Shake slice and shake concordant links
We can construct a -manifold by attaching -handles to a -ball with framing along the components of a link in the boundary of the -ball. We define a link as -shake slice if there exists embedded spheres that represent the generators of the second homology of the -manifold. This naturally extends -shake slice, a generalization of slice that has previously only been studied for knots, to links of more than one component. We also define a relative notion of shake-concordance for links and versions with stricter conditions on the embedded spheres that we call strongly-shake slice and strongly-shake concordance. We provide infinite families of links that distinguish concordance, shake concordance, and strong shake concordance. Moreover, for we completely characterize shake slice and shake concordant links in terms of concordance and string link infection. This characterization allows us to prove that the first non-vanishing Milnor invariants are invariants of shake concordance. We also argue that shake concordance does not imply link homotopy.