The heavy-ion program at the upgraded baryonic matter@nuclotron experiment at NICA
The future gold beams with energies of up to 3.8AGeV from the Nuclotron at JINR in Dubna are well suited to study the equation of state of dense baryonic matter, and to explore the microscopic degrees-of-freedom emerging at neutron star densities. The relevant observables in heavy-ion collisions at these energies include yield and multidifferential distributions of (multi-) strange particles, collective flow of identified particles, fluctuation of conserved quantities and hypernuclei. In order to measure these observables in Au + Au collisions with rates of up to 50kHz, the Baryonic Matter@Nuclotron setup will be upgraded with a highly granulated and fast hybrid tracking system, and a forward calorimeter for event plane determination. The physics program, the detector upgrades and physics performance studies will be presented.
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