Diffeomorphism invariance and quantum mechanical paradoxes
Paradoxes in gravitational physics, such as grandfather paradoxes with closed timelike curves or the AMPS paradox, are often constructed in a weak gravity regime but upon further examination engender strong gravitational responses such as unstable Cauchy horizons or firewalls. In contrast, some proposed paradoxes in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics ignore gravity completely. Such nonrelativistic proposed paradoxes are often not gauge invariant — they use local operators which should be forbidden by diffeomorphism-invariant quantum gravity. Ignoring this complication is reasonable if there is a consistent weak gravity regime where the paradox can be formulated with gauge invariant observables up to some order in Newton’s constant. We show that this approach remains inconsistent due to a lack of analyticity of the necessary solutions. As a consequence, there is no consistent weak gravity, diffeomorphism invariant embedding of such paradoxes—just as in other gravitational paradoxes they generate a strong gravitational response and are in principle sensitive to quantum gravity.
1. Introduction
Thought experiments play a large role in quantum mechanics, both in popular treatments, such as the prototypical Schrödinger’s cat, and in professional discourse. Quantum mechanics is often counterintuitive to our classically trained intuition and thought experiments have a long history of illuminating nonclassical logical results and fallacies. One such line of thought experiments is that of “Wigner’s Friend”1 and various extensions, such as the Frauchiger–Renner (FR)2 experiment, which has recently generated interest.2,3,4 In the FR thought experiment, which we will use as a prototypical example throughout this paper, the authors argue that under some fairly reasonable assumptions in the framework of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, one can construct an experiment where two observers measure conflicting results. They then use this result to argue that nonrelativistic quantum mechanics is not self-consistent.
We note as an aside for the reader that this experiment is a matter of some debate purely in the quantum information community, cf. Refs. 4,5,6,7 and others. In this work, we do not argue for or against the paradox or similar ones that come up in the literature. Rather we merely use the construction of such thought experiments to examine the subtle role of gravity, in particular in the construction of local observers, and how gravity interacts with putative paradoxical outcomes. A related exploration that differentiates between observations and inferences that must be compatible with physical theories can be found in Ref. 4.
As is typical in quantum information approaches, the FR thought experiment ignores gravitational effects when making claims of the self-consistency of quantum mechanics. Of course, we live in a world with gravity, so from a fundamental perspective the quantum theory that needs to be self-consistent is the full theory of quantum gravity—whatever it turns out to be. Structurally the physical Hilbert space and dynamics of quantum gravity are heavily constrained by the requirement of diffeomorphism invariance, cf. Ref. 8, which is typically not imposed in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. However, when using paradoxes to make claims about underlying fundamental theories, such as quantum mechanics, it is necessary to at least ensure the paradoxical observables are gauge invariant. In the gravitational case, this would mean introducing the gravitational field as a dynamical object and imposing diffeomorphism invariance. While this may be difficult to do nonperturbatively, one tractable approach would be to match the field content of general relativity and impose diffeomorphism invariance perturbatively to first-order in Newton’s constant G. If such an approach can be made self-consistent and generate only small corrections to the nonrelativistic results then ignoring gravity is justified. Our goal in this paper is to examine whether one can build a “paradoxical” thought experiment that involves local observables while maintaining gauge invariance to first order in G in a self-consistent manner (up to the paradoxical result occurring at some time t).
