elitism strategies to improve the solution quality. Moreover, by maximizing the buyer’s revenue, our approach is able to return the best solution for our complex WD problem. We conduct a case study as well as simulated testing to illustrate the importance of the diversity and elitism schemes. We also validate the proposed WD method through simulated experiments by generating large instances of our CRA problem. The experimental results demonstrate on one hand the performance of our WD method in terms of several quality measures, like solution quality, run-time complexity and trade-off between convergence and diversity, and on the other hand, it’s significant superiority to well-known heuristic and exact WD techniques that have been implemented for much simpler CRAs.
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