Computing unlinking number is usually very difficult and complex problem, therefore we define BJ-unlinking number and recall Bernhard–Jablan conjecture stating that the classical unknotting/unlinking number is equal to the BJ-unlinking number. We compute BJ-unlinking number for various families of knots and links for which the unlinking number is unknown. Furthermore, we define BJ-unlinking gap and construct examples of links with arbitrarily large BJ-unlinking gap. Experimental results for BJ-unlinking gap of rational links up to 16 crossings, and all alternating links up to 12 crossings are obtained using programs LinKnot and K2K. Moreover, we propose families of rational links with arbitrarily large BJ-unlinking gap and polyhedral links with constant non-trivial BJ-unlinking gap. Computational results suggest existence of families of non-alternating links with arbitrarily large BJ-unlinking gap.