We will find that perturbative gauge invariance can’t be self-consistently imposed if the experiment is to eventually generate a paradox—higher order corrections in G and fundamental aspects of full quantum gravity become important. This is perhaps surprising as it seems then that a low-energy thought experiment is somehow sensitive to quantum gravity. However, this is actually already a known occurrence in the gravitational literature for precisely those thought experiments that incorporate paradoxes and quantum mechanics. Classically, spacetimes that allow Closed Timelike Curves (CTCs) may have low curvature yet contain grandfather paradoxes. Quantum mechanically, these spacetimes lead to the breakdown of semi-classical gravity due to unstable energy–momentum tensor fluctuations9 and the necessity of the chronology protection conjecture,10 a statement about quantum gravity. Similarly, the Almheiri–Marolf–Polchinski–Sully (AMPS) or infaller paradox in black hole thermodynamics, which is built in spacetime regions with low curvature, generates extreme gravitational responses (e.g. firewalls)11 once quantum mechanics is taken into account. Firewalls have also been argued to be one manifestation of a more generic paradox, due to the violation of boundary unitary,12 that can occur in scattering experiments13 with local bulk operators. In all these scenarios, the existence of the paradox leads to a strong gravitational and even quantum gravitational response—one cannot stay in the weak field regime self-consistently and still assume there exists a quantum mechanical paradox.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sec 2, we discuss the FR thought experiment in detail. We lay out the original assumptions, the refinements necessary for a gravitationally coupled theory, detail the experimental setup and logic, briefly mention the purely quantum information-based objections in the literature, and explain why gravity may play a role. In Sec. 3, we discuss the gauge invariance problem of the observables in the context of Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED) and the idea of electromagnetic dressing, as that is more familiar outside the gravitational community. In Sec. 4, we describe the necessary gravitational dressings in perturbative gravity, show how quantum gravity comes into play due to the necessary existence of nonanalytic solutions and how this relates to boundary unitarity. Finally, we conclude in Sec. 5.
2. The Frauchiger–Renner Thought Experiment
2.1. The assumptions
The FR thought experiment2 works in the framework of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and makes the following assumptions, labeled (Q), (C) and (S) in its original construction:
(Q) | Every observer evolves under the rules of standard quantum mechanics on their local Hilbert spaces, in particular the Born rule. Within that framework, there is a process that allows observers to make conclusive, classically stable measurements. Specifically, let a system S be in state |ψ〉S|ψ⟩S at time t0, and let there exist a family of Heisenberg projection operators, {πx}x∈ℝ, associated with the possible outcomes x of the measurement of some observable X which occurs at time t>t0. If the state after measurement is |ψ〉 and 〈ψ|πξ|ψ〉=1 for ξ being some possible value of x, then one can make the definitive statement at time t that x=ξ. We will refer to the ability to make such definitive statements about the outcomes of measurements as with certainty. Furthermore, since the measurement is stable, x=ξ for all time after t. | ||||
(C) | Inferred knowledge is transferable between two observers. If observer A knows that observer A′ has concluded that x=ξ at some time tand that A′ is reasoning using the exact same theory as A, then A can conclusively state that x=ξ at time t. | ||||
(S) | Contradictory logical statements cannot be true simultaneously. If A believes that x=ξ at time t is true, then they cannot also believe that x≠ξ at time t is true. |
With the above assumptions in hand, we now turn to the thought experiment itself.
2.2. The experimental setup
The setup for the FR thought experiment is similar to constructions employed in Hardy’s and Wigner’s friend thought experiments. Consider four quantum observers, Alice, Bob, Charlie and Diane. Charlie and Diane are each locked away in different local, isolated laboratories, while Alice and Bob are outside observing Charlie’s and Diane’s laboratories, respectively. The experiment proceeds as follows, in rounds n=0,1,2,…. The number on the right indicates the timing of the steps and it is assumed that each step takes one unit of time:
n:00 | Charlie measures the state of a quantum coin toss, |coin〉≡(|heads〉+√2|tails〉)/√3, in the {|heads〉,|tails〉} basis, and records the result as r∈{heads,tails}. He then sets the spin state S of a particle to |↓〉S if the result is r=heads and to |→〉S≡(|↑〉S+|↓〉S)/√2 if the result is r=tails. Charlie then sends the particle to Diane. | ||||
n:10 | Diane measures S with respect to the {|↑〉S,|↓〉S} basis and records the result as z∈{−12,+12}. | ||||
n:20 | Alice measures Charlie’s laboratory with respect to a basis containing the state |¯ok〉≡(|ˉh〉−|ˉt〉)/√2, where the states {|ˉh〉,|ˉt〉} are the possible states of Charlie’s laboratory after he has obtained the result of the coin toss. If the result associated with the |¯ok〉 state occurs Alice records ˉw=¯ok otherwise she records ˉw=¯fail. | ||||
n:30 | Bob measures Diane’s laboratory with respect to a basis containing the state |ok〉≡(|−12〉−|12〉)/√2, where the states {|−12〉,|12〉} are the possible states of Diane’s laboratory after she has obtained the result of the spin measurement. If the outcome associated with the |ok〉 state occurs, Bob records w=ok, otherwise, he records w=fail. | ||||
n:40 | If both Alice and Bob measure ˉw=¯ok and w=ok, respectively, the experiment is stopped, otherwise it continues to the next round. |
2.3. The paradox
Alice and Bob can construct an entangled qubit from the correlations between the measurements of Charlie and Diane,
There are counterarguments to the logic of the FR thought experiment.14,15,16 One counterargument, proposed by Ref. 5, highlights the issues of using inferred information before and after a measurement is performed. The inference—if Charlie is in the |ˉt〉 state then Bob measures w=fail—only holds for the original qubit state in (1). However, Alice first measures (1) in the |¯ok〉 bases, thus transforming (1), implying Charlie no longer has access to the information required to make his inference. Therefore Charlie could never conclude that Bob has measured w=fail, since the nonmeasured version of (1) does not exist after Alice’s measurement. The rejoinder of Renner17 is that no information dependent on Alice’s measurement is used in Charlie’s logic and hence the paradox is logically sound. We are not concerned with this type of argument, rather we are interested in the consequences of gauge invariance, in particular diffeomorphism invariance, in the construction of the thought experiment.
