Finiteness for mapping class group representations from twisted Dijkgraaf–Witten theory
We show that any twisted Dijkgraaf–Witten representation of a mapping class group of an orientable, compact surface with boundary has finite image. This generalizes work of Etingof et al. showing that the braid group images are finite [P. Etingof, E. C. Rowell and S. Witherspoon, Braid group representations from twisted quantum doubles of finite groups, Pacific J. Math.234 (2008)(1) 33–42]. In particular, our result answers their question regarding finiteness of images of arbitrary mapping class group representations in the affirmative.
Our approach is to translate the problem into manipulation of colored graphs embedded in the given surface. To do this translation, we use the fact that any twisted Dijkgraaf–Witten representation associated to a finite group G and 3-cocycle ω is isomorphic to a Turaev–Viro–Barrett–Westbury (TVBW) representation associated to the spherical fusion category VecωG of twisted G-graded vector spaces. The representation space for this TVBW representation is canonically isomorphic to a vector space of VecωG-colored graphs embedded in the surface [A. Kirillov, String-net model of Turaev-Viro invariants, Preprint (2011), arXiv:1106.6033]. By analyzing the action of the Birman generators [J. Birman, Mapping class groups and their relationship to braid groups, Comm. Pure Appl. Math.22 (1969) 213–242] on a finite spanning set of colored graphs, we find that the mapping class group acts by permutations on a slightly larger finite spanning set. This implies that the representation has finite image.