We discuss results of 2D simulations of magnetorotational (MR) mechanism of core collapse supernova explosions. Due to the nonuniform collapse, the collapsed core rotates differentially. In the presence of an initial poloidal magnetic field its toroidal component appears and grows with time. Increased magnetic pressure leads to the formation of a compression wave which moves outwards. It transforms into the fast MHD shock wave (supernova shock wave). The shape of the MR supernova explosion qualitatively depends on the configuration of the initial magnetic field. For a dipole-like initial magnetic field, the supernova explosion develops mainly along the rotational axis, forming a mildly collimated jet. A quadrupole-like initial magnetic field leads to the explosion developing mainly along the equatorial plane. The magnetorotational instability was found in our simulations. The supernova explosion energy grows with an increase of the initial core mass and rotational energy of the core, and corresponds to the observational data.
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