The bases of the translation invariant shell model are used to construct the ground-state wave functions of 3T, 5He and 6Li. For 3T the bases used correspond to the number of quanta of excitation N up to ten. For 5He and 6Li the bases used correspond to the number of quanta of excitation N up to six. The model is applied to calculate the binding energy and the root mean square radius for 3T, 5He and 6Li nuclei. The residual interactions used consist of central, tensor, spin-orbit and quadratic spin-orbit terms with Gaussian radial dependence. The parameters of these interactions are chosen in such away that they represent the long range attraction and the short range repulsion of nucleon interactions. It was found that this potential is more suitable for calculating the characteristics of these nuclei, and better than other potentials, such as our previous potentials which were represented by the parameters of long range attraction forces only. For 3T we obtained good agreement between calculated and experimental values of both the ground state binding energy and the root mean square radius. For 5He and 6Li nuclei we obtained an acceptable improvement with these calculations over other potentials.
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