Observer | Measurement | Inference |
Alice | ˉω=¯ok | Diane has measured z=+1/2 |
Diane | z=+1/2 | Charlie has measured r=tails |
Charlie | r=tails | Bob has measured ω=fail |
Bob | ω=ok | ←Paradox↑ |
The FR thought experiment, as constructed, requires classically certain measurements, local observers, and logical inferences to generate a paradox, as codified in assumptions (Q), (C) and (S). Under assumption (Q) Alice and Bob are defined to be local observers with separable Hilbert spaces. This is, however, in tension with general covariance (which should be preserved in low energy quantum gravity as it is a symmetry of general relativity), as constructing separable Hilbert spaces in generally covariant theories is nontrivial.18,19 In other words, the formulation is not a priori gauge invariant.
Any claim that asserts quantum mechanics is not self-consistent, based on nongauge-invariant observables, must be eyed with caution. Such a claim is equivalent to observers who use different U(1) gauges to claim that electromagnetism is not self-consistent because they each record different values for the vector potential. Certainly, it is possible that there is a physical difference but the difference could be pure gauge. Remedying this in the gravitational context means dressing any local observables so that they are gauge invariant under diffeomorphisms. Only then can one explore the ramifications for quantum mechanics. The key question is whether or not making the construction gauge invariant can be done while remaining in a weak gravity regime. Before we get to the gravitational case we analyze the case in electromagnetism, which is familiar to more readers.
3. QED Gauge Invariant Observables and the FR Thought Experiment
3.1. Background
Following Ref. 20, in N-dimensional systems with gauge symmetries there exist a set of primary constraints, functions ϕm(p,q) such that,
A basic consistency requirement is that the primary constraints are constants in time and thus have vanishing Poisson brackets with (4). The resulting equations of motion are either independent of the um, and thus only involve the canonical coordinates, or they may impose restrictions on the um. If the equation of motion for some ϕm is independent of the um and its vanishing imposes a relationship, ϕk with k>M, between the canonical coordinates, independent of the other primary constraints, then ϕk is considered a secondary constraint. Note that secondary constraints also vanish on the constraint hypersurface, however, their defining feature is that they only hold when the equations of motion are satisfied.
Again consider the consistency requirement, that both the primary and secondary constraints are constants in time and thus have weakly vanishing Poisson brackets with (4). The resulting equations of motion impose restrictions on the um. Using the equations of motion for the constraints to find solutions for the um, it follows that,
A first-class constraint is any constraint that has a weakly vanishing Poisson bracket with all other constraints, i.e.
As a simple example of the above, consider the Lagrangian density for vacuum electrodyamics,
The equation of motion for A0 yields the secondary constraint, ϕ2(p,q)=∂iπi=0, which is Gauss’ law. Since the Poisson bracket between constraints ϕ1 and ϕ2 vanishes, both constraints are first-class.
We now consider an arbitrary linear combination of both first-class constraints, i.e.
