Representations of E7, equivalent combinatorics and algebraic varieties
In our earlier work on a new functor from E6-Mod to E7-Mod, we found a one-parameter (c) family of inhomogeneous first-order differential operator representations of the simple Lie algebra of type E7 in 27 variables. Letting these operators act on the space of exponential-polynomial functions that depend on a parametric vector →a∈ℂ27\{→0}, we prove that the space forms an irreducible E7-module for any c∈ℂ if →a is not on an explicitly given projective algebraic variety. Certain equivalent combinatorial properties of the basic oscillator representation of E6 over its 27-dimensional module play key roles in our proof. Our result can also be used to study free bosonic field irreducible representations of the corresponding affine Kac–Moody algebra.
Communicated by I. M. Musson