The reaction 96Mo(d, p)97Mo has been studied at 12 MeV using the tandem Van de Graaff accelerator and a multi-channel magnetic spectrograph at the Atomic Weapon Research Establishment, Aldermaston, England. Angular distributions of protons are measured at 12 different angles from 5° to 87.5° at an interval of 7.5° and the reaction products are detected in nuclear emulsion plates. Thirty levels in the energy range from 0.000 to 2.458 MeV have been observed and absolute differential cross-sections for these levels have been measured. The data are analyzed in terms of the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) theory of the direct reactions, and spins, parities and spectroscopic factors are deduced for various levels. Ambiguity in the spin assignments of d5/2 and d3/2 which is allowed in ln = 2(d, p) transition is removed by using the corresponding L-value of the 95 Mo(t, p)97Mo reaction at Et = 12 MeV. Determined value of the sum of spectroscopic factors for transfers of d5/2 neutrons suggests configuration mixing in the ground state of 96Mo. The properties of the levels in 97Mo are compared with previous experimental results and theoretical predictions.
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