Similarly if we had treated full QED and included a Dirac field in the Lagrangian the Poisson bracket between the local Dirac field Ψ(x) and linear combinations of the first-class constraints (with the Gauss law appropriately modified as there are now sources) would generate the gauge transformation of Ψ(x),
3.2. Gauge invariant fields and asymptotic dependence
A gauge-invariant field can be constructed by promoting Ψ(x)→˜Ψ(x)=Ψ(x)eiqζ(x). A key aspect is that ζ(x) does not have to have compact support. Following Dirac’s original analysis in Ref. 22, one could choose ζ(x)=∫d3x′ca(x′,x)Aa(x′). The new field, ˜Ψ(x), is then gauge invariant as long as ∂ici(x′,x)=δ(3)(x′−x) is satisfied. The choice of ci, or dressing of the local, electron field, is arbitrary up to the condition on ci. Physically, this corresponds to the fact that there are infinitely many gauge-invariant dressings of the local field, all of which are equivalent up to solutions of the source-free Maxwell’s equations.23
Not only can ζ(x) be noncompact, but in certain cases it must be. Specifically, if O is a local field with compact support that transforms nontrivially under U(1) gauge transformations, then the corresponding gauge invariant field Õ depends on the asymptotic field configuration. To see this, expand Õ in a power series in q,
Since O is compact, {CS,O}=0. Moreover, Q is the generator of gauge transformations and hence {Q,O}≠0. Therefore the remaining term must be canceled by the q{CS,O1} term, which implies that O1 must depend on the asymptotic electromagnetic field, i.e. the dressed gauge-invariant field Õ always has noncompact support.
Gravitationally, a physical observer will transform nontrivially under at least one of the transformations of the Poincare group—there is no ability, for example, to set the total energy of a system to zero. The electromagnetic parallel is the total electric charge of the observing system that is nonvanishing. We shall now examine the consequence of this assumption for the construction of the FR thought experiment as a pedagogical introduction to the gravitational case.
3.3. Consequences for the FR thought experiment
Let us consider a possible implementation of a measurement system for Alice and Bob that parallels the gravitational case and illuminates the difficulty. Assume messages and information between observers, such as the particle of defined spin in n:00 of the FR thought experiment, are sent using polarized photons. Alice and Bob measure the polarization via a QED system that correlates the polarization with an electron, i.e. a net charge being present in their local detectors. This can be done as the scattering amplitude in QED is dependent on both photon and electron polarizations.24 The system is designed so that the measurement results, ok,¯ok, correlate with the electron state |e〉 while fail,¯fail, correlate with the vacuum |0〉.
The local field associated with the electron, Ψe(x), transforms nontrivially under U(1) gauge transformations, and hence a local excitation in Alice or Bob’s detector is not gauge invariant. To maintain gauge invariance there cannot only be a local excitation but also an electromagnetic field that extends to infinity. Prosaically, this is just Gauss’ Law applied to the measurement system above. For a related derivation see Ref. 25.
Now, consider Alice’s role in the original FR thought experiment. With certainty implies that all measurements accessible to Alice are consistent with her inference that Bob measured w=fail (while Bob actually measured w=ok) and the existence of a vacuum between them. Her measurements of the electromagnetic field, at her position, must therefore be consistent with Bob measuring w=fail and the rest of the assumptions of the experiment. By superposition, we can split the electric field measured by Alice as →EAA+→EAB, where →EAA is the self-consistent electric field generated by Alice’s apparatus measuring ˉw=¯ok and →EAB is the electric field at Alice generated by Bob’s measurement. Since Alice’s measurements must be consistent with her inference that Bob measured |fail〉 and vacuum in between them, →EAB=0.
We now see the immediate problem when implementing the Gauss’ Law constraint on the electric fields. Since the measurements are stable, the measured electric fields must be time-independent. Therefore, via Maxwell’s equations, the electric field is curl-free and the derivative of a potential Φ. Therefore the Gauss’ law constraint reduces to Poisson’s equation, ∇2Φ=ρ, where ρ is the charge density. By superposition, Alice can definitively state that the potential due to Bob and its derivative vanish in her region, i.e. ΦBA=0,→∇ΦBA=0. However, the unique solution to this is that the potential due to Bob everywhere is, ΦB(r)=0. Therefore if Bob measures ΦBB≠0, the Gauss’ law constraint is violated. There is no way to even define the paradox in a gauge invariant sense.
