Analytical solution for nuclear plus atomic Hulthén potential — A perturbative approach
In this work, we construct the analytical solution of the Schrödinger equation for a combined nuclear plus atomic Hulthén potential with different range parameters, using the Frobenius method. The atomic Hulthén potential acts as the screened Coulomb potential to represent the very short-range electromagnetic interaction. It is intended to emphasize how the impact of the combined potential in these situations is routinely examined within the context of nuclear physics. The Jost function is calculated from its integral representation in terms of the regular solution. From the phase of the Jost function, the scattering phase shifts for different partial waves, and further differential scattering cross-section and total cross-sections are calculated for alpha-proton and proton–proton systems. On comparing with the existing experimental data, we conclude that the results obtained are in close conformity with the previous works that exist in the literature.
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