We study the cosmology of canonically normalized scalar fields that lead to an equation of state parameter of wϕ=pϕ/ρϕ<-1 without violating the weak energy condition: ρ=Σiρi≥0 and ρi+pi≥0. This kind of behavior requires a negative scalar potential V, widely predicted in particle physics. We show that the energy density ρϕ=Ek+V takes negative values with an equation of state with wϕ<-1. However, the net effect of the ϕ field on the scale factor is to decelerate it giving a total equation of state parameter w=p/ρ>wb=pb/ρb, where ρb stands for any kind of energy density with -1≤wb≤1, such as radiation, matter, cosmological constant or other scalar field with a potential V≥0. The fact that ρϕ<0 allows, at least in principle, to have a small cosmological constant or quintessence today as the cancellation of high energy scales such as the electroweak or susy breaking scale. While V is negative |ρϕ| is smaller than the sum of all other energy densities regardless of the functional form of the potential V. We show that the existence of a negative potential leads, inevitable, to a collapsing universe, i.e. to a would be "big crunch." In this picture we would still be living in the expanding universe.
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