The escape from this conclusion, in the electromagnetic case, is simple: use detectors/measurement devices that don’t carry a net U(1) charge. This is easy to do since electromagnetism permits screening22 due to the existence of both positive and negative charges. In this case, either outcome of Bob’s measurement would leave no electric field imprint for Alice to measure, allowing the FR thought experiment to go through as it was originally proposed. This leaves higher moments (e.g. electric or magnetic dipoles or quadrupoles) that could still be detected by Alice, but one could in principle cancel those as well out to some finite order. At the monopole level, however, since there are no negative masses available in general relativity to screen the gravitational field, we don’t have measurement systems that are uncharged under the Poincaré group. Therefore the key question is whether such a screening procedure can work at all for gravitationally charged measurement devices? We now turn to this question.
4. Gravitationally Gauge Invariant Observables and the FR Thought Experiment
4.1. Background
Similar to the electromagnetic case, gravity also possesses a gauge symmetry: diffeomorphism invariance. Local fields are not diffeomorphism invariant. For example, let Φ(x) be a local, massive, scalar field. Under a diffeomorphism f:ℳ→ℳ, Φ(x) transforms as,
One can examine the full diffeomorphism-invariance of general relativity but, since the fields are weak in the FR thought experiment, it will suffice to consider diffeomorphism invariance in linearized gravity, up to first-order in Newton’s constant G. We, therefore, work with perturbations around Minkowski space such that the metric is given by
Any field excitation that is diffeomorphism invariant must have a vanishing variation under diffeomorphisms, i.e. for a scalar field
One can now determine the form of Va(x) that allows local field excitations to be diffeomorphism invariant. Applying the logic from Ref. 22, let Va(x) be a linear functional of the metric perturbation over the spacetime volume. The dressing takes the form,
4.2. Consequences for the FR thought experiment
As in the electromagnetic case, the question for the construction of the FR thought experiment is whether there exists an f that has local support given some measurement apparatus. In general relativity, there is also a dressing theorem,26 which states that if a matter distribution in a compact region has nonvanishing Poincaré charge, then the gravitational field depends on the asymptotic metric, i.e. there are no local functions f such that Va(x) and hence ˜Φ(x), the gauge-invariant operator, is of compact support. Therefore any measurement device that stores information in, e.g. the energy eigenstate of a detector or the spin of a particle, would generate a gravitational field that extends to infinity (with some falloff). In this situation, the problem is the same as the charged electromagnetic case—there is no gauge-invariant construction of the paradox since the field measured by Alice must be compatible with her belief that Bob measures w=fail and this would violate at least one of the constraint equations of general relativity.
The key question is then: can Bob make a measurement and store information in such a way that, outside his local region, the gravitational field is indifferent to the results of the measurement? In other words, is it possible to screen the gravitational field? Gravitational screening has been investigated by a number of authors. Carlotto and Schoen proved that one can construct classical solutions to the vacuum Einstein equations that satisfy the constraint equations and have support only in conical regions.27 This allowed them to build global solutions by gluing; where two regions of nontrivial gravitational field are separated by a region of flat space for an arbitrarily long time T. Similar vacuum solutions have been found that are identical to the Schwarzschild-AdS spacetime outside a bounded region on a spacelike slice but differ inside.28 However, such solutions share a generic feature: they are nonanalytic somewhere in the spacetime and, as pointed out in Ref. 13, quantum gravity theories that have unitarity can forbid nonanalytic solutions. For our purposes, the relevant arena to examine this line of reasoning is in the perturbative regime, which has been explored in Ref. 29 and which we paraphrase below.
Consider a neighborhood U containing a local state |ψ〉 and an ϵ-extended neighborhood Uϵ, such that U⊂Uϵ. One can construct, up to first-order in κ, a split gravitational dressing that shields information from observers outside of Uϵ. Specifically, outside Uϵ, the gravitational field is only a function of the total Poincaré charges of the fields inside U. Therefore if two states |ψ1〉 and |ψ2〉 share the same Poincaré charge, they are indistinguishable to an outside observer, i.e.
