Charged particle production in pppp collisions at √s=8√s=8, 7 and 2.76 TeV at the LHC-a case study
We analyze the charged-particle multiplicity distributions measured by the ALICE experiment, over a wide pseudorapidity range, for pppp collisions at √s=8√s=8, 7 and 2.76 TeV at the LHC. The analysis offers an understanding of particle production in high energy collisions in the purview of a new distribution, the shifted Gompertz distribution. Data are compared with the distribution and moments of the distributions are calculated. A modified version of the distribution is also proposed and used to improve the description of the data consisting of two different event classes: the inelastic and the nonsingle diffractive and their subsets in different windows of pseudorapidity, ηη. The distribution used to analyze the data has a wide range of applicability to processes in different fields and complements the analysis done by the ALICE collaboration in terms of various LHC event generators and IP-Glasma calculations.
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