We now ask if such a pair of states can contain information. We have already seen the issue with charged fields, so let us consider uncharged fields that contain information strictly in the gravitational sector. We will let the region U be Bob’s local measuring device. Assign the states |ψ1〉,|ψ2〉 to |ok〉,|fail〉, and let the information stored in the classically stable measuring device be stored in two differing energy–momentum tensors inside Bob’s region, call them Tnab=〈ψn|ˆTab|ψn〉 for n=1,2. This then also implies that inside Bob’s region, the gravitational fields must also differ, i.e. inside Uϵ,
4.3. Inconsistency of the weak field general relativistic approximation
The argument above is not self-consistent, however. In order for the linearized, weak-field approximation to properly reflect gauge invariance, via imposition of the general relativistic constraint equation, we need two things to hold. First, the perturbations hab that are solutions to the quadratic action need to be small so that the full action is well approximated by the quadratic action. Second, the derivatives of the perturbations also must remain small. If they do not, then one cannot use the quadratic approximation to the general relativistic action, and corresponding constraint equations, but instead must use a quantum-corrected effective action that includes higher curvature terms. Note there are higher curvature corrections that are still quadratic in hab. As an example, consider the addition of a putative, quantum gravity-induced, subdominant Weyl squared term to the Einstein–Hilbert action
The quadratic action in the Newtonian gauge30 is then
Let us examine the localization procedure on gravitational states relevant for the FR thought experiment, i.e. those defined in (28), in this context. First, since we assume hab is time-independent, we can ignore any time derivatives. Now consider the difference Δhab=〈ok|hab|ok〉−〈fail|hab|fail〉 over the whole spacetime. The function Δhab is of compact support, as it is nonzero inside Uϵ and identically zero outside, by construction. Therefore, it is nonanalytic by construction. In the linearized approximation, superposition holds and thus Δhab is also a solution to the linearized constraint equations. If one is to be able to neglect higher curvature terms then the nth derivative of Δhab must grow no faster than a polynomial in n. In other words, there exists some mass scale M<MPl, such that ∂nhab/∂xn<Mn. Only if this is true will higher curvature terms (with generic O(1) coefficients) evaluated on the lowest order solutions remain subdominant to the Einstein–Hilbert term. Only then can the general relativistic approximation and use of the corresponding constraint equations remain valid.
However, since Δhab is a function of compact support and nonanalytic, its derivatives must violate precisely this condition! Real analytic functions, f(x), satisfy the following property31: for each point x0 within the domain of f(x), there exists a neighborhood 𝒱 of x0 such that
The consequence of this argument is that one cannot state that a nonanalytic solution to linearized general relativity of compact support is an actual solution of quantum gravity. In other words, there is no way to consistently implement a weak gravity, gauge invariant construction of a paradox within the framework of general relativity, neglecting higher curvature quantum gravity corrections.
4.4. Boundary unitarity versus nonanalytic, localized solutions
The above argument is analogous to the path leading to the chronology protection conjecture where a paradox even in low curvature regions leads unavoidably to quantum gravity. Of course, this does not, by itself, lead to any conclusion on whether or not the construction is possible in quantum gravity. One has to invoke additional assumptions about quantum gravity to make progress. We examine below how the principle of boundary unitarity, a proposed property of holographic quantum gravity, sheds light on this latter question.
The FR thought experiment generates a paradox by isolating two observers, allowing each to make measurements with certainty, stably record the results, and then meet. We have shown that whether one can formulate this procedure in a gauge-invariant manner is sensitive to the behavior of higher curvature terms and is hence a question for quantum gravity. It is illuminating to ask whether there are any other resolutions to paradoxes in gravitational physics that involve diffeomorphism invariance, nonanalytic behavior, and unitary evolution. Marolf12 has examined the consequences of diffeomorphism invariance, which yields a property of quantum gravity known as boundary unitarity. This property has been proposed as a solution to the infaller paradox of black hole physics.13
Consider the classical, diffeomorphism-invariant, general relativistic Hamiltonian
Can the same be said for quantum gravity? Assuming the quantum gravitational Hamiltonian—whatever it may be—is diffeomorphism invariant, mirroring the structure of (32), and the constraint algebra is closed under the commutator, then the evolution of boundary observables is given by
The two evolution equations, (33) and (34), are similar. However there is a key difference—while the classical evolution equation admits solutions that are nonanalytic in time, the quantum evolution equation does not. Indeed, the Hamiltonian would be an element of 𝒜∂, as would be the commutator of the Hamiltonian with any other observable. Thus, (34) would be an element of 𝒜∂ as well. This implies that the boundary algebra associated with quantum gravity is closed under unitary evolution. In particular, quantum mechanically, the solution to (34) for an observable O is
Boundary unitarity forbids nonanalytic behavior in time, while the FR thought experiment yields nonanalytic behavior on a spatial slice. One can, of course, translate the nonanalytic, spacelike solutions of compact support to the boundary by considering one of the localized, weak field solutions necessary for the FR thought experiment and allowing it to propagate outwards. Since the excitation is localized, upon arrival at the boundary, or in some suitable asymptotic region, it would constitute new information and generate nonanalytic behavior in time. The gravitational degrees of freedom would be static and consistent with the background spacetime up until some time t, then, upon arrival of the excitation, suddenly change, i.e. behave nonanalytically, which would be forbidden by boundary unitarity. Hence, if boundary unitarity holds for quantum gravity, the local excitations necessary for the FR paradox to even be stated would be forbidden.
5. Conclusions
The FR thought experiment generates a paradox between two local observers in the absence of gravity. However, any thought experiment, especially those that draw deep conclusions about quantum mechanics, should employ gauge-invariant observables to ensure that the conclusions are gauge-invariant. We implemented the gauge symmetry of general relativity, diffeomorphism invariance, on the observables in the FR thought experiment under the assumptions of the experiment, at first order in Newton’s constant. Perhaps contrary to expectations, such a perturbative construction winds up not being self-consistent; the necessary solutions were sensitive to higher curvature and quantum gravity due to their nonanalytic nature. This result is similar to the results of other paradoxes in weak-field gravity. The paradox in the FR thought experiment can be argued to be ill-posed and irrelevant to our universe if quantum gravity forbids nonanalytic, bulk solutions, similar to how the principle of boundary unitarity forbids nonanalytic solutions in time.13 The paradox also technically requires a quantum gravitational framework, even starting from weak field gravity, analogous to how semi-classical gravity breaks down even in low curvature spacetimes with closed timelike curves and grandfather paradoxes.10
Note that no individual piece of what we used was inherently not self-consistent. Without gravity, the local excitations necessary for the FR experiment are perfectly valid. Similarly, the construction of diffeomorphism-invariant observables, at first order in Newton’s constant, is perfectly well defined. It is only the combination of the two that leads one to difficulty. Specifically, when one combines certainty, which implies exact knowledge of the gravitational field on a hypersurface, stability, which implies that the knowledge can be kept immutably in a time-independent manner, and a discrepancy in gravitational observations between two separated observers does one find that the resulting construction cannot be made diffeomorphism invariant in a way that is not sensitive to quantum gravity. Furthermore, if quantum gravity satisfies boundary unitarity, then there would be no possible construction of the FR thought experiment that is gauge invariant.
To conclude, we point out one more similarity with the infaller paradox. There is an additional way to “resolve” the paradox in the FR thought experiment with local excitations if one desired to enforce their existence. Using the same assumptions about certainty and stability as before, let Alice and Bob classically record two different measurements from the same experiment, resulting in their respective, local stress-energy tensors to differ. It follows that Alice’s and Bob’s spacetime regions are described by differing local metrics, gAab for Alice and gBab for Bob. Assuming a vacuum between Alice and Bob, one could solve the respective constraint equations to extend their metric solutions uniquely onto the three-dimensional spacelike hypersurface at some time t. One can’t do this globally, of course, and therefore along some (otherwise arbitrary) 2D surface γ that intersects every curve between Alice and Bob one must have a discontinuity in the metric. The metric that describes the total spacetime is then gab=Θ(x)gAab+Θ(−ℓ)gBab, where we have chosen for convenience the boundary surface γ to be at x=0. Since the metric is discontinuous substituting it into the Einstein equations would generate a divergent stress energy tensor along γ, similar to a firewall. This would be the necessary energy–momentum configuration to keep local excitations while maintaining gauge invariance. We do not, however, espouse this “solution”, but rather argue instead that the construction itself cannot be made gauge invariant and that such a solution would amount to a misunderstanding of the quantum gravitational Hilbert space.
This research was supported in part by DOE Grant DE-SC0020220. We thank Jon Cheyne for reading a draft of this paper.
David Mattingly https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6911-3383
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